'''Goblin Kings''' are the highest rank in the Goblin hierarchy.
Goblin Kings emerge every few centuries at most and each time herald destruction and death without fail. They appear to be a naturally occurring phenomenon, a rare individual born out of the Goblin population that has immeasurable talent, much like Goblin Chieftains and [[Goblin Lords]]. However, while Chieftains and Lords can be reasoned with, Goblin Kings are different.
Each one is incredibly difficult to kill and lays waste to every civilization they encounter. They lead massive armies formed from Goblins that emerge from every part of the world and flock to the Goblin King’s banner. Only the combined efforts of nations can stop Goblin Kings, which is why almost every nation in the world has signed a treaty which requires their aid in destroying a Goblin King, should one appear. Such is their threat that Goblin Lords are actively hunted down to prevent them from becoming Goblin Kings.<ref name=":1">[https://wanderinginn.com/2018/06/23/s02-the-antinium-wars-pt-3/ S02 – The Antinium Wars (Pt.3)]</ref>
Goblin Kings are a gesalt consciousness of every Goblin King that has existed at that point, with the First Goblin King's personality being notably dominant.<ref name=":2">{{VERef|10.34 MGF}}</ref> They arise when they learn the truth of Goblins. The Goblin King was designed by the [[Dead Gods|Gods]] as a reason for other species to war against Goblins, though they never planned for him to become so powerful.<ref>{{VERef|10.35 - Pt. 1}}</ref><ref name=":3" />
Once an individual becomes a Goblin King, they become insane with rage, overcome by the single-minded hatred of the First Goblin King compounded by the rage felt by the other Goblin Kings when they inherited this power, and are compelled to destroy the "playthings" and all that the Gods have wrought.<ref>{{VERef|2.19 G}}</ref> The New Goblin King relives the memories of their predecessors before they regain consciousness, during which the original can use their body without their input.<ref>{{VERef|10.36 - Pt. 2}}</ref> The Goblin King is willing to fulfill the desires of his new host so long as they don't contradict his goals and it's within his power to do. Afterwards, the Goblin King will secure the long-term survival and advancement of Goblins to ensure his continued existance, and weaken the bonds of the world to make the the [[Dead Gods]] do not return and execute his rage against non-Goblins.<ref name=":3">{{VERef|10.36 - Pt. 1}}</ref>
After they die, their ghosts are no longer affected by the Goblin King's rage and their personalities revert to how they were prior to becoming Kings.<ref>{{VERef|10.33 MNK}}</ref>
Knowledge of the Truth of Goblins can lead to a goblin becoming a Goblin King on the spot.<ref>{{VERef|Goblin Days (Pt. 6) – Of Dragons}}</ref> However, it is unclear if there are other methods or requirements to becoming a Goblin King. Goblin Kings are separate from levels and classes, and not a function of the Grand Design.<ref name=":0">[https://wanderinginn.com/2023/10/17/9-61-g/ Chapter 9.61 G]</ref>
The Goblin King has access to all the Skills, Spells, knowledge and techniques possessed by previous Goblin Kings. Once a Goblin becomes the Goblin King, they become untouchable by the [[Grand Design of Isthekenous|Grand Design]], which cannot read their thoughts despite how they still possess their classes and Skills.<ref name=":0" /> As such, they stop levelling once they become the Goblin King, so there is no [Goblin King] class.<ref name=":3" /> Their memories from when they become Kings onward are also harder to access by future Goblins, described as 'burning'.<ref>{{VERef|Arcsinger's Memories – Interlude}}</ref>
The Goblin King can see fate and destroy anything. They are also able to alter the thoughts of other Goblins, removing positive memories of non-Goblins that they hold so they will join his war, unless one of the King's consciousnesses resists.<ref name=":2" /> The Goblin King also knows how to harm the divine in battles of perspective, though he cannot bring forth enough different perspective to deal significant damage.<ref>{{VERef|10.35 - Pt. 2}}</ref>
* [Healer] / [Alchemist] / [Chieftain] ([[Velan]] the Kind)
* [Goblin Lord (The Wandering Inn) — Rabbiteater of Champions. The Invincible Knight. True Hero of Rhir], Lv. 77
Note that some of them ( * = ? ) may be Lost after he lost two-thirds of the other Goblin Kings.
** [Cleave the Mortal World] *
** [Dragonslayer's Javelin] *
** [Eyes of the Twin Sun] *
** [Hands of the Uncreator]
** [Lightspeed Reaction] *
** [Like a Lion, He Leapt] *
** [March of Annihilation] *
** [Returning Throw] / [Return Weapon] *
** [Skillbreaker's Blade] *
** [Skysplitting Slash] *
** [Swordform: Master Duelist] *
** [Weapon Art: Titan’s Cleaver] *
** [Body: Greater Bludgeoning Resistance]
** [Body: Rapid Regeneration] / [Rapid Regeneration]
** [Magic-piercing Shells]
** [Summon the Battleship: Full Salvo]
** {{Color|#ff9900|[Wondrous Deed: Beyond Any Limit]}}
* Presumed Skills ([[Rabbiteater|Rabbiteater's]] in present day)
** [Brother, Hit That Target]
** [Form Squad: My Companions Are With Me]
** [I Burned Brighter Ere I Fell]
** [Intercept Mortal Blow]
** [Lightsoaked Armaments]
** [Reinforced Armor (Steel)]
** [Solar Storage – Brilliant Grand Slash]
** [Solar Storage - Raythrust of Light]
** [Squad: Goblin Teamwork]
** [Supreme Aspect of the Champion] (changed from [Aspect of the Champion])
*** [Supreme Intelligence]
** {{Color|#ff9900|[Wondrous Deed: I Believe in Miracles]}}
* [[Sóve]], the Island Queen
** [Realm of the Eternal Tempest]
** [Ray of Disintegration]
** [Arrow of Winter: Glacius Pillar]
** [Mass Transmutation: Water to Wyrm Acid]
** [The Tempest of the Six Wyrm Queens]
* [[Curulac |Curulac of a Hundred Days]]
* [[Velan |Velan the Kind]]
*[[Sóve|Sóve, the Island Queen]]
*Ieriv the Bloodtide<ref>[https://wanderinginn.com/2022/12/25/9-31/ Chapter 9.31]</ref><ref>[https://wanderinginn.com/2021/01/10/8-00/ Chapter 8.00]</ref>
*Maskegrall<ref>{{VERef|10.18 E}}</ref>
*Rabbiteater (in the Palace of Fates)
* Even a peaceful Goblin Lord like Velan, who desired to live together with the other races, turned bloodthirsty after he became a Goblin King.
* It is implied that Goblin Kings can recall the entirety of the Goblin memories.
* There have been 83 Goblin Kings.<ref name=":2" />
* The First Goblin King was also the first Hobgoblin.<ref name=":2" />
* The [[Palace of Fates]] does not simulate the Goblin King. Instead, it projects the real Goblin King's soul into its simulations.<ref name=":2" />
** In one of those simulations, [[Rabbiteater]] became Rabbiteater the Traitor, the Goblin King of Betrayal.<ref name=":2" />
*Ierev once visited a Garden of Sanctuary. It was one that belonged to a Drowned Man.<ref name=":3" />
[[Category:Goblin Kings|*]]