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[[List of Classes]] starting with the letter: '''A''' ===A=== {| class="article-table sortable" !<u>Name</u> !<u>Known Characters</u> !<u>Class Type</u> !<u>Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites</u> !<u>References</u> |- |[Abacus Counter]|| ||service/scholar class||unknown||[ 9.38 TV 1] |- |[Abbot]||[[Shurein]]||leader/combat class||advanced from [Monk], leader of a monastery||[ 8.59 H] |- |[Abyssal Slayer]|| ||combat class||specialized [Slayer], [[Drath Archipelago|drathian]] class used against [[Seamwalkers]]||[ 8.77 B] |- |[Academic Shipcaptain]|| ||officer/sailer/scholar class||specialized [Captain]||[ 10.No Answers and Answers] |- |[Accomplice]|| ||criminal class||basic entry, may be available to children||[ 8.57 H] |- |[Accountant]||Roreen||service class||unknown||[ 7.33 I] |- |[Ace of the Skies]|| ||flyer class||specialized [Ace Pilot]||{{chl|10.34 MGF}} |- |[Ace Pilot]|| ||flyer class||advanced [Pilot]||{{chl|10.34 MGF}} |- |[Acolyte]||[[Pawn]], [[Chesacre]], [[Thaina]]||faith class||basic entry||[ 6.62 L] |- |[Acquaintance]|| ||social class||unknown||[ 9.70 1] |- |[Acrobat]|| ||performer class||unknown||[ 4.17], [ Erin's guestbook], [ 7.43 G], [ 8.54 H] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Acting ...]||Louseg||class attribute|| denotes a promotion from necessity; reported for [Admiral], [Captain]||[ 9.Spitoon] |- |[Actor] / [Actress]||[[Wesle]], [[Jasi]], [[:Category:Actors|...]]||performer class||basic entry||[ 3.24], [ 6.63 P] |- |[Adjunct Manager]||[[Rosencrantz]]||manager class||specialized [Manager]||[ 9.31] |- |[Adjutant]|| ||manager/combat class||hybrid [Secretary]/[Soldier]||[ 6.11] |- |[Administrator]||[[Alrric Kerrfa|Alrric]]||manager class||above [Coordinator]||[ 6.32], [ 7.33 I] |- |[Admiral]||[[Dakelos]]||officer class||high-level||[ 3.23 L], [ 7.Gecko] |- |[Admiral of Loss]|| ||officer class||specialized [Admiral], earned through tragedy ||[ 9.Spitoon] |- |[Admiral of Supply]|| ||officer class||specialized [Admiral]||[ 7.49] |- |[Admiral of the Sea]|| ||officer class||specialized [Admiral]|| [ 8.83] |- |[Adventurer] / [Adventuress]||[[Infinitypear]]||pathfinder class||unknown||[ 2.33], [ 2.Ant 1], [ 2.Ant 2], [ 6.Talia], [ 7.12 G], [ 7.22 D], [ 8.31] |- |[Adventurer of Necromantic Duels]||alt Pisces||mage/combat class, melee, rapier||specialized [Adventurer], combined with [Necromancer] and [Duelist]||{{chl|10.35 (Pt. 1)}} |- |[Aegiscaster] ||[[Montressa du Valeross|Montressa]]||mage class||specialized [Mage], synonymous with [Barrier Mage]||[ 6.58] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Aerial... ]||[[Maksie]], [[Fightipilota]]||class attribute||attribute for flyers; reported for [Dancer], [Flier], [Scout]||[ 6.10], [ 8.Hectval 2] |- |[Aeromancer]||[[Alais]]||mage class||specialized [Mage]||[ 6.18 H], [ 7.29 B] |- |[Aethergate Traveller]|| ||traveler class||specialized [Traveler]||[ 8.38 H] |- | [Agent]|| ||spy class||unknown||[ 8.53 FH] |- |[Aide]||[[Jericha]], [[Zenna]]||manager class||unknown, possibly like [Clerk] or [Adjutant] ||[ 6.36 E], [ 7.24], [ 7.28] |- |[Air Mage] || ||mage class||specialized [Elementalist]||[ 8.37 H] |- |[Airbase Commander]|| ||officer class||specialized [Commander]||{{chl|10.34 MGF}} |- bgcolor="#008080" |[Alchemiaform Oldblood, Grand Alchemist of War]||[[Saliss Oliwing|Saliss]]||crafter/combat class, ranged, potion||advanced [Alchemist]||[ 10.Saliss] |- |[Alchemical Infantryman]||[[Mirn]]||combat class, ranged, potion||specialized [Infantryman] armed with alchemy||[ 8.39] |- |[Alchemist]||[[Octavia]], [[Xif]], [[:Category:Alchemists|...]]||crafter class||advanced [Mixer] ||[ 2.08], [ 6.39], [ 7.Alchemy] |- |[Alchemist of the Ancestors]||Loleith Somberwing||crafter class||specialized [Alchemist] ||[ 9.54 C] |- |[Alchemist of the Guild]||[[Xif]]||crafter class||specialized [Alchemist]||[ 9.54 C] |- |[Alchimagus]|| ||mage/crafter class||combined [Alchemist] and [Mage]||[ 8.80] |- |[All-range Duelist]||[[Toimt Ironvell|Toimt]]||mage/combat class, melee and range ||specialized [Duelist]||[ 9.08] |- |[All-Seeing Honor Guard]|| ||guard class||specialized [Honor Guard]||[ 8.38 H] |- |[All-Terrain Ranger]||Muskrat||combat/hunter class||specialized [Ranger]||[ 9.05 NPR] |- |[All-Terrain Rider]|| ||creature-control class||specialized [Rider]||[ 8.78 F] |- |[Almanac Captain]||[[Cotm]]||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 10.06] |- |[Amazing Liar]||[[Bird]]||leisure class||advanced [Liar]||[ 9.57 B] |- |[Ambassador]||[[Illius]]||politician class||unknown, higher level [Diplomat]?||[ 4.04 K] |- |[Ambush Captain]|| ||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 7.61] |- |[Ambush Commander]|| ||officer class||specialized [Commander]||[ 7.Saliss] |- |[Analyst]|| ||service/scholar class||unknown||[ 9.Death] |- |[Anarchist]|| ||rebel class||high-level [Rebel] or [Dissident]||[ 8.34 R] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Ancient Magus]|| ||mage/scholar class||hybrid [Historian]/[Mage]||[ 7.09 K] |- |[Angler]|| ||hunter class||specialized [Fisher]||[ Erin's guestbook], [ 8.Satar] |- |[Angry Druid]||[[Vrilla]]||mage class||specialized [Druid]||[ 10.24 E] |- |[Animal Feeder]||[[Furfur]]||creature-control class||basic entry||[ 8.35] |- |[Animal Friend]||[[Ksmvr]]||leisure/creature-control class||basic entry||[ 8.25 KH] |- |[Animal Handler]|| ||creature-control class||unknown||[ 5.Interlude - Flos] |- |[Animalfriend Exile]||[[Nsiia Oliphant|Nsiia]]||creature-control class||attributed [Exile]||[ 7.Golems] |- |[Announcer]|| ||performer class||unknown||[ 9.09 P] |- |[Antinium Explorer]||[[Ksmvr]]||traveler class||antinium-specific [Explorer]||[ 9.69 H 2] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Antinium Princess]|| ||ruler class|| antinium-related [Princess]||[ 9.68] |- |[Antinium Queen]||[[Bird]]||ruler class||antinium-specific [Queen]||[ 9.57 B] |- |[Antinium Slayer]|| ||combat class||specialized [Monster Slayer] against Antinium||{{chl|10.25 MG}} |- |[Antinium-at Arms]|| ||combat class||antinium-specific [Man-at-Arms]||[ 10.21 E] |- |[Apothecary]||[[Vhedel]]||crafter class||details unknown, specialized [Alchemist]?||[ 7.29 B] |- |[Appraiser]|| ||service class||unknown||[ 7.33 I] |- |[Apprentice]||[[Montressa du Valeross|Montressa]]||service class||unknown||[ 8.Conversations] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Apprentice... ]|| ||class attribute||special class in apprentice-master relationships, progresses into the unattributed version, probably common among [Craftsmen]; reported for [Alchemist], [Architect], [Baker], [Cook], [Mage], [Smith], [Trader], [Witch]||[ 7.06], [ 7.23 LM], [ 8.Hectval 2], [ 9.11 W] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Arachnologist]|| ||scholar class||unknown - specialized [Scientist]?||[ 6.48 T] |- |[Arbalest]||[[Cotm]]||combat class, ranged, crossbow||unknown||[ 6.21 D] |- |[Arbiter]|| ||judge class (?)||unknown||[ 7.15 R] |- |[Arbiter of Law]|| ||judge class||specialized [Arbiter]||[ 8.22 HE] |- |[Arborist]|| ||grower class||specialized grower/carer of trees ||[ 7.Food] |- |[Arcane Rogue]|| ||mage/rogue class||combined [Mage]-[Rogue]||[[Huntsong]] |- |[Arcane Spear]|| ||combat class, melee, spear||rare, high-value class in Manus military ||[ 8.Hectval 3] |- |[Arcane Warrior]||[[Vess]]||mage/combat class||magic-using [Warrior]||[ 8.Hectval 3] |- |[Arch Bladefiend]||The Killer X||criminal/mage/combat class, melee, blade|| high level, may be a [Slaughterer]-[Mage] consolidation||[ 8.13 F] |- |[Archer]||[[Badarrow]], [[:Category:Archers|...]]||combat class, ranged, bow||basic entry|| |- |[Archer Captain] / [Archery Captain]|| ||combat class, ranged, bow||hybrid [Archer] and [Captain]||[ 6.52 K], [ 7.36 C], [ 8.18 H] |- |[Archery Lieutenant]|| ||officer class||specialized [Lieutenant]||[ 9.59 O] |- |[Architect]||[[Drevish]]||builder/scholar class||unknown - specialized [Builder]?||[ 5.01] |- |[Archival Storyteller]||[[Satar Silverfang|Satar]]||scholar class||specialized [Storyteller]||[ 8.Satar] |- |[Archmage]||[[Zelkyr]], [[:Category:Archmages|...]]||mage class||high-level||[ 6.39], [ 7.02] |- |[Archmage of Grasses]|| ||mage class||specialized [Archmage] ||[ 8.43] |- |[Archmage of Metal]|| ||mage class||specialized [Archmage]||[ 8.81] |- |[Archmage of Sands]|| ||mage class||specialized [Archmage]||[ 8.80] |- |[Archmage of Sky]|| ||mage class||specialized [Archmage]||[ 8.38 H] |- bgcolor="220022" |[Archmagus of Strength]|| ||mage class|| available for [Sinew Magus]||[ 7.26] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Arctic Cryomancer] / [Arctic Ice Mage]||[[Ceria]]||mage class||specialized [Cryomancer] / [Ice Mage]||[ 6.67] |- |[Arena Guard]|| || guard class||specialized [Guard]||[ 8.54 H] |- |[Arena Healer]|| ||healer class||specialized [Healer]||[ 8.48 H] |- |[Arena Master]|| ||manager class||unknown||[ 8.25 KH] |- |[Aristocrat]||[[Salkis Blackwing|Salkis]]||noble class|| unknown||[ 8.31] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Armchair General]|| ||joke class||joke class||[ 8.52 MN] |- |[Armor Commander]|| ||officer class||specialized [Commander]||[ 7.62] |- |[Armor Knight]|| ||combat class||specialized [Knight]||[ 7.47 K] |- |[Armorbreaker]||Wered||combat class, melee||unknown||[ 8.17 H] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Armored... ]||[[Ysara]], [[Walt]]||class attribute ||common class-specialization, possibly coming from a dedication to maintaining personal armor. Reported case: [Cavalry], [Leader], [Mage], [Merchant], [Officer], [Soldier], [Veteran], [Warrior]; probably very common among [[Dullahans]]||[ 6.23 D], [ 6.56], [ 6.64], [ 7.39 A], [ 8.08 J] |- |[Armorer] ||[[Maughin]], [[:Category:Armorers|...]]||crafter class||may be specialized [Blacksmith]||[ 5.31 G], [ 6.13 K], [ 7.04] |- |[Arms Merchant]|| ||merchant class||specialized [Merchant]||[ 7.Tribes] |- |[Armsman] / [Armswoman]|| ||combat class||equivalent of [Soldier]?||[ 8.S&S] |- |[Armsmaster] / [Armsmistress]||[[Dellic]], [[Yvlon]]||combat class||advanced soldier||[ 6.52 K], [ 6.66 H] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Armsmaster of Steel]||[[Dellic]]||combat class||advanced soldier||[ 6.52 K] |- |[Arrow Magus]|| ||mage class||specialized [Magus]||[ 8/62 K] |- |[Artifact Collector]||[[Merlilon]]||merchant class||specialized [Collector]||[ 8.Paradigm 1] |- |[Artifact Mercenary]|| ||combat class||specialized [Mercenary]||[ 9.41 3] |- |[Artifact Merchant]||Xerimedial||merchant class||specialized [Merchant]||[ 7.57] |- |[Artifact Seller]|| ||merchant class||specialized [Merchant] ||[ 8.78 F] |- | [Artificer]||[[Femithain]], [[Zelkyr Amerwing|Zelkyr]]||crafter/mage class||unknown||[ 6.52 K] |- |[Artillerist]|| ||officer class||unknown||[ 9.Spitoon] |- |[Artillery Crew]|| ||support class||unknown||[ 9.59 O] |- |[Artillery Expert]|| ||officer class||unknown||[ 9.Isles] |- |[Artillery Master]|| ||officer class||unknown||[ 8.64 K] |- |[Artisan]||[[Deilan El|Deilan]]||crafter/mage class||unknown||[ 7.18] |- |[Artisan Mage]|| ||crafter/mage class||specialized [Mage]||[ 8.12 T] |- |[Artist]||Calic||artist class||specialized [Sketcher]? also related to [Painter]||[ 6.06 D], [ 6.27 M], [ 6.34 E], [ 7.02] |- |[Artist of Bone]||[[Gewilena]]||mage/artist class||derived from [Necromancer]||[ 8.Pisces] |- |[Ascetic]|| ||unknown||basic entry||[ 8.69 T] |- |[Aspiring Chef]|| ||food-preparer class||precursor to [Chef]||[ 10.24 E] |- |[Assassin]||[[Theofore]], [[:Category:Assassins|...]]||assassin/rogue class||specialized [Rogue]?||[ 6.12 K], [ 7.09 K], [ 7.15 R] |- |[Assassin Leader]|| ||assassin/leader class||leader of [Assassins]||[ 9.54 C] |- |[Assistant]|| ||service class||may be specialized: [Medical A.] / [Shop A.] / Architect [Assistant]||[ 1.01 D], [ 7.Night] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Assistant...]||[[Pisca]], [[Runel]]|| class attribute||special attribute for supporting in a profession, may progress into unattributed version; reported with [Baker], [Cook], [Secretary]||[ 7.50], [ 8.14 N] |- |[Astromancer] ||[[Dragial]]||mage class||unknown||[ 7.Tribes] |- |[Astronomer]|| ||scholar class||unknown||[ 8.10] |- | [Athlete]||[[Luan Khumalo|Luan]]||athlete class||umbrella class? can be obtained from a physical activity class||[ 7.26], [ 8.Rower] |- |[Attendant]|| ||servent class||unknown||[ 8.55 L] |- |[Auctioneer]|| ||merchant class||unknown||[ 6.51 A], [ 7.17 S] |- |[Aura Knight] ||[[Rabbiteater]]||combat class||specialized [Knight]||[ 8.46 G] |- |[Author]||[[Krsysl Wordsmith|Krsysl]]||scholar/artist class||advanced [Writer]?||[ 8.36 H] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Auto Repair Mechanic]|| ||crafter class ||possible [Mechanic] advancement||[ 9.68] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Autumn Knight]/[Knight of Autumn]||[[Venoriat]], [[Ilm]] |combat class, melee ||specialized [Knight]||[ 6.42 E], [ 8.24] |- |[Avenger]||[[Archer B12]]||combat class||obtained in response to high casualties of allies; passed on after the death of the previous owner||[ 8.Hectval 3] |- |[Avid Reader]||[[Yisame Beziin|Yisame]]||leisure class||specialized [Reader] ||[ 8.36 H] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Awesome Innkeeper]|| ||joke class||joke ||[ 6.67] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Axe...]||[[Kerten]], [[Dawil Ironbreaker|Dawil]], [[Dasha]], [[Daly Sullivan|Daly]], [[Tengrip]], [[Inreza]]||class attribute||Indication of using an axe as a weapon of choice; reported for [Captain], [Champion], [Fighter], [Guard], [Thrower], [Warrior]||[ 1.06 D], [ 4.08 T], [ 5.29], [ 6.04 D], [ 6.20 D], [ 7.35 C], [ 7.At Sea 2] |- |[Axehunter]|| ||combat/hunter class||specialized [Warrior]/[Hunter]?||[ 6.66 H] |- |[Axeman] / [Axewoman]||[[Egliv]]||combat class, melee, axes||alternative for [Axe Warrior]||[ 6.67] |- |[Axemaster]/[Axe Master]/[Axemistress]||Anwyne||combat class, melee, axes||specialized [Axe Warrior]||[ 1.02 R], [ 5.49] |} {{List of Classes}} [[Category:Classes]]
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