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List of Classes/M
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[[List of Classes]] starting with the letter: '''M''' ===M=== {| class="article-table sortable" !<u>Name</u> !<u>Known Characters</u> !<u>Class Type</u> !<u>Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites</u> !<u>References</u> |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Macaroni Critic]|| ||joke class||joke class||[ 8.56] |- |[Mace Thug]|| ||criminal/combat class, melee, mace||specialized [Thug]||[ 8.34 R] |- |[Maceman] / [Macewoman] / [Mace Gnoll]||[[Sacra]]||combat class - melee, mace|| ||[ 4.20 E], [ 6.64], [ 8.16] |- |[Mad Clown]||[[Thomas Trautmann|Tom]]||performer class||attributed [Clown]||[ 7.35 C], [ 9.27 RC] |- |[Mad Doctor]||[[Bowom]]||healer class||attributed [Doctor]||[ 10.18 E] |- |<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[Mages|Mage]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>||[[:Category:Mages|...]]||mage class||basic entry, requires education (otherwise see [Hedgemage])|| |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Mage...]|| ||class attribute ||hybrid class prefix, unlike [Magical...] this is the result of consolidation, not specialization. Reported for -[Artificer], [Artist], [Assassin], -[Captain], -[General], [Knight], [Lady], -[lord]/[Lord], -[Maid], [Marshall], [Runner], [Scribe], [Strategist]||[ 5.57], [ 6.17 S], [ 6.22 D], [ 6.52 K], [ 7.18], [ 7.23 LM], [ 7.34 C], [ 7-35 C], [ 7.42 M] |- |[Mage Hunter] ||[[Erashelle]]||hunter class||unknown - alternative to [Witch Hunter]?||[ 6.44 E] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Magearmor Soldier]|| ||combat class||specialized [Soldier], might not be a real class||[ 8.70 E] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Magestone Chieftain]||[[Pyrite]]||ruler class||specialized/consolidated [Mining Chieftain]||[ 5.56 G] |- | [Magi of the Old Ways]|| ||mage class||unknown||[ 8.71] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Magic...]||[[Ulvama]], [[Vors]], [[Deskie]]||class attribute||enhanced class, specialization of a trade with magical means. Reported with [Captain] [Crossbowman], [General], [Merchant], [Paint Shaman], [Spinner], [Strategist], [Trader]||[ 8.02], [ 8.Pets], [ 8.Vampires], [ 9.14 VM] |- |[Magic Gifted]|| ||mage class||basic entry, lowest mage class||[ 8.Hectval 2] |- |[Magic User]||[[Vess]]||mage class||basic entry, second lowest mage class||[ 8.Hectval 2] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Magical...]||[[Erin Solstice|Erin]], [[Lehra Ruinstrider|Lehra]]||class attribute||enhanced class, specialization of a trade with magical means. Possible for [Archers], [Artisans], [Butchers], [Chefs], [Craftsmen], [Horsetamers], [Innkeepers], [Knight-Seekers of Mershi], [Painters], [Scribes], [Students], [Swordsmen], [Warriors], [Weavers]||[ 3.Wistram 7], [ 7.Choco 1], [ 7.29 B], [ 8.30] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Magical Girl]|| ||mage class||hypothetical class||[ 8.41] |- |[Magicbane Superior Martial Artist]|| ||combat class||specialized [Superior Martial Artist]||[ 9.35 O] |- |[Magician]||[[Eltistiman Verdue|Eltistiman]]||mage/performance class||alternate or specialized [Mage] for magical tricks?||[ 5.52] |- |[Magictech Engineer]||[[Aaron Vanwell|Aaron]]|| mage/crafter class||specialized [Engineer]||[ 7.29 B] |- |[Magister]|| ||mage class||unknown||[ 10.Another Time] |- |[Magistrate]||Teveti||politician class||unknown - appointed?||[ 8.20] |- |[Magus]||[[Eldavin]]||mage class||basic entry, alternative class to [[Mages|Mage]] with connotations that can indicate royalty or a bent towards academia.||[ 5.Blackmage], [ 8.Hectval 2] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Mahatma]|| ||cleric class||referring to Earth spiritual leaders||[ 4.03 K] |- |[Maid]||[[Bekia]], [[:Category:Maids|...]]||servant class||basic entry (male equivalent to [Manservant]?)||[ 2.48], [ 3.14], [ 6.27 M] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Maid Mage]||[[Phesofi]]||servant/mage class||hybrid [Mage]/[Maid]||[ 6.27 M] |- |[Maidservant]|| ||servant class||specialized [Servant] or synonimous with [Maid]?||[ 9.14 VM] |- |[Maimed Twinblade]||[[Dorgon]]||cursed/combat class, melee, swords||wounded [Twinblade]||[ 8.19 H] |- |[Major]||Embria's mother||officer class||higher ranked than [Captain]||[ 5.13], [ 6.Embria], [ 6.17 S], [ 7.17 S] |- |[Major General]|| ||officer class||promoted from [Lieutenant General]||{{chl|10.35 (P. 1)}} |- |[Major of the Charge]|| ||officer class||specialized [Major]||[ 9.30] |- |[Majordomo]||[[Ullim]]||servant/manager class||unknown - high level||[ 4.25 N], [ 5.15], [ 7.24] |- |[Makeup Artist]|| ||artist/service class||unkown||[ Hraace 3] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Mammalogist]|| ||scholar class||unknown - specialized [Scientist]?||[ 6.48 T] |- |[Man-at-Arms]|| ||combat class||derived from [Soldier]?||[ 10.Pilot and Knight] |- bgcolor="#303030" |[Manager]||[[Abebi]]||manager class||umbrella class for managers||[ 6.15 K], [ 6.Foliana] |- |[Manifold Emperor of Bounded Threads]||[[Emperor of Sands]]||ruler class||specialized [Emperor], exclusive to [[String People]]||[ 9.32] |- |[Manservant]||Kilmet||servant class||basic entry (male equivalent to [Maid]?)||[ 3.14], [ 3.37], [ 6.27 M], [ 6.45 E] |- |[Map Maker]|| ||scholar class||basic entry (low-level [Cartographer])||[ 6.56] |- |[Marauder]|| ||criminal/warrior class||unknown, related to [Raider]||[ 7.21 KQ] |- | [Marauder of Cloth]|| ||criminal/warrior class||specialized [Marauder]||[ 9.27 RC] |- |[March Commander]|| ||officer class||specialized [Commander]||[ 8.59 H] |- |[Marine]|| ||sailor/combat class||unknown, combined [Soldier] and [Sailor]?||[ 8.01] |- |[Marksman] / [Markswoman]||[[Halrac]]|| combat class - ranged, bow||specialized [Archer]||[ T], [ 4.16], [ 4.48], [ Erin's guestbook], [ 7.21 KQ] |- |[Marquis] / [Marchioness]||[[Xersia]]||ruler/noble class||unknown - nobilitation or inheritance?||[ 1.04 C], [ 6.Titan's Question] |- |[Marsh Knight]|| ||combat class, melee||specialized [Knight]||[ 8.16] |- |[Marsh-Guardian of Gaarh]|| ||combat class||specialized [Warrior]||[ 8.30] |- |[Marshal]||Huges||officer class||high-ranked, similar to [General]||[ 8.68] |- |[Martial Artist]||[[Garia]], [[:Category:Martial Artists|...]]||combat class, melee, unarmed||basic entry||[ 4.24], [ 6.22 D], [ 7.11] |- |[Martial Artist of the Foiren Style]||Lemocles||combat class, melee, unarmed|| specialized [Martial Artist]||[ 9.35 O] |- |[Martial Artist of the Shattering Way]|| ||combat class, melee, unarmed||specialized [Martial Artist]||[ 9.59 O] |- |[Martial Artist of the Spinning Way]||Solekr||combat class, melee, unarmed||specialized [Martial Artist]||[ 9.59 O] |- |[Martial Fury of the Skies]||[[Soloxenethn]]||combat class, melee, unarmed||specialized [Martial Artist]||[ 9.36 HO] |- |[Martyr]|| ||unknown||unknown||[ 9.69 H 1] |- |[Mason]|| ||builder class||basic entry?||[ 3.34], [ 5.03], [ 6.29] |- |[Masseuse] ||Porwinke||healer/service class||unknown||[ 9.05 NPR] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Master ...]||[[Reikhle]], [[Victus]], [[Yesq]]||class attribute||enhanced class. Reported with [Alchemists], [Archers], [Architects], [Builders], [Carvers], [Charioteers], [Chefs], [Engineer], [Farmers], [Potters], [Shepherds], [Skyarchers], [Smiths], [Slingers]. Third Upgrade from [Head ...] of civilian [Manager] classes||[ 6.56], [ 7.36 C], [ 7.40 ER], [ 8.58 PFH] |- |[Master of All]|| ||unknown||rare class||[ 8.77 B] |- |[Master of Arms]||Giqe||officer class||unknown||[ 9.Spitoon] |- |[Master of Artillery]|| ||officer class||unknown||[ 7.47 K] |- |[Master of Swords and Sorcery]|| ||combat/caster class, melee||unknown||[ 8.80] |- |[Master of the Hunt]|| ||hunter class||high ranking [Hunter]?||[ 10.Redblade] |- | [Master of the Moving World]||[[Salthorn]]||combat class, melee, unarmed||advanced [Grappler]||[ 9.59 O] |- | [Masterful Staff Fighter]|| ||combat class, melee, staff||specialized [Fighter]||[ 10.24 E] |- | [Mastermind] / [Mastermind Criminal]||Soot||criminal/leader class||unknown||[ 7.07], [ 7.Gecko] |- |[Masterwork Sellsword of Corruption]||[[Vendyne]]||criminal/combat class, melee, sword||specialized [Sellsword]||[ 9.41 3] |- |[Matchmaker]||[[Pellmia Quellae|Pellmia]]||leisure class||basic entry||[ 8.24] |- |[Mathematician]||[[Yelroan]]||scholar class||advanced [Scribe]||[ 8.30] |- |[Mathematician of the Fundament]||[[Yelroan]]||scholar class||specialized [Mathematician]||[ 10.14] |- |[Matriarch of Herds]|| ||creature-control class||unknown||{{chl|10.31 (Pt. 2)}} |- |[Mayor]||[[Wullst]], Cetris||manager class||unknown - elected or appointed?||[ 3.37], [ 5.21 E], [ 6.63 P], [ 7.16 L] |- |[Mazekeeper]|| ||manager class||oversees a maze||[ 9.69 H 1] |- |[Mechanic]||[[Kevin Hall|Kevin]]||crafter class||advanced [Tinkerer] and [Engineer]||[ Erin's guestbook], [ 7.60] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Mechanist]|| ||crafter class||possible advancement of [Mechanic]||[ 9.68] |- |[Meddler]|| ||leisure class||unknown||[ Hraace 2] |- |[Medic]||[[Kenjiro Murata|Ken]]||healer class||basic entry||[ 1.05 D] |- |[Medical Assistant]||[[Okasha]]||healer class||basic entry||[ 1.04 D] |- |[Medical Liaison]||[[Blake]]||healer class||unknown||[ 10.06] |- |[Medium]|| ||unknown||unknown||{{chl|10.33 MNK}} |- |[Mercenary]|| ||service/combat class||unknown - basic entry?||[ 3.31 G], [ 4.02 K], [ 6.06 D], [ 6.63 P] |- |[Mercenary Captain]||[[Quallet Marshhand|Quallet]]||leader class||hybrid [Leader]/[Mercenary] ?||[ 3.31 G], [ 6.06 D] |- |[Mercenary Commander]||[[Perorn Sadiluc|Perorn]]||officer class ||hybrid [Commander]/[Mercenary]?||[ 8.83 |- |[Mercenary General]|| || officer class||combined [General]/[Mercenary]||[ 8.58 PFH] |- |[Merchant]||[[Merec]], [[:Category:Merchants|...]]||merchant class||advanced from [Trader], almost always level 30||[ 6.19 H], [ 5.Interlude - Flos], [ 6.06 D], [ 3.37], [ 10.13] |- |[Merchant Armsdealer]|| ||merchant class||specialized [Merchant]||[ 8.49 M] |- |[Merchant Captain]||Xenic||merchant/captain class||hybrid [Merchant]/[Captain]||[ 7.At Sea 2] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Merchant Lord]||[[Erill Fienst|Erill]]||ruler/merchant class||hybrid [Merchant]/[Lord] (see also [Coin Lady]?)||[ 5.62], [ 5.Interlude] |- |[Merchant of Curios]||Dellibe||merchant class||specialized [Merchant]||[ 7.17 S] |- | [Merchant Queen]|| ||merchant/ruler class||specialized [Queen]||[ 9.63] |- |[Mess Sergeant]|| ||officer/food prepater class||unknown||[ 6.Embria] |- |[Message Mage]|| ||mage class||specialized [Mage]||[ 9.34] |- |[Messenger]|| ||delivery/traveler class||unknown - specialized [Rider] or basic entry?||[ 4.35 E], [ 6.12 K] [ 6.27 M], [ 7.27] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Metallurgist]|| ||scholar class||unknown||[ 7.01] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Method Actor] / [Method Actress]|| ||performer class||advanced/specialized [Actor]||[ 6.63 P] |- |[Midnight Goth]||[[Gothica]]||leisure class||advanced [Goth]||[ 8.Vampires] |- |[Midwife]|| ||service/healer class||unknown - specialized [Healer]||[ 6.05 D], [ 6.06 D], [ 7.22 D] |- |[Militia] || ||unknown - guard/combat class?||low-level, lower ranked than [Soldier], basic entry?||[ 5.54], [ 6.10], [ 9.12] |- |[Militia Commander]|| ||officer class||specialized [Commander]||[ 9.12] |- |[Miller]|| ||food-preparer class||unknown, basic entry?||[ Erin's guestbook], [ 7.05 P], [ 7.Choco 1], [ 7.Choco 2] |- |[Mime]|| ||performer class||unknown||{{chl|10.35 (Pt. 3)}} |- |[Minder]|| ||servant/manager class||like [Carer], for elderly people||[ 7.17 S] |- |[Miner]||[[Earlia]], [[:Category:Miners|...]]||laborer class|| basic entry||[ 2.31], [ 3.02 H], [ 7.34 C], [ 7.43 G] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Mining...]||[[Pyrite]], [[Earlia]]||class attribute||denotes classes specialized in mining; reported for [Captain], [Chieftain], [Foreman], [Leader]||[ 5.55 G], [ 7.43 G], [ 9.11 W] |- |[Minion]|| ||service class||unknown||[ 10.13] |- |[Minister]|| ||politician class||unknown - election and/or appointment?||[ 6.12 K], [ 6.15 K] |- |[Mint-Lord of the New Era]||[[Moltin Grousehawk]]||noble class||specialized [Lord]; Creating a new currency?||[ 10.23 LMGY] |- |[Missileward Lineholder]|| ||combat class||specialized [Lineholder]||[ 8.65] |- |[Mithril Blacksmith's Apprentice]||[[Emessa]]||crafter class ||specialized [Blacksmith's Apprentice]||[ 9.44 P] |- |[Mixer]|| ||crafter class||starter class for [Alchemists]||[ 6.39] |- |[Mixer Cook]|| ||food-preparer class||specialized [Cook]||[ 9.Foody] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Mobile Mechanic]|| ||crafter class||possible specialization of [Mechanic]||[ 9.68] |- |[Modern-Day Boxer]||[[Alber]]||athlete/combat class, melee, unarmed||specialized [Boxer]||[ 9.38 TV 2] |- bgcolor="#303030" |[Monarch]|| ||ruler/noble class||umbrella class for monarchic rulers?||[ 4.02 K] |- |[Monk]|| ||combat class, melee, unarmed||must take on and follow Vows||[ 8.59 H] |- |[Monster Hunter]|| ||hunter/adventurer class||specialized [Hunter]||[ 7.34 C] |- |[Monster Slayer]|| ||combat class||combatant specialized against monsters||{{chl|10.25 MG}} |- |[Monsterparts Chef]|| ||food-preparer class||specialized [Chef] ||[ 8.38 H] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Moral Philosopher]|| ||scholar class|| specialized [Philosopher], joke?||[ 9.09 P] |- |[Morale Sergeant]|| ||officer class||specialized [Sergeant]||[ 8.Hectval 2] |- |[Mortal Champion]|| ||combat class||specialized [Champion]?||[ 8.82 (Pt. 3)] |- |[Mortician]|| ||service class||unknown||[ 8.Pets] |- |[Mother]|| ||unknown||unknown, exists||[ 8.55 L] |- |[Mountain Lord]||[[Swey Veltras|Swey]]||noble class||specialized [Lord]||[ 8.40 CTV] |- | [Mountainrange Sniper]||[[Badarrow]]||combat class, ranged, bow||specialized [Sniper] ||[ 8.65] |- |[Mounted Archer]|| ||combat/creature-control class, ranged, bow||combined [Archer]-[Rider]||[ 8.08 J] |- |[Mounted Slinger]|| ||combat/creature-control class, ranged, sling||combined [Slinger]-[Rider]||[ 8.08 J] |- |[Mourner]|| ||service class||unknown||[ 10.24 E] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Mozzarella Major]|| ||joke class||joke class ||[ 9.62] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Mrsha Expert]|| ||joke class||joke class||[ 9.07] |- |[Mugger]|| ||criminal class||unknown||[ 9.09 P] |- |[Munitions Expert]|| ||officer class||unknown||[ 8.67] |- | [Murderer]||[[Lillian Woods|Lily]]||criminal class||unknown||[ 7.02], [ 7.06], [ 7.15 R], [ 7.21 KQ], [ 7.34 C], [ 7.43 G] |- |[Museum Curator]|| ||manager class||unknown||[ 10.06] |- |[Musician]|| ||performer class||unknown - basic entry?||[ 1.17], [ 3.08 H], [ 6.63 P], [ 7.12 G] |- |[Musician of the Fields]||Errithl||performer class||specialized [Musician]||[[Huntsong]] |- |[Mystic]|| ||mage class?||unknown||[ 9.09 P] |} {{List of Classes}} [[Category:Classes]]
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