== Layout ==
Nombernaught is a gigantic vessel, dwarfing even the tallest ships. The city's exterior is bleak, to act as camouflage in the depths, but grows progressively more vibrant within. It is circular, but there are 'cuts' taken out of the perimeter which makes shaped like a whirpool from above. Its magical shield, emited from jewels ont he central spire and below the city,<ref name=":1">{{VERef|Goblin Days (Pt. 2) – The Pilot and The Knight}}</ref> rivals the protections of a [[Walled Cities|Walled City]].
Entire parts of the city are grown out of coral, some still living and some dead, melded with wood and metal, and many building are made from the hulls of ships.<ref name=":1" /> It has pale spires of worn pearl, towers of magenta-red coral, and roads made of light materials. Pet crabs keep the streets clean. There are elevators of water, used by the Drowned-Folk for transportation across the city. Hatcheries are located at the base of Nombernaught, growing within its protective bubble. There are docks also located on the upper levels.
Nombernaught had been kept in the depths by an ancient relic called Nom's Anchor.<ref name=":0">[ Interlude - Singing Ships]</ref>