Ashfire Bees

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Apista the Ashfire Bee, by Enuryn
(commissioned by Pirateaba)[1]

Ashfire Bees are a type of monsters similar to bees.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ashfire Bees look like normal bees, but with the size of a human face.

Background[edit | edit source]

Ashfire Bees build their nest on the stone walls of caves and their number consists of thousands. Like bees they produce honey.

Ashfire Bees can forage for as many as twenty miles outside their hives, at 30 miles per hour, and further still if need be. They have to, as smaller flowers are far too tiny to provide them with enough nectar.[2]

Caste System[edit | edit source]

Ashfire Bees have a caste system similar to normal bees.

  • Queen bee
  • Soldier bee
  • Worker bee

Power/Abilities[edit | edit source]

Ashfire Bees are considered a Gold-rank threat.[3] Without mages they are practically impossible to kill. They are known for their ability to withstand heat, and the way they can even start fires and burn down forests when they gather together. Should they face off an opponent they can't sting, they will lift it high up into the sky, and drop it.

Due to their size, they can put out an eye with their stingers, and their venom can even kill.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]