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Chapter 2.09 is the 11th chapter of Volume 2 and Book 2, Fae and Fare.
tl;dr[edit | edit source]
Erin wakes up to her inn blockaded by a wall of snow, courtesy of Toren. Eventually, Erin sends him to to find firewood. Meanwhile, she leaves for a shopping trip in Liscor. After her trip, Erin learns that her inn exploded in her absence.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Erin wakes up in a freezing inn, surrounded by a nine feet tall wall of ice, constructed by Toren who never stopped clearing up the snow around the inn. She sends him away from the inn to find wood, while she goes shopping herself.
She reaches Liscor half-frozen and buys some food and clothes from the Gnoll merchants before changing in the adventurer's guild. She talks to Selys and is told how the Winter Sprites are a seasonal nuisance. They also talk about the danger that the King of Destruction might pose to Liscor, and about leveling as a Warrior or as an Innkeeper. Erin tells her about being Level 18 by now, and Selys takes Erin to Peslas' inn, a locale that solely caters to Drakes.
Back in adventurer's guild, Erin gets to meet Ceria and Olesm, and extends an offer for Ceria to stay at her inn once she will inevitably be kicked out from the guild. Then, Erin is handed a bad surprise: Food is even more pricey in the winter, and delivery will no longer be available. Thankfully for Erin, Relc offers to carry some to her inn.
Then, Relc mentions that the very same inn exploded...
Characters[edit | edit source]
- Erin Solstice
- Toren
- Tkrn
- Krshia Silverfang
- Selys Shivertail
- The King of Destruction (Mentioned)
- Peslas (First Appearance)
- Relss (First Appearance)
- The Necromancer (Mentioned)
- Ceria Springwalker
- Olesm Swifttail
- Relc Grasstongue
- Klbkch
Locations[edit | edit source]
- Floodplains
- The Wandering Inn
- Liscor
- Market Street
- Adventurer’s Guild
- Tailless Thief
- Guard Barracks