Chapter 4.38 B

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Chapter 4.38
May 22, 2018
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Chapter 4.38 is the 48th chapter of Volume 4 and the 11th chapter of Book 6, The General of Izril. The B stands for Butler Reynold.

tl;dr[edit | edit source]

Magnolia meets with Bethal, then Rie, and finally welcomes Zel in Invrisil.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Zel wakes up in the Tailless Thief missing the Wandering Inn. He heads to his meeting with Liscor's council early only to find Ilvriss, still drinking, as the only one there.

Zel tries to console the Wall Lord over the death of Periss and reiterates their plan to be cautious when dealing with The Necromancer. Olesm arrives interupting their discussion and he informs them about news from Esthelm: the Goblin Lord's forces passed the city but not without sending a few waves of Goblins to attempt to take the walls. Zel begins to ask Olesm to tell the council that he's leaving Liscor to head north. Ilvriss warns him that no Drake [General] has been further north than Liscor since the last Antinium War. Zevara arrives just as Zel decides to leave and he heads to Celum via the inn.

Hundreds of miles north of Celum Magnolia and Ressa are riding in Magnolia's famous pink carriage driven by Reynold at high speed. Magnolia has Reynold use the carriage's [Flying Wheels] to Ressa's chastisement and they eventually arrive at one of Magnolia's estates. Reynold and Janiva supervise the maintenance on the carriage as Magnolia and Ressa greet Bethal and Thomast. Reynold has a hurried meal before the four passengers return. Bethal expresses her jealousy of Magnolia having such capable servants before Reynold drives them away from the estate.

Bethal tells Magnolia that her Rose Knights had left two days ago before Magnolia has Ressa go through the reports. They go through news of Esthelm and the magic door in the Wandering Inn. They drop off Bethal and Thomast at Neunham before returning to Invrisil. Reynold has the other servants begin maintenance on the carriage when he hears Magnolia learn about the Emperor on Izril. Magnolia, Ressa and Sacra then return and Reynold drives them to the Valerund estate.

They arrive at the damaged estate and pass by the large number of adventurers to greet Lady Rie. Magnolia, Rie, Ressa and Sacra leave for a private discussion and Reynold intercepts Geram from joining. After about an hour Ressa finds Reynold and tells him that Magnolia's other carriage refused to start this morning and hadn't picked up a very important guest from Celum. Ressa orders the butler to take the carriage and head there but he tries to refuse due to exhausteion until Ressa expresses how important this guest's arrival to Invrisil is.

Along the way to Celum Reynold sees refugees fleeing an advance for of the Goblin Lord's army. Reynold decides to intervene despite the risk to the carriage or himself and crashes the carriage into the Goblins. A powerful spell hits the carriage from a black-eyed white-pupilled Goblin in the distance. Reynold activates the carriages [Invisibility Field] and escapes but is still hit by an arrow.

The guest has been waiting all day in Celum and sees Reynold arrive in the carriage that is now covered in blood with a Butler that has an arrow in his leg. Reynold removes the arrow and uses a healing potion. Zel removes his hood revealing his identity to Reynold's surprise as the General asks if he's okay. Reynold reassures him and decides to take a different route back to Invrisil.

Zel falls asleep in the carriage, dreaming of a discussion he had with Sserys after Sserys' first meeting with Magnolia when she brought an army to help the Drakes during the First Antinium War. Sserys expresses his fear of the girl, calling her a monster or a demon or a god at only seventeen. Sserys had asked Magnolia what she wanted and she had given the same answer that the original Five Families gave when they first invaded: Peace.

Zel awakens to Magnolia calling for Ressa to arrange healing for Reynold. Zel exits the carriage and greets the Lady by asking her why she's gone through all the trouble of arranging the meeting. Magnolia tells Zel that her mission is simple: Peace. Zel laughs and then Magnolia invites him in to discuss the Goblin Lord, then Az'Kerash and then the Antinium.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Locations[edit | edit source]

  • Izril
    • Liscor
      • City Hall
    • Celum
    • One of Magnolia's Estate
    • Neunham
    • Invrisil
    • Magnolia’s Mansion
    • Lady Rie Valerund Family’s Estate

Creatures[edit | edit source]