
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
(Redirected from City of Ropes)
Loeri by Enuryn
(commissioned by Pirateaba)

Loeri, also called the City of Ropes, is a Drake city.

Layout[edit | edit source]

The Loeri is a vertical city with walls eighty feet tall. They achieved this because the city was founded on a long-dead volcano, to mine for gold, until they were tapped out and the shafts were turned into living space. Loeri expanded downwards while erosion and [Geomancers] reduced the height of the land, causing the city to rise in height.

The city is also leaning due to an earthquake and a Giant pushing the city once. Due to this, the inhabitants rebuilt around it so they had more of a ramp-wall. Older buildings in the city are shifted diagonally while later-made ones are upright. Loeri has no gates, and must be entered by climbing ropes. They use elevators to import goods, hauled up and lowered down by teams of workers.

Inside, Loeri has shafts, which have opening to pass from one section of the city to another, and honeycombed with stairwells. There are freestanding ropes to attach an anchor rope to a rappel down, though are are also handholds, ladders and ramps available. Rope decorations are common throughout the city.[1]

Culture[edit | edit source]

Loeri respects law, and are very strict in upholding them. They will even let Antinium and [Necromancers] in the city so long as they respect the law, and punish those that break the law to attack them. Visitors are given a marker tally, which is marked in permanent ink for every transgression and must be presented when leaving the city.[1]

Their Watch carry bolas and harpoons attached to ropes. There is also a group of enforcers superceding the Watch called the Gallowsmen of Loeri, who may be lent to other cities. They're known for hanging anyone who has commited serious crimes.[2] They can be identified by the black bindings on their arms.[1]

Ropes are a major part of Loeri. The inhabitants use ropes to travel, and are excellent climbers. For safety, people are obligated to have an anchoring rope in any marked area, and anyone that doesn't is fined. Jumping down instead of rappelling is also forbidden. They sell rope-based products, and have good wool and hemp. Citizens will wear rope decorations, such as lattice-works of ropes on their tails. It may have a practical element of serving as backup rope in case their anchor rope broke.[1]

Buildings[edit | edit source]

  • Cormidoon’s Rock Grill

Notable Residents[edit | edit source]

  • Drinn - Councilmember
  • Yegosi - Watch Captain
  • Zebvron Leywing - High-level [Climber]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]