
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

First of all I totally agree on the point about not making life of editors harder. That's a **requirement** for this new overhaul to work. And I can't emphasize **requirement** enough. There's no point if it's not easy enough.

Second, something good about TWI is that classes don't change overnight : once it's written, it shouldn't change. So it make take some time to set up but adding a new class shouldn't be that difficult. We need to aim for that. The how depends on what SMW/Cargo can offer us

Now about your other points :

  • About class spec/reqs : I agree this is more organic than systemic so establishing a full diagram of classes is going to be impossible. There are however some classes where we're pretty sure they have requirements or specializations and they should be noted (Necromancer -> Deathbane Necromancer and so on).
  • No class type then, fine with me (I was thinking something simple like Combat/Non-combat classes but that's not very helpful, in hindsight)
  • Consolidations : they're pretty organic but then again we would need some kind of relational database for that to work out right. Then again like I mentionned earlier, once the information is there, it should not be updated any time soon.
  • For chapters : we need to decide if we want that in the wiki or if we want to rely on pallandor's tool and link users there. Maybe pallandor can make it automatic like, you link a chapter there (https://site/chapter/6.65) and it displays all classes there, and doing the reverse with classes. Then again we need to see if SMW/Cargo allows us to pull data from an API when you edit/create a page so it automatically generates wikicode that links the chapters correctly.

So if SMW/Cargo can pull info from an API upon editing/creating a page, we could use pallandor's tool to fill the information for us instead of linking to it.