My thoughts

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

My understanding from reading the post is each generic base class would get their own page. It sounds like this is to prevent bloat of overly special classes having their own page, and their data should be under their base class' page instead.
Just a note that doing it the above way, may make it difficult for readers to search for those specialized classes by typing in the search bar (assuming specialized classes are not having their own page).

I'm for each class having their own page (even the specialized classes, if only to store their relevant consolidations/advancement/character info).

As an aside, I just want to note that Innworld's class system seems to be very organic. I.e. there aren't hard-and-set rules on how someone receives a class, which class advances into which, or whether a class is a base class or not (i.e. [Alchemist] may have a class that advances into it someday, like if a character were to go from [Mixer] -> [Alchemist] because the System or Pirateaba felt it appropriate for the story. The wiki's Class overhaul should be flexible to things like that. That wasn't a comment on Axel's post, just something I want us to keep in mind when going forward with this.

My thoughts on the data mentioned in Axel's post.

  • Class Type -- I don't see a way for us to classify this kind of data. Are Class Types a fanon idea or canon to the Innverse?
  • Class Requirements -- Is this for classes required to obtain this class? Maybe we can call these Preceding Class(es). "Base Class(es)"? or "Known Base Classes". "Class Requirements" seem to imply this is a rigid class requirement to obtain the next class, when the System/Pirateaba could just give the class to a character
    • Can be None for cases like [Alchemist], up until pirateaba reveals that another class can advance into [Alchemist], which we can update.
  • Specializations -- Nothing to say on this, seems straight forward.
    • i.e. [Silversteel Armsmistress] is a known derivative class of [Wounded Warrior]. Chapter and character should be noted.
    • [Conditions Met: Wounded Warrior → Silversteel Armsmistress Class!]
  • Chapters the class was mentioned in -- I think that's useful! But may be a LOT to keep track of, if we need to update each class for every chapter that comes out. Pallandor's tool would make manual verification of each mention faster at least. Or we can link to a service like Pallandor's who's already done this sort of querying on the TWI chapters. I'm unsure of a good way for wiki editors to input class chapter mentions without asking too much of them at the same time.
    • Adding a "Classes" field in each Chapter page, much like "Characters" and "Locations" we already have in each Chapter. Editors add the class mention, it gets pushed to the Class's chapter mentions page. Should be possible with Cargo or Semantic MediaWiki. Do we want to ask editors to note that kind of granular data though?
    • A MediaWiki API bot to update this field is another idea, if we really want that data stored on the wiki's own db.

I'm proposing a separate section to show all the Class Consolidations we've found throughout the series:

  • Class Consolidations: a list for known consolidations this particular class is involved in. where multiple classes are removed and then one new class is added, as we discover them
    • Type 1 Consolidation: The class is removed to advance to a different class. Chapter and character.
    • Type 2 Consolidation: The class is added as a result of removing other classes. Chapter and character.

To summarize my ideas above, each Class's page looks like this, in my mind:
Base Class(es) <--This Class's page --> Specializations/derivative Classes(es) Character and Chapter Reference for each class advancement event
List of known consolidations
Chapters the class was mentioned