The order if we keep the same categories: Navigation -> [Wiki Warriors] -> Terminology -> The Innverse -> The Wandering Inn -> Liscor -> Sovereigns.
Ideally, I would suggest keeping seven categories with a maximum of 8 things in it. I will put more things in some suggestions for debate. I didn't put the more spoilery characters that truly appears later (like Yazdil and Kevin/Joseph)
The Wandering Inn: The Wandering Inn (V2+ Building), The Wandering Inn (V1 Building) Erin, Lyon, Mrsha, Bird, NT, Ishkr, Drassi, Calescent
Liscor: Liscor (city), Klbkch, Relc, Krshia, Lism, Olesm, Selys, Zevara, Drassi
Sovereigns: Magnolia, Flos, Othius the Fourth, Laken, Fetohep, Tyrion, Niers, Rags. I don't like that category, because I feel it's a subject not seen enough.
Here is some new categories suggestions:
Earthers: Earthers (page), Erin, Ryoka, Geneva, Laken, Trey, Teresa, Aaron, Thomas, Cara
Adventurers: Adventurers (page), Horns of Hammerad, Griffon Hunt, Halfseekers, Silver Swords, Saliss, Vuliel Drae, Elia/Arcsinger's Bows, Bushrangers
Main Characters: Erin, Ryoka, Horns of Hammerad, Geneva, Mrsha, Trey, Laken, Pawn