Cyclopes are one of the many Races of the Innworld. They are considered a rare monstrous species like Ogres, and are near extinct in the current era.
Physiology[edit | edit source]
Appearance[edit | edit source]
Cyclopes are one-eyed humanoid giants, and can reach heights of thirty-one feet. Their eye has a slit pupil and a ring that runs around the center of the eye and vanishes at the top and bottom of the pupil. Their teeth are oddly flat, suggesting a generally herbivorous diet.[1]
Physical Qualities[edit | edit source]
They have a longer longevity, reaching well over a hundred years of age.[1]
Special Abilities[edit | edit source]
They have unknown powers related to their eye. Their iris and pupil can move independently from one another,[1] and they can fire beams of magic out of their eye.[2]
Weaknesses[edit | edit source]
Cyclopes are a levelless species.
Behavior and Culture[edit | edit source]
Cyclopes are eye experts like Gazers and Medusa.[1]
They used to gather in Eye-Meets, which were regarded as great threats.[3] The last of these ended in the decades after the Creler Wars.