Diamond Swords of Serept

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The Diamond Swords of Serept are Six Relic-class Artifact, each forged by Serept of Khelt.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Diamond Swords consists of Six Relic-class Crystalline Blades, each forged by Serept of Khelt, a Smithing-King beyond mere mortal [Kings]. Each one possesses an unparalleled magical enchantment.[1]

Background[edit | edit source]

TBA From Interlude – Strategists at Sea (Pt. 2)

Chronology[edit | edit source]

TBA From Interlude – Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1)

TBA From Interlude – Strategists at Sea (Pt. 2)

The Six Diamond Swords[edit | edit source]

Banner of Fetohep standing next to the Diamond Swords, by Raoul Solomon.

The Windblade of Serpisel[edit | edit source]

A Green Diamond Greatsword. It is currently owned for life by Venaz.[2]

Enchantments:[edit | edit source]

The blade grands the wielder a speed-enchantment effect like that of a [Haste] spell. This allows the wielder to move like a blur, and swing the greatsword so fast that the arc of the blade isn't even seen. The blade is also enchanted to be light despise its size, and to be able to cleave through metal armor and blades. The only flaw of this miraculous artifact is that the speed-enchantment only works when the wielder is holding it.[2] However, the spell does not elapse so long as the conditions are met.

Threefold Mirrorblade[edit | edit source]

A Clear Diamond Sword, with three reflective mirror leaves on the hilt. It is currently owned for life by Wil Kallinad.[2]

Enchantments:[edit | edit source]

This blade can materialise two artificial clones of the wielder. It can also materialise a copy of any lesser artifacts, like a precast magical wand, that are on the wielder persona. Still as perfect as they are the clones can’t use any of the wielder Skills.

The wielder is connected with all his clones, thus experience everything triple, but they are not unsettled by this, as thanks to all their minds processing everything, it allows all of them to see, hear, and move all at once without any problems. They can also communicate with each other without talking, allowing for instance one to duck an attack that another one had seen it coming.

The clones can also take non-fatal wounds without feeling any pain, and can keep going without any problems. If they take fatal wound like, being beheading, hacked apart or stabbed through the chest multiple times, they will vanish. They also vanish if they get to far from the wielder.

When a clone vanishes, one of the mirror leaves on the blade hilt darken, and until it recharge back, the wielder will not be able to materialise that clone back.

The blade is also enchanted to be able cleave through flesh and metal, even when all the mirror leaves are dark.[2]

Sarcophagus Dagger of Devi[edit | edit source]

A Black Diamond Dagger. It is currently owned for life by Feshi Weatherfur.[2]

Enchantments:[edit | edit source]

This blade can summon from itself shadows that turn into ancient undead Kheltian skeletons champions and protectors, to obediently serve and fight for the wielder. The skeletons are dressed like some ancient warrior of old, have limited speech, and are armed with weapon, like a glaives and a bows. They are good fighters, and if they are taken down, they turn back into shadows to return into the dagger so they can be raised again.[2] There are a number of warriors of various skill levels bound within the dagger.

Even a small cut from this blade is lethal in time, as wounds mortify and kill the victim only to raise them in undeath, as servants for the wielder.

Pact of Temius[edit | edit source]

A Blue Diamond Sword.

Enchantments:[edit | edit source]

This blade can call upon the powers of nature and animals, which is befitting of [Shamans][3] and [Druids].

The Unfilled Cup of Cexila[edit | edit source]

A Red Diamond Scimitar.[2]

Enchantments:[edit | edit source]

This blade can consume the blood and flesh of those it slays, to heal the wielder.[3] This may be similar to a Vampirism enchantment.

???[edit | edit source]

A Yellow Diamond Single-sided Longsword.[2]

Enchantments:[edit | edit source]


Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]