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The Sixth Mind




over 602


The Minds
Bodies of Fellden


Guide of Selphid-kind


Gathering Citadel

First Appearance

Chapter 8.51 D

The Sixth Mind, referred to as Egress, is one of the leaders of the Selphids and is a smith for the Bodies of Fellden.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Egress is grumpy, due to the monotonous work it does. Due to being made of so many ancient Selphids, it is stuck in its thinking and less adaptive than the other Minds, and it knows that. It appreciates mental stimulation.

Background[edit | edit source]

Egress is the oldest of the Minds of the Gathering Citadel where Geneva is kept. It once led other Minds, but voluntarily shifted its purpose when it got too old. It now serves and waits for its name and purpose to shift again.[1]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Geneva met Egress and asked it to create a microscope for her, to observe Selphid cells. Geneva also asked it to create prothetics, but it was uninterested as it would primarily benefit non-Selphids, and wanted to focus on the microscope instead. Geneva kept trying to convince it to make prosthetics.[2]

During the vote to release Geneva to Niers, it voted to delay.[1]When Contradiction learned that Geneva's mind was altered, Egress and the other Minds subdued it after 9 hours of fighting, forcing it to comply.

When the Minds tried to merge together into a supermind, Contradiction revealed it had eaten the flesh of A'ctelios Salash, and the Minds were consumed by a ravenous hunger and attacked everyone in the Gathering Citadel. The Forgotten Wing Company and Tallguard held the devouring Selphid mass back until the Gathering Citadel was destroyed by various world powers.[2]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

As a Mind, it can use telepathy and telekinesis. With its telekinetic abilities, Egress can forge weapons and armour of such quality that only Fraerlings surpass it. It also enchants its creations. Its mental touch is weaker than the other Minds, perhaps due to its monotonous work making it weaker.

Spells:[edit | edit source]

  • [Eagle's Eye]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The average age of the Selphids within Egress is ninety-one years. The oldest Selphid within it is six-hundred and two.[1]

References[edit | edit source]