
From The Wandering Inn Wiki
  • Flipstrike (former name)
  • Fighti
  • Flighti Pilota






Wyvern Rider



First Appearance

Chapter 8.35

Fightipilota, or just Fighti, is a Redfang Goblin [Aerial Flier].

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Fighti has an intense deisre to fly. After the death of Snowscale, she wanted to fly a machine instead, which wouldn't die and whose loss she wouldn't mourn. As a result she began treating her mounts like machines, which made the Wyverns dislike her.[1]

Background[edit | edit source]

After Kevin came to Goblinhome and gave his full support to the Flooded Waters Tribe by telling them everything he new about Earth, the Redfang Goblin, who had listened about the history of warfare on Earth and their fighter jets, would have the yet not named Fightipilota, who had tamed a Wyvern,[2] and all the other [Wyvern Riders] chanting ‘fighter pilot, fighter pilot, fighter pilot, jet pilot’, each night as they went to bed, in the hope of gaining the [Fighter Pilot] Class. She also officially get sanctioned, by no less than herself and Taganchiel to be named Fightipilota, just in case it helped land her the coveted Class.[3]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

She participate in the assault of Tenbault to abduct the Healer of Tenbault, and at the end she and her Frost Wyvern would take Rags, Calescent and the abducted Healer for their escape.[4]

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Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Fighter Pilot] Lv. 17

Lost Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Aerial Flier] Lv. 17[1]
    • Changed from [Wyvern Rider] Lv. ?
  • [Warrior] Lv. ?

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Advanced Crafting]
  • [Aircraft: High Impact Rounds]
  • [Blueprint: Skyshadow-Fighter Mk. 1]
  • [Deploy Parachute]
  • [Flyer’s Senses]
  • [I Can (Probably) Fly That]
  • [Long-Ranged Mark Target]
  • [Proficiency: Aerodynamics]
  • [Share Resistance: Wind]
  • [Sidearm: Three Reckless Shots]
  • [Spotter’s Eye]
  • [Superior Aerial Awareness]
  • [Wing Slash]

Original Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Dodge Roll (Aileron)]
  • [She Flies on Another World’s Wings (5 Seconds)]

Lost Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Aerial Boost]
  • [Aerial Craft: Override Controls]
  • [Aileron Roll]
  • [Cargo: Softer Landing]
  • [Dangersense]
  • [Double Tap]
  • [Flight: 110% Max Speed]
  • [Snap Dive]

Equipment[edit | edit source]

  • ‘Goggles’ helmet: an experimental leather helmet with glass eye-goggles that protects the wearer eyes from being blown out by bugs or grit hitting them at high-speed. It also makes seeing a lot easier.[3]
  • Giant crossbow[1]

Mounts[edit | edit source]

  • Snowscale - Frost Wyvern (Deceased)
  • Coldcream - Frost Wyvern

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • While she appeared for the first time in Chapter 8.35, as the female Redfang who tried to fall asleep while the others chanted [Fighter Pilot] at her, her name would be revealed in Chapter 8.46 G.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Rags) “No…maybe Air Force Major? Ma’am! Sir! Drop bombs! Vrooom!”

References[edit | edit source]