Hell is a place located on Rhir.
Background[edit | edit source]
Hell is where the Demons, Antinium, and Crelers come from. It is a place where no army has returned.
It is a birthing ground for endless hordes of monsters, new threats are a constant that come out of it. There have been attempts to destroy or conquer whatever lies below, but every army that has made the attempt has failed.
While both the Blighted & Demon Kingdom’s know something unspeakable is the source for the monsters that continuously plague their home. No one besides the Antinium, Erin, Ryoka & Teriarch actually know what resides below.
Currently the True Antinium of Rhir keep most of Hell contained. Though their containment was breached when the Blighted King cast the ritual.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- The Hell of the otherworld is not an afterlife, but a place.[1]
- The Demigod of Rhir resides inside Hell, sleeping.
- When the Demigod was partially lucid, it wiped out an entire War Hive in a single second. It slaughtered tens of millions of Antinium before returning back to its usual state.