Huntsong Chapter 2.43

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Chapter 2.43
April 06, 2024
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Chapter 2.42

Chapter 2.44

Chapter List


Chapter 2.43 is the 43rd chapter of Huntsong.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Nervous about Seraphel being in the audience, Cara goes over her routine one more time, activating [Lesser Illusion] to create musical accompaniment. However a horrified Joeired informs her that Skills have a cooldown. With bare minutes before her performance, the Stitch-Man stalls for time as Cara desperately tries re-activating her Skill. But the audience is growing restless, as Rolare still refuses to play while Yoitha’s “experimental music” - which consists of her hitting random objects - is a bust. The Dwarf's hammer trick of catching a spinning hammer tossed forty feet in the air is well received, but she abruptly finishes her act afterwards, which confuses the audience.

Rolairenes finally comes out, but just keeps on tuning his violin string for eight minutes. Dalimont deduces that he’s a half-Elf from one of the villages. He retells the anecdote of the blademaster without peer, a half-Elf who won eight consecutive duels against Named Adventurers with a single strike. However on the ninth duel, the [Blademaster] managed to deflect the first blow, upon which the half-Elf announced his own loss. As it turned out, the half-Elf had only perfected the first strike as a hobby and never bothered to learn a second one.

A panicking Joeired announces Cara O’Sullivan, dubbing her the “Siren of Songs” and the “Duchess of Dancing”

Characters[edit | edit source]

( * = First Appearance)

Locations[edit | edit source]

Creatures[edit | edit source]

Items[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]