Kaaz, or Kaaz Dorem Laegriser, also known as The Kingdom of the Infinite Dungeon, is a landlocked mid-northern kingdom in Terandria, home to many talented [Duelists]. It is also one of the Restful Three.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Kaaz is a powerhouse of Terandria due to its battle-hungry populace and advantageous dungeon. The dungeon has paved the path for multiple named rank adventurers that owe their loyalty to the kingdom. Their people have a penchant for starting honor duels to the death, and their nobles often bring with them different varieties of big cats - lions, tigers, and pumas among others. The heraldry of Kaaz is that of an underground castle.[1]
Kaaz is also home to the Thousand Lances, considered to be the greatest [Knight]-order in the world, which is composed of a thousand highly skilled and impressively equipped knights recruited from all over the world, including Named-rank adventurers and powerful members of other [Knight]-orders.[1]
Locations[edit | edit source]
Cities:[edit | edit source]
- Alazmet[2]
Dungeons:[edit | edit source]
- The Infinite Dungeon