
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Captain Lasc





  • Emerald Signet
  • Kallinad Family


Storm Captain

First Appearance

Interlude – Chess and Ships

Lasc is the [Storm Caption] of the Emerald Signet ship.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He is a young, lean[1] and tall man, with two glinting eyes, has a tattoo that looked like a magical rune on the back of his left hand, and two ruby teeth that shin like fire.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

He is a trustworthy and loyal person as he won’t ever betray or slit out the throats of those who place their trust in him. He is also like most Sailors a superstitious person who believed in luck.[2]

Background[edit | edit source]

He trads with the Kallinad Family, and has formed a relationship of trust with them.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Caption Lasc and his crew were hired by Wil to escort him and 5 of his [Strategists] friends in a voyage, to locate and uncover the various shipwrecks that had been given to Wil by Niers Astoragon.

After making it trough a mild storm in their first week at sea, he went to apologies to the 6 [Strategists] for letting Peki, who unknown to everyone does not know how to swim, fall overboard. After Wil reassured him that it wasm't his fault, he told them a bit about the storms at sea, and a bit about the Drowned Folk.[2]


TBA From Interlude – Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1)


TBA From Interlude – Strategists at Sea (Pt. 2)


TBA From Chapter 7.32 D


TBA From Chapter 7.46 K


TBA From Chapter 7.49

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

TBA From Interlude – Strategists at Sea (Pt. 1)

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Storm Captain] Lv. ? (over 30)

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Ship’s Beacon]
  • [Ship Spell: Bound Wind]
  • [Ship Spell: Depth Explosion]
  • [Ship Spell: Floor of Impalement]
  • [Wavebreaker’s Advance]
  • [???] = The User Summons a Storm. The Storm can take some time to fully form, and it is under no ones control.[3]

Vehicle[edit | edit source]

  • Emerald Signet - Ship[2]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Despite his ship being called the Emerald Signet, he has ruby teeth. It is currently unknown if it is an irony thing or not.[2]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Yerranola) “That’s not that eventful. You want eventful, Miss Selphid? Try meeting a Kraken at sea. Or a [Pirate] ship. Or worse—a crew of the Drowned Folk.”
  • (To Wil) “Lord Kallinad! Are you shipshape? I just need a moment, sir.”
  • (To Merrik & Peki) “Lower your weapons and stop fighting on my ship or I’ll throw your guts overboard and the rest of you with it!
  • (To everyone) “If it’s a challenge, I’ll be the first to take it on. After all—a [Storm Captain] shouldn’t fall behind a student. Even the Titan of Baleros’s students.”
  • (To Venaz) “Mister Venaz. As much as I’d like the duel, I believe it was I who made the challenge. And the [Captain]’s honor must come before a passenger’s. Even a paying one.”
  • (To Venaz) “I’ll fight bare blade and as I am. A [Captain]’s dress. And for you, sir, I’ll let you put on plate and whatever armor you feel’s fitting. I’m confident enough not cut you. Say you touch me once—we’ll call it your victory.”
  • (To Wil) “Call off a duel I started, Lord Kallinad? I’d be laughed off the waves for that. Don’t you worry. I don’t need to bleed the Minotaur dry. Although it would be easy enough. This’ll be a quick bout. Don’t you worry.”
  • (To Merrik & Peki) “Against either of you? I’d dump you in the sea and let the water do the rest! No sense fighting folks who can’t swim, in armor or with feathers.”
  • (To [Storm Sailors]) “[Storm Sailors]! Into the water! Damn this beast back into the abyss!
  • (To Wil) “That’s no ship of the living. That’s an undead ship. And the crew’s long passed.”
  • (To Rasea) “Captain Rasea. I am Storm Captain Lasc of The Emerald Signet. Do you fly your colors for my ship?”
  • (To Yerranola) “The next man, woman, or creature on this boat who utters a word of irreverence, I will sink by anchor to the depths of the sea. I swear on my honor as [Captain].”
  • (To Inky) “The Kingdom of Undead. Ruled by nigh-immortal monarchs. A beauteous place, or so it’s said. For the few that enter. Never conquered; even the King of Destruction struck a deal rather than invade.”
  • (To Wil) “A treasure of Khelt! Now there’s a story worthy of the seas!
  • (To Wil) “Lord Kallinad, lack of the Sailor’s Ration is the surest path to mutiny. I won’t risk it. The crew? They drink the stuff with each meal. You want to imagine what happens when it runs out? Fights will start occurring within the day.”
  • (To Wil) “Your final destination is yours to keep, Lord Kallinad. I’ll sail wherever you point me. If you want to steer us in circles for a few days, you have my command.”
  • (To Begal) “I should have known a crew like this would have one or two traitors. But you served on my ship four years. What did it take?”
  • (To Wil) “We won’t have to. Lord Kallinad. By your order, I’ll use my Skill. A [Storm Captain]’s first and last Skill. It’s an act of desperation. It could sink us all. But if you want to fight—”
  • (To Therrium) “Perhaps. But if you take too long, this [Storm Captain] will brave it. Come on, Drowned Man. Take my treasure off my ship. I dare you.”
  • (To Imor) “And I don’t sail under your command.”
  • (To the 6 [Strategists]) “If any of you were [Sailors]—you’d be [Storm Sailors], Lord Kallinad. After that? After that battle?”
  • (To everyone ) “Drop everything. Drop the anchors. Drop the food! All we have to do is reach the harbor!”
  • (To Inky) “Hah! On your toes, Inky! I heard one of the ships going to Wistram got attacked by a Sea Serpent once! Had to be bailed out by the Archmage of Lightning herself!”[4]
  • (To the crew) “We’ll either get there or the storm’ll tear us to bits before we’re halfway to land! We never had a choice, Second Mate! Full ahead! Until Krakens fly! Each one of you will be a [Storm Sailor] come dawn!

References[edit | edit source]