Peclir Im

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Peclir Im





  • Chamberlain
  • Spy

Elvallian (Formerly)

First Appearance

Chapter 4.25 N

Peclir Im is the [Chamberlain] of the Forgotten Wing Company. Secretly, he was an undercover spy working for Jungle Tails.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He is a fairly nondescript, slightly balding man.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Polite and composed, Peclir outwardly exhibiting loyalty and commitment during his tenure at the Forgotten Wing Company, and faithfully carried out his roles and duties without question.[2] While not a master of subterfuge, Peclir was able to infiltrate and maintain his guise as a loyal [Chamberlain] by virtue of sheer patience. He excels at logistics and management, having been responsible for keeping a large portion of the Forgotten Wing's citadel running on a day-to-day basis, while also assisting Niers Astoragon with managing the company itself. Under his polite front, Peclir hides a ruthless streak, being willing to massacre Fraerling settlements for their magic and technology, and ordering the burning of Talenqual's surrounding jungle to locate Paeth.[3] He is also greedy, desiring great riches to do and become whatever he wants, without having to do the hard work.

Background[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Chamberlain] Lv. ? (High-level)

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Orders from Above]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • He once told Foliana that his favorite food was steel wool covered in honey.[4]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Foliana) “Miss Foliana, if you’re here, I would like to know rather than die of a heart attack like my predecessor.”
  • (To Niers) “Another grand mystery, solved. Well, thank you, sir. I believe I’ll lie down and weep for the grandiose mysteries and designs of the powerful after we’re done here.”
  • (To Niers) “Sir? You may want to see this. Another ‘event of interest’ around Liscor.”

References[edit | edit source]