Rhisveri Zessoprical/Quotes

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

  • (To Hevcla) “You are all not privy to the true value of the royal family’s treasures, [Knight]. I demand only that you find the assailant! Are you Ailendamus’ finest or not? Employ [Trackers]! Employ magic! Must I do it for you?”
  • (To Thirsting Veil) “I will furnish you with the details if I must. You will find this thief. And you will bring them to me. Alive. All limbs intact. I want to know how they got past the protections. My protections!”
  • (To Ryoka) I’ve found you.
  • (To Desinee) “Unacceptable. She can’t just fly off. I don’t have time for this.
  • (To Ryoka) “—not escape. You are hunted, [Thief]! I know your name—
  • (To Itorin II) “Undeath may appall…but you must admit, the style is to be admired. A victor in both grace and warfare.”
  • To Ryoka:
    • “Dragon. Dragon? DRAGON? Did you just call me a petty, worthless, arrogant Dragon?”
    • Why are you covered in mating pheromones?
  • (To Ryoka) “This is a trick. A Dragon’s odor and a female Wyrm? What a pathetic gesture. Which one sent you? Tell me. Right before I kill you.”
  • Thoughts:
    • Of course. Did you think we were like Dragons? You have met one. What a strange creature you are.
    • Strange. This has been an exceedingly strange day. The Deathless awake. I smell my kin I thought long dead inviting me to mate. A girl commands the power of the wind without Skill or class and invokes the name of a king that rules no land in this world. A strange day.
  • To Ryoka:
    • “Please. What kind of degenerate lusts after mammals? Get a Dragon for that—or are you used to it? I know one of them is part of it. No…what a strange weapon. You have anti-magic cuffs on you. They are working. But the wind listens to you. Why does that work?”
    • “Do I look like a thief, Thief? I don’t steal. I earn what is mine by right of conquest and war! You have something valuable. Give them to me.”
  • To Ryoka:
    • You dare to upset my Court of Masks and trespass—I will have your fingernails plucked from your hands and fed to you!
    • You. Have. No. Value! You are a glorified letter! A busybody socialite, like the countless flies demanding my attention! You represent and associate with greater powers. You yourself are worthless. When I wish to negotiate with a higher power, I will reluctantly do it through you. Why should I listen to a word you say?”
  • (To Sophridel) “I don’t know what she summoned, but that coinage is invaluable. I must have it. She is taunting me, Sophridel, but she can’t know what I possess!”
  • (To Oiena and Ryoka) “What? Visophecin? Doing anything unmannerly? What’s going on—it’s you again. Why is it always you?
  • To Oiena:
    • “You had no idea how long they trained! Do you think we just pull [Elite Knights] out of a hat?
    • “Then explain to her what you just said to me. Now, I am leaving. I must deal with that nuisance myself and I shall inform Ryoka Griffin just how much she makes the lives of everyone she meets distinctly worse. Good day, Your Majesty—”
    • “You’ll tell your husband? Go ahead. And I will tell him this is my affair and that will be that. Don’t touch them. Waste four [Knights]? They are mine. This conversation is over!”
  • To Ryoka:
    • “Yes, yes. I abducted you. After you stole from me. And this is my comeuppance. Itorin is not happy. The [Generals] and [Strategists] are whining to me and holding me accountable. Which I deserve! It is purely my fault. And I will pay for it. Right after I vent my frustrations onto you.”
    • “Amazing. You waste so much of my time, and now you want to waste everyone’s? Why would I possibly grant that request?”
  • (To Sophridel) “Have they disrupted the Court of Masks again? I’ll resolve it. Let me see. [Nonlethal Lightning Bolt]. I’ll be right back.”
  • (To the Immortals) “Who? What? Where—damn, I know where. I’m taking control of my body! Tell me who! Don’t all go, damn it—”
  • (Written) ‘If lesser men had not gathered to bring her down, she would have never fallen. If worms had not let her die alone, she would still be here. Mark me. She will be avenged.’
  • (To Ryoka) “They’re free to do what they want. Whatever. Permission granted. You’re not a prisoner of the palace. I, Rhisveri, Duke, authorize you. You want it in writing?”
  • (To himself) “She paid me in words. Heh. Heheheheh. That’s hilarious.
  • To Erin:
    • “You pathetic, foolish little mortal girl. You think to challenge me? You are a gnat, and I am a Wyrm. Never should you have come here; I will destroy you. Your threats mean naught at all to me.”
    • “How dare you come here? How dare you brandish that…that worthless weapon at me? What even is that?”

Volume 9[edit | edit source]