Seraphel du Marquin/Quotes

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Volume 8[edit | edit source]

  • (To Shardele) “Breath tonic, Shardele. You smell like dreamleaf. Were you smoking it by the bushel?
  • Thoughts:
    • If Dalimont can even find her. If she’s not dead, having annoyed the first…[Bar Drunk] she met.
    • How do you think the war is going? We’re losing. We’re slowing Ailendamus from rolling on over us, not winning. I can put it as politely as you want, but you and I both know it.
  • (To Pulcre) “To say it simply, Lord Pulcre—I saw many astonishing things during my time in Noelictus. I suffered heartbreak, yes. However, I was privileged to have met my friend, S—Cara. You may know her as the Singer of Terandria. I survived an army of the undead raised by a rogue [Necromancer]. And I saw an army of the dead rise to battle Ailendamus.”
  • (To viewers) “This…television was not present when Ovela was attacked. Or before that—if it had, catastrophe might have been averted. It is here, though. So, I…would like to say that if you see this, people of Ovela. Friends of Afiele, Cara. Calanfer remembers our friends. To you, and to the Twins of Ovela. To the Kingdom of Shade. It was not long I stayed with you, but I remember it fondly, despite it all.”
  • To Aielef:
    • “They call me Seraphel the Cursed. But I think…no man has ever loved me for being me. They have loved my body, loved aspects they saw in me—never me. Nor did I have a choice. If that is a curse, I think it is not one women find rare.”
    • “…I need not be jaded and complacent about it. If I am to be married off again, Aielef, it should be the one I choose. I will keep searching for happiness, even though my value is long spent. And I encourage your daughters to fight, to find something more than value for their kingdom. Because it matters.”
  • (To herself) “Once this is over, I will find a way to meet you, if I have to hire you personally to tour Calanfer.”
  • (To Griffin Prince) “Yes. Seraphel the Cursed. I think we are kin, you and I. Though your curse is rather more dramatic than mine.”
  • (To Ser Solstice) “You are painfully blunt, Ser Solstice. Thank you for teaching me how to bear arrow wounds. I am sure Ailendamus’ archers will be a pleasant break from this conversation.”