Ostevien is the firstborn son of Novakya, the Griffin Queen of Kaliv. Disgraced and banished, his name was removed from Kaliv's official records, and is now only known as the Griffin Prince.
Appearance[edit | edit source]
He is in his late twenties, but looks younger, like he did when he was cursed.
The black threads that hold together his body are usually invisible, and only surface either when he is injured[1] or when Belavierr threatens his life.[2]
Personality[edit | edit source]
The Griffin Prince has a somber personality, has long resigned himself to his cursed status. He is described to carry a weariness that exceeds those who have lived three times his lifespan.[3] Despite being exiled, he nonetheless continues to protect Kaliv with his retinue, the Wing of Shame. Although the Griffin Prince was willing to die if it meant Belavierr's death, he still carries the will to live. In battle, he is rather indifferent about his own body, taking advantage of his deathlessness to carry out tactics that would otherwise be suicide to a normal person.[4]
Background[edit | edit source]
He met Wiskeria when he was thirteen years-old, thinking she was alone and in danger. An argument ensued where she gouged out his eye, which her mother Belavierr, the [Stitch Witch], healed when she arrived. Belavierr then made a deal with his mother so that Wiskeria could stay in Kaliv, and they become childhood friends. Two years later, she requested Belavierr to grant the Griffin Prince's favor. He asked to be made invulnerable to blades which Belavierr granted by tearing him apart and stitching him back together. The Prince was screaming painfully during the procedure, and was the ultimate reason why Wiskeria left Belavierr behind and became a [Witch].[5][6] His mother exiled him from her palace and named him a disgrace, after this event.
Chronology[edit | edit source]
Volume 6[edit | edit source]
The Griffin Prince regularly patrols Kaliv's borders.[2] His command Kaliv’s Wing of Shame, which is composed of criminals like [Marauders], [Murderers], [Rapists] and and at least 2 disgraced [Knights], who were offered one last chance of redemption for their crimes.[1]
When Belavierr was cornered by the Order of Seasons, she loosened the Griffin Prince's stitches to force his mother to confront the Order. The Griffin Prince himself was resigned to his fate and asked his mother to let him finally die. However [Queen] Novakya complied with Belavierr's demands,[2] although Kaliv's [Griffin Riders] could not stop the Order's forces. In the end Belavierr survived and the Griffin Prince survived to haunt Ailendarmus in it's war against the Dawn Concordat.[5]
Volume 7[edit | edit source]
When [Mercenaries] sent by Ailendamus crossed borders into Kaliv to occupy grassland along the Tergil river, the Griffin Prince's patrol intervened. He killed the [Captain] and they sent the enemies' company fleeing.[1]
Volume 8[edit | edit source]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]
He has little in the ways of Skills and levels, but got experienced in fights the hard way. In close combat, he does so with an axe and a buckler.[1]
Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]
- [Griffin Prince] Lv. 6[1]
Skills:[edit | edit source]
Trivia[edit | edit source]
Quotes[edit | edit source]
- To Novakya:
- “My Queen. This is my punishment. For ever trusting her. Don’t give in to Belavierr. If she is using my life, she’s truly backed into a corner. She wants you to assail the Order to save me.”
- “My Queen. Mother. Let me die, if it is my time. I have brought you only grief. Do not let her ensnare you too.”
- (To Lillian) “I’m tired, Lily. Tell me a story from your home. Another fantastical story.”
- (To Seraphel) “Your Highness, Seraphel du Marquin. You do me a great kindness by allowing us to rest here. I…am the Griffin Prince.”