Lillian Woods

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Lillian Woods









First Appearance

7.21 KQ

Lillian Woods, or just Lily, is an Earther and a member of the Griffin Prince's Wing of Shame.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

She has black hair.[1]

Background[edit | edit source]

She is a murderer from Earth and upon being summoned to Innworld became a [Murderer] and then a [Bandit]. After being captured by Kaliv's law enforcement, she was sentenced into serving her time in Kaliv's "Wing of Shame", being offered one last chance.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

The Griffin Prince loves her fantastical stories. Even if he doesn’t believe them. Lillian Woods tried to convince him to leave his self-appointed guardianship. To seek his enemy. But he had refused. So she started her plans to find either the Stitch Witch herself, and free the Griffin Prince from his curse; or find his once-lover.[2]

She tried to convince him yet another time short before Summer Solstice, but because of Ailendamus' military movements, he stated he couldn't possibly leave; and told her that Griffins couldn't cross the ocean to Izril and that she shouldn't try and kill Wiskeria.[3]

TBA From Interlude – Perspective and Past


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

She uses a bow as a weapon.[2]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Murderer] Lv. ?
  • [Bandit] Lv. ?
  • [Griffin Raider] Lv. ?[2]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Unerring Throw]

Mounts[edit | edit source]

Knives - Griffin[2]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • It has been speculated that she might be the juvenile delinquent Earther who appeared in Interlude — The Great Ritual: The girl disappeared on Earth while being dragged from her cell, just to re-appear in some Adventurer's Guild in the other world. On the other hand, the two young women could be different persons.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Griffin Prince) “Good. Then I won’t kill her. But she has to fix this. Don’t you want to be free of your curse?”
  • (To Aielef) “You bitch! We’ve been dying for months and you won’t even give us a place to rest?

References[edit | edit source]