Tekshia Shivertail

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Tekshia Shivertail
Tekshia outlined by DemonicCriminal.jpg
By Demonic Criminal (Cut-out)

Tekshia the Spearmaster











First Appearance

Chapter 1.45 (Archived)

Tekshia Shivertail is Selys' grandmother, a retired Gold-rank adventurer and the Guildmistress of Liscor’s Adventuring Guild.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

She has dusky purple scales[1] that have become grayer as she aged[2] and is shorter than her granddaughter, Selys.[3]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Background[edit | edit source]

She had grown up in a time when everything was tougher and Drakes took matters into their own claws, according to her. This gave her old-fashioned views compared to people today. At one point she was an adventurer, but she retired and has been running Liscor's Adventurer Guild for 30 years.[4]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

She stepped in to save the adventurers (chiefly Yvlon Byres) who failed in the exploration of the Ruins of Liscor and prompted Skinner's Attack on Liscor from the ire of Watch Captain Zevara.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Guildmistress] Lv. ?[5]
  • [Spearmaster] Lv. ? [3] (probably at least lvl. 30, to be Gold Rank)

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Endless Spear Flurry]
  • [Implacable Order]
  • [Launching Strike]
  • [Spear Art: Tree Limbs Reach]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • While she appeared for the first time in Chapter 1.45 (Archived), her name was revealed in S02 – A.W (Pt.4).
  • She is mostly written as a Guildmistress, and very rarely as [Guildmistress][6], so it's unclear whether it's really a class of her.
  • She is about three times as old as Zevara.[1]
  • According to Relc, she did not earn her [Spearmaster] class by killing another [Spearmaster].[7]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]