User talk:Torenity

Discussion page of User:Torenity

Welcome to my Talk page![edit source]

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Torenity Talk to Me Here 06:22, 29 December 2023 (CET)

Interface admin: Wish list?[edit source]

Any wish list for the site in terms of UI?

  • Image cards on our home page that link to popular pages, such as main characters and Innverse System terminology.
  • Adding icons to the navigation menu items, such as free icons from Font Awesome. I also have permission from an artist to use TWI specific character icons on Erin etc. (as they create them)
  • Getting the "Recent Changes" as a button on the top right along with other page tools, similar to Fandom. Likely requires adding a .mustache file to our skin

*Reskinng SocialProfile to fit our skin...right now it looks atrocious. .less files in the skin. Could take a long while, according to those who have taken a shot at it before.

  • Additions to footer to give credit to any art used in wiki UI
  • Coloring the rest of the wiki as colors are finalized by the admin/community. A few stray buttons remain.
  • Infoboxes could use a touch-up, especially in flowbox alignment. Come to the flowbox side!!

*Z-index of page-actions pop up is lower than the body, when in Visual Editing mode.

Otherwise...anything else you can think of that would be an improvement

Those are all I can think of, at this time

Torenity Talk to Me Here 22:24, 27 December 2023 (CET)

Expend comments on my page with the ... to the right.
Torenity | Posted on Dec 27, 2023 at 1:13 am | Last edited on Dec 29, 2023 at 7:23 am


Bluemoon | Posted on Dec 27, 2023 at 1:15 am

Got it thanks :) Was playing around and looking through the fandom wiki for comparison.

Bluemoon | Posted on Dec 27, 2023 at 1:16 am

Maybe we will continue this in: Since that is the main page for this?

Torenity | Posted on Dec 27, 2023 at 1:18 am

No problem, you can also DM me on Discord if you prefer. Either way works for me. You should have the Interface Admin role now. Lmk if you have questions

Bluemoon | Posted on Dec 27, 2023 at 1:20 am

Yup, same here. I've set up so that I'm easily reachable via mobile, discord or wiki. Gimme a day to get my mail set up for additional line of communication.
