Void Goats

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Void Goat with Eater Goats by Enuryn
(commissioned by Pirateaba)

Void Goats are an evolution of Eater Goats, capable of eating anything.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

A Void Goat looks like a normal black goat with yellow eyes, slightly orange irises and long, black pupils. They look almost as cute as Sariant Lambs.[1] Its mouth can split open at nearly a hundred and eighty degree angle, and it has an orb in place of a tongue.[2] Its teeth are weaker than the Eater Goats it evolved from.[3] It's blood is black.[4]

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Void Goat is an evolution to Eater Goats, and are to them what Gargoyle Bossels are to Gargoyles. It is the apex predator of the lower High Passes, and all other monsters run away when one appears. Even Eater Goats will flee on sight.[2] Eater Goats respect Void Goats as a sort of spiritual leader, an ill omen and a symbol of power.[1]

When an Eater Goat becomes a Void Goat, they shed their size, teeth, and defensive hide and skin.[1]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

All-Consuming Void: Void Goats can swallow anything in an expanding radius into the orb in its mouth. Flesh, stone, the ground - everything.[2] It can swallow projectiles, magic, temperature, Skills, and Miracles.

Stomach Expulsion: In a last-ditch resort, it is capable of reversing its ability and hurl the contents of its stomach, launching compressed matter that immediately re-expands, creating an explosion likened to a tier 5 or 6 spell in power.[3]

High Resistance: Despite shedding its Eater Goat hide, it's much tougher than one.[3] A hit from a ballista bolt will only bruise it.[4]

Threat Assessment[edit | edit source]

Void Eater Goats are the most dangerous threat of the lower High Passes. They are capable of eating even Level 50 adventurers, which is considered the required level range to handle them.

Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

The Void Goat can be hurt with indirect area attacks, such as the shockwave and heat from a nearby [Fireball] blast.[3] It is vulnerable to sonic attacks as well.[5]

It can only continuously maintain its vortex for forty-eight seconds, and doing so exhausts it.[3]

It cannot eat faith.[3]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Each part of a Void Goat is prized by [Alchemists].[1]
  • It's called Hungry Hungry Goat by Goblins.[3]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]