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[[List of Classes]] starting with the letter: '''C''' ===C=== {| class="article-table sortable" !<u>Name</u> !<u>Known Characters</u> !<u>Class Type</u> !<u>Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites</u> !<u>References</u> |- |[Cadet]|| ||flyer class||pre-[Pilot] in training||{{chl|10.34 MGF}} |- |[Cafe Manager]||Relin||manager class||specialized [Manager]||[ 8.34 R] |- |[Caller]|| ||service class||unknown||[ 9.70 2] |- |[Camel Knight]|| ||combat class, mounted||unknown||[ 6.15 K] |- |[Cameraman] / [Camerawoman] / [Cameraperson] / [Camera Gnoll]||[[Davi]], Kohr||delivery class||unknown, needs a Camera||[ 7.21 KQ], [ 8.43], [ 9.31] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Camp... ]|| ||class attribute||attribute for those that work in camps; reported for [Bartender], [Cook], [Smith]||[ 8.25 KH], [ 8.Hectval 2], [ 9.Isles] |- |[Candlestick Maker]|| ||crafter class||synonymous with [Chandler]||[ 9.Death] |- |[Cannibal]|| ||criminal class?||unknown, requires eating your own kind?||[ 9.61 G] |- |[Captain]||[[Quallet Marshhand|Quallet]], [[Tugrim]], [[:Category:Captains|...]]||officer class OR leader class||leader of a company or vessel; or officer of a [Soldier] group||[ 5.20 G], [ 6.22 D], [ 6.30] |- |[Captain of Command]||Vendoramt||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 9.52] |- |[Captain of Discipline]||[[Theilo]]||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 9.23 GGGGGGGGG] |- |[Captain of Security]||Louseg||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 9.Spitoon] |- |[Captain of the Charge]|| ||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 8.08 J] |- |[Captain of the Fist]|| ||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 7.Knight] |- |[Captain of the Guard]|| ||officer/guard class||[Guard] leader||[ 8.S&S] |- |[Captain of the Horse]/[Captain of Horse]/[Horse Captain]|| ||officer/rider/combat class||hybrid [Captain]/[Rider]||[ 7.18], [ 7.37] |- |[Captain of the Last Stand]|| ||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 8.81] |- |[Captain of the Line] / [Line Captain]|| ||officer class||Consolidated [Captain]-[Lineholder]?||[ 8.63 K], [ 8.64 K] |- |[Captain of the Royal Guard]|| ||officer/guard class||[Captain of the Guard] attached to royalty||[ 8.36 H] |- |[Captain of Warrants]|| ||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 9.70 2] |- |[Caravan Guard]||[[Hesseif Tannousin|Hesseif]]||guard/traveler class||unknown||[ 5.Interlude - Flos], [ 7.07] |- |[Caravan Leader]|| ||manager/traveler class||unknown||[ 9.02] |- |[Caravan Master]|| ||manager/traveler class||unknown||[ 6.42 E] |- |[Caravaner]|| ||delivery/traveler class||unknown||[ 4.38 B] |- |[Carer]||[[Lyonette]]||servant/manager class||basic entry, possible restriction to human societies||[ 3.23 L], [ 7.15 R] |- |[Caretaker]|| ||servant/manager class||similar to [Carer]?||[ 8.S&S] |- |[Cargomaster]||[[Dukss]]||delivery/manager class||high-level [Hauler]||[ 6.10], [ 7.33 I] |- |[Carpenter]||[[Daly]], [[:Category:Carpenters|...]]||crafter class||basic entry||[ 5.09 E] |- |[Carpet Racer]||[[Quarass]]||flier class||unknown, probably [Flier] or [Courier] specialization||[ 7.09 K] |- |[Carpet Rider]|| ||flier class||unknown, probably [Flier] specialization||[ 8.15] |- |[Carriage Driver]|| ||deliver/traveler class||specialized [Driver]||[ 9.10 W] |- |[Carter]|| ||traveler class||unknown||[ 9.02] |- |[Cartographer]|| ||scholar class||unknown - specialized [Map Maker]?||[ 2.33], [ 5.40], [ 7.27] |- |[Carver]||[[Jelov]]||crafter class||basic entry||[ 4.21 E] |- |[Castaway]|| ||survival class||specific [Survivor]?||[ 10.24 E] |- |[Castellan]||Divorn||manager class||unknown||[ 8.20] |- |[Cataphract]||[[Beniar]]||combat class, mounted||specialized [Rider]||[ 6.37 E] |- |[Catapult Mistress]|| ||officer class||unknown||[ 7.47 K] |- |[Catastrophe Aversion Strategist]|| ||strategist class||specialized [Strategist]||[ 9.04] |- |[Cavalry] / [Cavalryman] / [Cavalrywoman]|| ||combat class, mounted||specialized [Rider]||[ 4.35 E], [ 6.22 D] |- |[Cavalry Lieutenant]||[[Reynold]]||combat class, mounted||hybrid [Cavalrywoman] / [Lieutenant]||[ 7.42 M] |- |[Cavalry Lord]|| ||noble/combat class, mounted||hybrid [Cavalry] / [Lord]||[[Gravesong| GS Book One]] |- |[Cellist]||[[Violetta Geishart|Violetta]]||performer class||specialized [Musician]||[ 6.10], [ 6.Rufelt] |- |[Chainguard]|| ||guard class||specialized slaver [Guard]||[ 9.49] |- |[Chamberlain]||[[Peclir Im]]||servant/manager class||high-level||[ 1.02 C], [ 4.25 N] |- |[Chamberlain of the Coin]|| ||servant/manager class||specialized [Chamberlain]||[ 9.07] |- |[Chameleon Agent]|| ||spy class||unknown||[ 9.03] |- |[Champion]||[[Rabbiteater]]||combat class, melee||specialized [Warrior], not high-level||[ 4.24], [ 5.49], [ 6.12 K], [ 7.13 K] |- |[Champion Gladiator]/[Gladiator Champion]|| ||combat class||advanced [Gladiator]||[ 8.54 H], [ 9.35 O] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Champion of Blades]||[[Bazeth]]||combat class, melee||specialized [Warrior]||[ 7.36 C] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Champion of the Foos]|| ||joke class||joke||[ 10.18 E] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Champion of War]||[[Salui]]||combat class, melee||specialized [Champion]||[ 8.53 FH] |- |[Chancellor]||Desais||politician class||unknown||[ 8.25 KH] |- |[Chancellor of Coin]|| ||politician class||specialized [Chancellor]||[ 8.36 H] |- |[Chancellor of Foreign Affairs]|| ||politician class||specialized [Chancellor]||[ 9.03] |- |[Chandler]|| ||crafter class||specialized in candles||[ 8.Paradigm 2] |- |[Chaos Schemer]||[[Trey Atwood|Trey]]||rogue/strategist class||advanced from [Plotter]||[ 8.64 K] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Charge Captain]|| ||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 8.35] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Charge Commander]||[[Veldeen]]||officer class, hybrid||[Cavalryman]/[Commander]?||[ 7.13 K] |- |[Chariot Driver] / [Charioteer]|| ||combat class||unknown||[ 6.52 K], [ 7.27], [ 7.37] |- |[Chariot Rider]|| ||combat class||unknown||[ 8.64 K] |- |[Charlatan]|| ||rogue/performer class||unknown||[ 8.60] |- |[Charm Maker]|| ||crafter class||unknown||{{chl|10.30 GGMG}} |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Chatterbox]|| ||joke class||joke||[ 5.07] |- |[Cheater]||Shelly||rogue class||unknown||[ 8.Hectval 2] |- |[Cheesemaker]|| ||food-preparer class||unknown||[ 9.Foody] |- |[Chef]||[[Lasica]], [[:Category:Chefs|...]]||food-preparer class||specialized [Cook], probably at least mid-level||[ 1.07], [ 2.31], [ 4.09], [ 6.Foliana] |- |[Chef de Poisson]||Moirmen||food-preparer class||specialized [Chef]||[ 9.Spitoon] |- |[Chef of Five Winds]|| ||food-preparer class||specialized [Chef]||[ 8.32] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Chemist]|| ||scholar class||hypothetical class||[ 9.54 C] |- |[Chess Player]||[[Antal Fekete|Antal]]||chess/strategist/leisure class||unknown||[ 9.20] |- |[Chevalier]||[[Thomast Veniral|Thomast]]||combat class||specialized [Knight]?||[ 4.06 KM], [ 6.26] |- |[Chickencoop Beast Raider]||Chickenruler||creature-control class||specialized combination of [Beast Tamer]-[Raider]||[ 10.Pilot and Knight] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Chief... ]||[[Ikrr]], [[Ulvama]], Bellien, [[Nerul Gemscale|Nerul]]||class attribute||a manager over those with that class; reported for [Diplomat], [Engineer], [Miner], [Researcher], [Shaman], [Warrior]||[ 5.51 G], [ 7.33 I], [ 8.30], [ 9.15 VM] |- |[Chieftain]||[[Rags]], [[Pyrite]], [[:Category:Chieftains|...]]||ruler class||specialized [Leader], mid- to high level||[ 6.Numb 2] |- |[Chieftain of Countless Skies]||[[Torishi Weatherfur|Torishi]]||ruler class||specialized [Chieftain]||[ 8.Satar] |- |[Chieftain of Herds]||[[Eska]]||ruler/creature-control class||specialized [Chieftain]||[ 8.02] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Chieftain of the Kitchen]|| ||ruler class||specialized [Chieftain]||[ 9.34] |- |[Chieftain of the Maw]||[[Snapjaw]]||ruler class||specialized [Chieftain], combined with [Eater]||[ 8.Vampires] |- |[Chitin Crafter]|| ||crafter class||specialized [Crafter]||[ 9.54 C] |- |[Chiurgeon]|| ||healer class||unknown||[ 8.36 H] |- |[Chiurgeon of Cloth]|| ||healer class||specialized [Chiurgeon] for Stitchfolk||[ 8.36 H] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Choreographer]|| ||performer/manager class||unknown||[ 7.02] |- |[Chronomancer]||[[Nereshal]]||mage class||specialized [Mage], synonymous with [Time Mage] and [Temporal Mage]||[ 1.04 C] |- |[City Crier]|| ||delivery class||basic entry, variant of [Town Crier] or [Crier]||[ Interlude 5] |- |[City Folk]|| ||civilian class?||umbrella class?||[ 8.55 L] |- |[City Planner]|| ||manager class||unknown||[ 9.36 HO] |- |[City Watch]|| ||guard class||specialized [Guard]/[Watchman]||[ 8.09] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Clandestine...]||[[Nailren]]||class attribute||attribute for spies and agents operating away from home; reported for [Chieftain of the Arrow], [Fleshraider], [Observer], [Spy]||[ 9.03], [ 9.36 HO], [ 9.43 L], [ 9.70 2] |- |[Claw Captain]|| ||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 8.48 H] |- |[Clawfighter]|| ||combat class, melee, claws||specialized [Fighter]||[ 8.52 MN] |- |[Cleaner]|| ||service class||unknown - basic entry?||[ 6.50 I], [ 7.33 I] |- |[Cleaning Manager]||[[Silveran]]||manager class||unknown||[ 9.02] |- |[Cleaning Servant]|| ||servant class||specialized [Servant]]||[ 10.11 H] |- |[Cleric]||Theophilus, Jerimy||clerical class||combat-oriented advancement to [Acolyte]||[ 8.Hectval 2] |- |[Clerk]||[[Xonre]]||manager class||unknown||[ 3.38], [ 5.02], [ 6.17 S], [ 6.29], [ 6.42 E] |- |[Climber]|| ||unknown - traveler class?||basic entry||[ 7.12 G] |- |[Climbing Lord]|| ||noble/traveler class||specialized [Lord]||[ 8.74 DR] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Climbing Pervert]|| ||criminal class||hypothetical class||[ 9.55 Pt.1] |- |[Clockmaker]||[[Milaw]]||crafter class||unknown||[ 9.14 VM] |- |[Clockwork Bureaucrat]|| ||politician class||unknown||[ 8.56] |- |[Close-Combat Hunter]||[[Haeight]]||combat class, melee||specialized [Hunter]||[[Huntsong]] |- |[Cloth Healer]|| ||healer class||specialized [[String People|String Person]] [Healer]||[ 9.59 O] |- |[Cloth Merchant]|| ||merchant class||specialized [Merchant]||[ 6.17 S] |- |[Cloth Witch]||[[Qitene]]||mage class||specialized [Witch]||[ 9.18 E] |- |[Clothier]|| ||crafter/merchant class||unknown||[ 7.Choco 1] |- |[Clown]||[[Thomas|Tom]]||performer class||basic entry||[ 1.00 C], [ 7.34 C] |- |[Coach]||[[Joseph Ortega|Joseph]]||manager class||basic entry||[ 8.15] |- |[Coach Drive]|| ||service class||specialized [Driver], see [Coachman]||[ 8.18 H] |- |[Coachman]/[Coachwoman]||[[Randal]]||service class||specialized [Wagon Driver]?||[ 7.Druids] |- |[Coastal Queen]|| ||ruler class||specialized [Queen]||[ Hraace 2] |- |[Coastwarden]|| ||manager/ruler class||unknown||[ 9.16 R] |- |[Cobbler]||[[Tismel Lischscale|Tismel]]||crafter class||basic entry, alternate to [Shoemaker]||[ 6.49] |- |[Cogwork Bureaucrat]|| ||servant class||specialized [Bureaucrat]||[ 8.56] |- |[Coin Lady]||[[Edere Sanito|Edere]]||ruler class||hybrid [Lady]/[Merchant] (see also [Merchant Lord]?)||[ 7.30] |- |[Collector]|| ||leisure class||unknown||[ 10.01 L] |- |[Collector of Thousands]||Tillep||slaver class||advanced [Slaver]||[ 9.68] |- |[Colonel]|| ||officer class||unknown||[ 4.10], [ 6.17 S] |- |[Colonist]|| ||pathfinder class||unknown||[ 9.Competition] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Combat...]||[[Reynold Ferusdam|Reynold]], Hezile||class attribute||attribute for fighting specialization; reported with [Butler], [Mage], [Maid], [Sorceress], [Trainer]||[ 8.64 K], [ 8.77 B] |- |[Combined Arms Strategist]||[[Belgrade]]||strategist class||commanding several species at once, integrating their properties||[ 8.Hectval 1] |- |[Combined-Arms Commander]||[[Cirille Bitterclaw|Cirille]]||officer class||commanding several species at once, integrating their properties||[ 7.35 C] |- |[Comedian]|| ||performer class||unknown||[ 8.17 H] |- |[Comfortable Barmaid]|| ||service class||specialized [Barmaid]||[ 9.08] |- |[Command Sergeant]|| ||officer class||specialized [Sergeant]||[ 9.30] |- |[Commander]||[[Periss]], [[:Category:Commanders|...]]||officer class||lower class than [General]||[ 4.04 K], [ 4.38 B], [ 1.02 C], [ 6.22 D] |- |[Commando]|| ||combat class||unknown||{{chl|10.34 MGF}} |- |[Commentator]||[[Relz]], [[Noass]]||performer class||basic entry||[ 5.54], [ 6.22 D], [ 7.Dance], [ 7.26] |- |[Commodore]|| ||officer class||higher ranked than naval [Captain]||[ 9.56] |- bgcolor="#303030" |[Commoner]|| ||civilian class||umbrella class?||[ 8.50] |- |[Communication Mage]|| ||mage class||specialiwed [Mage]||[ 8.53 FH] |- |[Companion]|| ||social class||unknown||[ 9.10 W] |- |[Company Captain]|| ||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 8.Hectval 2] |- |[Company Commander]|| ||officer class||specialized [Commander]||[ 10.21 E] |- |[Competitive Racer]||[[Cornerer]]||traveler class||specialized [Driver]||[ 9.Relationships] |- |[Competitive Singer]||[[Thelican]]||performer class||specialized [Singer]||[ 8.59 H] |- |[Composer]|| ||artist class||unknown||[ 7.14 T] |- |[Comrade]|| ||social class||unknown||[ 9.70 1] |- |[Con Man] / [Conwoman]||[[Rickel]]||criminal class||unknown||[ 8.59 H] |- |[Concubine]||Chenera||servant class||unknown||[ 8.Revenant] |- |[Confectioner]|| ||food-preparer class||theoretical hybrid of [Baker] and [Artist]||[ 7.06] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Conqueror]|| ||ruler class||unknown||[ 7.27] |- |[Conscript]|| ||combat class||unknown||[ 7.62] |- |[Consort]|| ||service class||unknown||[ 6.Foliana] |- |[Construction Supervisor]||[[Beycalt]]||laborer/manager class||appointed or specialized [Forewoman]||[ 6.47 E] |- |[Consultant]||[[Zeshi]]||service class||unknown||[ 7.33 I] |- |[Contract Scribe]||[[Ezelda]]||service/politician class||specialized [Scribe]||[ 10.06] |- |[Contractor]|| ||service/politician class||specialized [Negotiator]?||[ 8.29] |- |[Controller]|| ||bodysnatcher class||unknown||[ 7.22 D] |- |[Convict]|| ||unknown||captured criminal||[[Huntsong]] |- |[Cook]||[[Garry]], [[Peslas]], [[:Category:Cooks|...]]||food-preparer class||basic entry||[ 3.16], [ 5.21 E] |- |[Cook Helper]|| ||food-preparer class||assistant to a [Cook]||[ 10.02 Y] |- |[Cook of Cornucopia]|| ||food-preparer class||specialized [Cook]||[ 9.Foody] |- |[Cooking Assistant]|| ||food-preparer class||unknown||[ 10.03 Y] |- |[Coordinator]|| ||manager class||below [Administrator]||[ 7.33 I] |- |[Coordinator of Events]|| ||manager class||specialized [Coordinator]||[ 9.52] |- |[Copycat]|| ||scholar class||unknown||[ 10.17] |- |[Copycat Spellcaster]||[[Vormhir]]||mage class||specialized [Spellcaster]||[ 9.37 HO] |- |[Corn Farmer]||[[Lupp]]||grower class||specialized [Farmer]||[ 7.60] |- |[Corporal]||[[Vess]]||officer class||below [Sergeant]||[ 8.Hectval 3] |- |[Corpse Digger]|| ||service/gutter class?||unknown||[ 9.04] |- |[Corpseman]||Dorkel||manager class||related to undead and [Necromancer]||[ 9.41 2] |- |[Corpsemaster]||Rirex||mage/manager class||equivalent of a combined [Necromancer], [Embalmer], and [Merchant] or [Quartermaster]||[ 9.40 GG] |- |[Corrupt Accountant] / [Corrupted Accountant]|| ||service/criminal class||attributed [Accountant]||[ 8.36 H], [ 8.53 FH] |- |[Corrupt Magistrate]||[[Ducaz]]||manager/criminal class||attributed [Magistrate]||[ 8.22 HE] |- |[Corruptor] / [Agent of Corruption]|| ||spy/criminal class?||unknown||[ 8.53 FH] |- |[Costume Tailer]|| ||crafter class||specialized [Tailor]||[ 8.71] |- |[Councilman] / [Councilwoman] / [Councilmember]||[[Beatica]], [[Krshia]]||politician class||unknown - basic entry?||[ 7.16 L] |- |[Councilor]|| ||politician class||unknown||[ 6.12 K] |- |[Councilor of State]||[[Ilhmet]]||politician class||unknown||[ 6.12 K], [ 6.54 K] |- |[Counsellor]|| ||politician/service class||unknown||[ 8.34 R] |- |[Countess of the Court]||Fimila||noble class||specialized [Countess]||[ 9.50] |- |[Counterfeiter]|| ||criminal/crafter class||unknown||[ 10.23 LMGY] |- |[Courageous Survivor]||[[Marquin]]||survival class||attributed [Survivor]||{{chl|10.34 MGF}} |- |[Courier]||[[Valceif Godfrey|Valceif]], [[Hawk]], [[:Category:Couriers|...]]||delivery/athlete/traveler class||specialized [Runner], high level||[ 4.24], [ 4.44 M], |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Court...]|| ||class attribute||enhanced class, appointed position at the court of a [Ruler]. Reported cases: [Alchemist], [Bard], [Mage], [Servant].||[ 6.03], [ 6.15 K], [ 6.63 P] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Courteous...]||[[Normen Callesn|Normen]]||class attribute||attribute for those that display courtesy and politeness. Reported cases: [Knight], [Mugger].||[ 9.07] |- |[Courtesan]|| ||service class||unknown||[ 9.18 E] |- |[Courtesan of Change]||[[Xesci]]||service class||specialized [Courtesan]||[ 8.05 I] |- |[Courtesan of Reflected Facades]||[[Xesci]]||service class||advanced from [Courtesan of Change]||[ 9.52] |- |[Courtier]|| ||leisure/politician class||unknown||[ 4.06 KM], [ 5.20 G], [ 7.21 KQ] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Cowboy Knight]|| ||combat class, mounted||joke class (made up by Tom)||[ 7.34 C] |- |[Cowfriend Milker]|| ||creature-control class||specialized [Milker]||[ 8.Satar] |- bgcolor="#303030" |[Crafter]|| ||crafter class||umbrella name for crafter classes? - also, Goblin-specific low class||[ 2.14 G], [ 6.Titan's Question] |- |[Crafter Mage]|| ||mage/crafter class||specialized [Mage]||[ 8.12 T] |- bgcolor="#303030" |[Craftsman] / [Craftswoman] / [Craftsperson]|| ||crafter class||umbrella name for crafter, artisan and even engineer classes?||[ 3.41], [ 4.00 K], [ 5.01], [ 5.21 E], [ 7.40 ER] |- |[Crazed Inventor]||[[Felkhr]]||crafter class||attributed [Inventor]||[ 9.I&I] |- |[Crew Operator]|| ||support class||basic entry||[ 9.57 B] |- |[Crier]|| ||delivery class||basic entry, human variant of [Town Crier] or [Belldrake], also used as services street vendor||[ 6.00], [ 6.27 M], [ 6.29], [ 7.30] |- |[Crime Lord]|| ||criminal/leader class||unknown||[ 7.07] |- bgcolor="#303030" |[Criminal]|| ||criminal class||umbrella class [[Crime in Innworld|for criminals]]||[ 5.57], [ 10.07] |- |[Criminal Mastermind]|| ||criminal/strategist class||unknown||[ 10.00 L] |- |[Crooked Supplier]|| ||criminal/merchant class||attributed [Supplier]||[ 9.08] |- |[Crop Farmer]||Farmer twelve||grower class||apecialized [Farmer]||[ 10.23 LMGY] |- |[Crossbow Captain]||Ixeth||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 9.34] |- |[Crossbow Speed Hunter]||[[Delanay dβArtien|Delanay]]||hunter/combat class, ranged, crossbow||specialized [Hunter]||[ 9.53] |- |[Crossbowman]/[Crossbow-woman]||[[Stan]]||combat class, ranged, crossbow||specialized [Archer]?||[ 8.18 H] |- |[Crow Witch]||[[Mavika]]||mage class||specialized [Witch]||[ 7.55 E] |- |[Crusader]||[[Crusader 51]], [[:Category:Crusaders|...]]||combat/cleric class||bestowed by a [Priest]||[ 8.01], [ 8.35], [ 8.Hectval 1], [ 8.Hectval 2], [ 8.Hectval 3] |- |[Crusader of the Inn's Faith]|| ||combat class||specialized [Crusader], with affiliation to [[Pawn (Bishop)|Bishop Pawn]]'s religion||{{chl|10.35 (Pt. 1)}} |- |[Cryomancer]||[[Ceria]], [[Illphres]], [[:Category:Cryomancers|...]]||mage class||specialized [Elementalist], synonymous with [Ice Mage]||[ 6.18 H] |- |[Cryomancer of Masks]||[[Illphres]]||mage class||specialized [Cryomancer]||[ 8.53 FH] |- |[Crypt Guardian]|| ||guard class||specialized [Guardian]||[ 9.Death] |- |[Crystal Healer]|| ||healer class||specialized [Healer]||[ 7.22 D] |- |[Cult Master]/[Cult Leader]||[[Soloxenethn]]||leader class||specialized [Swindler]||[ 7.Brawling] |- |[Cultist]|| ||servant class||unknown||[ 7.Brawling] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Cultivation Expert]|| ||combat class||hypothetical class. May exist, see [Cultivator]||[ 8.41] |- |[Cultivator]|| ||combat class||[[Drath Archipelago|drathian]] class for those that cultivate their bodies||[ 8.77 B] |- |[Culturist]|| ||grower class||unknown||[ 8.07 L] |- |[Curse Mage]||[[Hexi]]||mage class||unknown details||[ 7.37] |- |[Cursed Outcast]||[[Takhatres]]||cursed class||unknown||[ 4.06 KM] |- |[Cutthroat]|| ||criminal class||unknown||[ 7.06], [ 7.11] |- |[Cycler]|| ||leisure class||unknown||[ 9.Isles] |} {{List of Classes}} [[Category:Classes]]
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