List of Classes/C

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

List of Classes starting with the letter: C

C[edit | edit source]

Name Known Characters Class Type Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites References
[Cadet] flyer class pre-[Pilot] in training 10.34 MGF
[Cafe Manager] Relin manager class specialized [Manager] 8.34 R
[Caller] service class unknown 9.70 2
[Camel Knight] combat class, mounted unknown 6.15 K
[Cameraman] / [Camerawoman] / [Cameraperson] / [Camera Gnoll] Davi, Kohr delivery class unknown, needs a Camera 7.21 KQ, 8.43, 9.31
[Camp... ] class attribute attribute for those that work in camps; reported for [Bartender], [Cook], [Smith] 8.25 KH, 8.Hectval 2, 9.Isles
[Candlestick Maker] crafter class synonymous with [Chandler] 9.Death
[Cannibal] criminal class? unknown, requires eating your own kind? 9.61 G
[Captain] Quallet, Tugrim, ... officer class OR leader class leader of a company or vessel; or officer of a [Soldier] group 5.20 G, 6.22 D, 6.30
[Captain of Command] Vendoramt officer class specialized [Captain] 9.52
[Captain of Discipline] Theilo officer class specialized [Captain] 9.23 GGGGGGGGG
[Captain of Security] Louseg officer class specialized [Captain] 9.Spitoon
[Captain of the Charge] officer class specialized [Captain] 8.08 J
[Captain of the Fist] officer class specialized [Captain] 7.Knight
[Captain of the Guard] officer/guard class [Guard] leader 8.S&S
[Captain of the Horse]/[Captain of Horse]/[Horse Captain] officer/rider/combat class hybrid [Captain]/[Rider] 7.18, 7.37
[Captain of the Last Stand] officer class specialized [Captain] 8.81
[Captain of the Line] / [Line Captain] officer class Consolidated [Captain]-[Lineholder]? 8.63 K, 8.64 K
[Captain of the Royal Guard] officer/guard class [Captain of the Guard] attached to royalty 8.36 H
[Captain of Warrants] officer class specialized [Captain] 9.70 2
[Caravan Guard] Hesseif guard/traveler class unknown 5.Interlude - Flos, 7.07
[Caravan Leader] manager/traveler class unknown 9.02
[Caravan Master] manager/traveler class unknown 6.42 E
[Caravaner] delivery/traveler class unknown 4.38 B
[Carer] Lyonette servant/manager class basic entry, possible restriction to human societies 3.23 L, 7.15 R
[Caretaker] servant/manager class similar to [Carer]? 8.S&S
[Cargomaster] Dukss delivery/manager class high-level [Hauler] 6.10, 7.33 I
[Carpenter] Daly, ... crafter class basic entry 5.09 E
[Carpet Racer] Quarass flier class unknown, probably [Flier] or [Courier] specialization 7.09 K
[Carpet Rider] flier class unknown, probably [Flier] specialization 8.15
[Carriage Driver] deliver/traveler class specialized [Driver] 9.10 W
[Carter] traveler class unknown 9.02
[Cartographer] scholar class unknown - specialized [Map Maker]? 2.33, 5.40, 7.27
[Carver] Jelov crafter class basic entry 4.21 E
[Castaway] survival class specific [Survivor]? 10.24 E
[Castellan] Divorn manager class unknown 8.20
[Cataphract] Beniar combat class, mounted specialized [Rider] 6.37 E
[Catapult Mistress] officer class unknown 7.47 K
[Catastrophe Aversion Strategist] strategist class specialized [Strategist] 9.04
[Cavalry] / [Cavalryman] / [Cavalrywoman] combat class, mounted specialized [Rider] 4.35 E, 6.22 D
[Cavalry Lieutenant] Reynold combat class, mounted hybrid [Cavalrywoman] / [Lieutenant] 7.42 M
[Cavalry Lord] noble/combat class, mounted hybrid [Cavalry] / [Lord] GS Book One
[Cellist] Violetta performer class specialized [Musician] 6.10, 6.Rufelt
[Chainguard] guard class specialized slaver [Guard] 9.49
[Chamberlain] Peclir Im servant/manager class high-level 1.02 C, 4.25 N
[Chamberlain of the Coin] servant/manager class specialized [Chamberlain] 9.07
[Chameleon Agent] spy class unknown 9.03
[Champion] Rabbiteater combat class, melee specialized [Warrior], not high-level 4.24, 5.49, 6.12 K, 7.13 K
[Champion Gladiator]/[Gladiator Champion] combat class advanced [Gladiator] 8.54 H, 9.35 O
[Champion of Blades] Bazeth combat class, melee specialized [Warrior] 7.36 C
[Champion of the Foos] joke class joke 10.18 E
[Champion of War] Salui combat class, melee specialized [Champion] 8.53 FH
[Chancellor] Desais politician class unknown 8.25 KH
[Chancellor of Coin] politician class specialized [Chancellor] 8.36 H
[Chancellor of Foreign Affairs] politician class specialized [Chancellor] 9.03
[Chandler] crafter class specialized in candles 8.Paradigm 2
[Chaos Schemer] Trey rogue/strategist class advanced from [Plotter] 8.64 K
[Charge Captain] officer class specialized [Captain] 8.35
[Charge Commander] Veldeen officer class, hybrid [Cavalryman]/[Commander]? 7.13 K
[Chariot Driver] / [Charioteer] combat class unknown 6.52 K, 7.27, 7.37
[Chariot Rider] combat class unknown 8.64 K
[Charlatan] rogue/performer class unknown 8.60
[Charm Maker] crafter class unknown 10.30 GGMG
[Chatterbox] joke class joke 5.07
[Cheater] Shelly rogue class unknown 8.Hectval 2
[Cheesemaker] food-preparer class unknown 9.Foody
[Chef] Lasica, ... food-preparer class specialized [Cook], probably at least mid-level 1.07, 2.31, 4.09, 6.Foliana
[Chef de Poisson] Moirmen food-preparer class specialized [Chef] 9.Spitoon
[Chef of Five Winds] food-preparer class specialized [Chef] 8.32
[Chemist] scholar class hypothetical class 9.54 C
[Chess Player] Antal chess/strategist/leisure class unknown 9.20
[Chevalier] Thomast combat class specialized [Knight]? 4.06 KM, 6.26
[Chickencoop Beast Raider] Chickenruler creature-control class specialized combination of [Beast Tamer]-[Raider] 10.Pilot and Knight
[Chief... ] Ikrr, Ulvama, Bellien, Nerul class attribute a manager over those with that class; reported for [Diplomat], [Engineer], [Miner], [Researcher], [Shaman], [Warrior] 5.51 G, 7.33 I, 8.30, 9.15 VM
[Chieftain] Rags, Pyrite, ... ruler class specialized [Leader], mid- to high level 6.Numb 2
[Chieftain of Countless Skies] Torishi ruler class specialized [Chieftain] 8.Satar
[Chieftain of Herds] Eska ruler/creature-control class specialized [Chieftain] 8.02
[Chieftain of the Kitchen] ruler class specialized [Chieftain] 9.34
[Chieftain of the Maw] Snapjaw ruler class specialized [Chieftain], combined with [Eater] 8.Vampires
[Chitin Crafter] crafter class specialized [Crafter] 9.54 C
[Chiurgeon] healer class unknown 8.36 H
[Chiurgeon of Cloth] healer class specialized [Chiurgeon] for Stitchfolk 8.36 H
[Choreographer] performer/manager class unknown 7.02
[Chronomancer] Nereshal mage class specialized [Mage], synonymous with [Time Mage] and [Temporal Mage] 1.04 C
[City Crier] delivery class basic entry, variant of [Town Crier] or [Crier] Interlude 5
[City Folk] civilian class? umbrella class? 8.55 L
[City Planner] manager class unknown 9.36 HO
[City Watch] guard class specialized [Guard]/[Watchman] 8.09
[Clandestine...] Nailren class attribute attribute for spies and agents operating away from home; reported for [Chieftain of the Arrow], [Fleshraider], [Observer], [Spy] 9.03, 9.36 HO, 9.43 L, 9.70 2
[Claw Captain] officer class specialized [Captain] 8.48 H
[Clawfighter] combat class, melee, claws specialized [Fighter] 8.52 MN
[Cleaner] service class unknown - basic entry? 6.50 I, 7.33 I
[Cleaning Manager] Silveran manager class unknown 9.02
[Cleaning Servant] servant class specialized [Servant]] 10.11 H
[Cleric] Theophilus, Jerimy clerical class combat-oriented advancement to [Acolyte] 8.Hectval 2
[Clerk] Xonre manager class unknown 3.38, 5.02, 6.17 S, 6.29, 6.42 E
[Climber] unknown - traveler class? basic entry 7.12 G
[Climbing Lord] noble/traveler class specialized [Lord] 8.74 DR
[Climbing Pervert] criminal class hypothetical class 9.55 Pt.1
[Clockmaker] Milaw crafter class unknown 9.14 VM
[Clockwork Bureaucrat] politician class unknown 8.56
[Close-Combat Hunter] Haeight combat class, melee specialized [Hunter] Huntsong
[Cloth Healer] healer class specialized String Person [Healer] 9.59 O
[Cloth Merchant] merchant class specialized [Merchant] 6.17 S
[Cloth Witch] Qitene mage class specialized [Witch] 9.18 E
[Clothier] crafter/merchant class unknown 7.Choco 1
[Clown] Tom performer class basic entry 1.00 C, 7.34 C
[Coach] Joseph manager class basic entry 8.15
[Coach Drive] service class specialized [Driver], see [Coachman] 8.18 H
[Coachman]/[Coachwoman] Randal service class specialized [Wagon Driver]? 7.Druids
[Coastal Queen] ruler class specialized [Queen] Hraace 2
[Coastwarden] manager/ruler class unknown 9.16 R
[Cobbler] Tismel crafter class basic entry, alternate to [Shoemaker] 6.49
[Cogwork Bureaucrat] servant class specialized [Bureaucrat] 8.56
[Coin Lady] Edere ruler class hybrid [Lady]/[Merchant] (see also [Merchant Lord]?) 7.30
[Collector] leisure class unknown 10.01 L
[Collector of Thousands] Tillep slaver class advanced [Slaver] 9.68
[Colonel] officer class unknown 4.10, 6.17 S
[Colonist] pathfinder class unknown 9.Competition
[Combat...] Reynold, Hezile class attribute attribute for fighting specialization; reported with [Butler], [Mage], [Maid], [Sorceress], [Trainer] 8.64 K, 8.77 B
[Combined Arms Strategist] Belgrade strategist class commanding several species at once, integrating their properties 8.Hectval 1
[Combined-Arms Commander] Cirille officer class commanding several species at once, integrating their properties 7.35 C
[Comedian] performer class unknown 8.17 H
[Comfortable Barmaid] service class specialized [Barmaid] 9.08
[Command Sergeant] officer class specialized [Sergeant] 9.30
[Commander] Periss, ... officer class lower class than [General] 4.04 K, 4.38 B, 1.02 C, 6.22 D
[Commando] combat class unknown 10.34 MGF
[Commentator] Relz, Noass performer class basic entry 5.54, 6.22 D, 7.Dance, 7.26
[Commodore] officer class higher ranked than naval [Captain] 9.56
[Commoner] civilian class umbrella class? 8.50
[Communication Mage] mage class specialiwed [Mage] 8.53 FH
[Companion] social class unknown 9.10 W
[Company Captain] officer class specialized [Captain] 8.Hectval 2
[Company Commander] officer class specialized [Commander] 10.21 E
[Competitive Racer] Cornerer traveler class specialized [Driver] 9.Relationships
[Competitive Singer] Thelican performer class specialized [Singer] 8.59 H
[Composer] artist class unknown 7.14 T
[Comrade] social class unknown 9.70 1
[Con Man] / [Conwoman] Rickel criminal class unknown 8.59 H
[Concubine] Chenera servant class unknown 8.Revenant
[Confectioner] food-preparer class theoretical hybrid of [Baker] and [Artist] 7.06
[Conqueror] ruler class unknown 7.27
[Conscript] combat class unknown 7.62
[Consort] service class unknown 6.Foliana
[Construction Supervisor] Beycalt laborer/manager class appointed or specialized [Forewoman] 6.47 E
[Consultant] Zeshi service class unknown 7.33 I
[Contract Scribe] Ezelda service/politician class specialized [Scribe] 10.06
[Contractor] service/politician class specialized [Negotiator]? 8.29
[Controller] bodysnatcher class unknown 7.22 D
[Convict] unknown captured criminal Huntsong
[Cook] Garry, Peslas, ... food-preparer class basic entry 3.16, 5.21 E
[Cook Helper] food-preparer class assistant to a [Cook] 10.02 Y
[Cook of Cornucopia] food-preparer class specialized [Cook] 9.Foody
[Cooking Assistant] food-preparer class unknown 10.03 Y
[Coordinator] manager class below [Administrator] 7.33 I
[Coordinator of Events] manager class specialized [Coordinator] 9.52
[Copycat] scholar class unknown 10.17
[Copycat Spellcaster] Vormhir mage class specialized [Spellcaster] 9.37 HO
[Corn Farmer] Lupp grower class specialized [Farmer] 7.60
[Corporal] Vess officer class below [Sergeant] 8.Hectval 3
[Corpse Digger] service/gutter class? unknown 9.04
[Corpseman] Dorkel manager class related to undead and [Necromancer] 9.41 2
[Corpsemaster] Rirex mage/manager class equivalent of a combined [Necromancer], [Embalmer], and [Merchant] or [Quartermaster] 9.40 GG
[Corrupt Accountant] / [Corrupted Accountant] service/criminal class attributed [Accountant] 8.36 H, 8.53 FH
[Corrupt Magistrate] Ducaz manager/criminal class attributed [Magistrate] 8.22 HE
[Corruptor] / [Agent of Corruption] spy/criminal class? unknown 8.53 FH
[Costume Tailer] crafter class specialized [Tailor] 8.71
[Councilman] / [Councilwoman] / [Councilmember] Beatica, Krshia politician class unknown - basic entry? 7.16 L
[Councilor] politician class unknown 6.12 K
[Councilor of State] Ilhmet politician class unknown 6.12 K, 6.54 K
[Counsellor] politician/service class unknown 8.34 R
[Countess of the Court] Fimila noble class specialized [Countess] 9.50
[Counterfeiter] criminal/crafter class unknown 10.23 LMGY
[Courageous Survivor] Marquin survival class attributed [Survivor] 10.34 MGF
[Courier] Valceif, Hawk, ... delivery/athlete/traveler class specialized [Runner], high level 4.24, 4.44 M,
[Court...] class attribute enhanced class, appointed position at the court of a [Ruler]. Reported cases: [Alchemist], [Bard], [Mage], [Servant]. 6.03, 6.15 K, 6.63 P
[Courteous...] Normen class attribute attribute for those that display courtesy and politeness. Reported cases: [Knight], [Mugger]. 9.07
[Courtesan] service class unknown 9.18 E
[Courtesan of Change] Xesci service class specialized [Courtesan] 8.05 I
[Courtesan of Reflected Facades] Xesci service class advanced from [Courtesan of Change] 9.52
[Courtier] leisure/politician class unknown 4.06 KM, 5.20 G, 7.21 KQ
[Cowboy Knight] combat class, mounted joke class (made up by Tom) 7.34 C
[Cowfriend Milker] creature-control class specialized [Milker] 8.Satar
[Crafter] crafter class umbrella name for crafter classes? - also, Goblin-specific low class 2.14 G, 6.Titan's Question
[Crafter Mage] mage/crafter class specialized [Mage] 8.12 T
[Craftsman] / [Craftswoman] / [Craftsperson] crafter class umbrella name for crafter, artisan and even engineer classes? 3.41, 4.00 K, 5.01, 5.21 E, 7.40 ER
[Crazed Inventor] Felkhr crafter class attributed [Inventor] 9.I&I
[Crew Operator] support class basic entry 9.57 B
[Crier] delivery class basic entry, human variant of [Town Crier] or [Belldrake], also used as services street vendor 6.00, 6.27 M, 6.29, 7.30
[Crime Lord] criminal/leader class unknown 7.07
[Criminal] criminal class umbrella class for criminals 5.57, 10.07
[Criminal Mastermind] criminal/strategist class unknown 10.00 L
[Crooked Supplier] criminal/merchant class attributed [Supplier] 9.08
[Crop Farmer] Farmer twelve grower class apecialized [Farmer] 10.23 LMGY
[Crossbow Captain] Ixeth officer class specialized [Captain] 9.34
[Crossbow Speed Hunter] Delanay hunter/combat class, ranged, crossbow specialized [Hunter] 9.53
[Crossbowman]/[Crossbow-woman] Stan combat class, ranged, crossbow specialized [Archer]? 8.18 H
[Crow Witch] Mavika mage class specialized [Witch] 7.55 E
[Crusader] Crusader 51, ... combat/cleric class bestowed by a [Priest] 8.01, 8.35, 8.Hectval 1, 8.Hectval 2, 8.Hectval 3
[Crusader of the Inn's Faith] combat class specialized [Crusader], with affiliation to Bishop Pawn's religion 10.35 - Pt. 1
[Cryomancer] Ceria, Illphres, ... mage class specialized [Elementalist], synonymous with [Ice Mage] 6.18 H
[Cryomancer of Masks] Illphres mage class specialized [Cryomancer] 8.53 FH
[Crypt Guardian] guard class specialized [Guardian] 9.Death
[Crystal Healer] healer class specialized [Healer] 7.22 D
[Cult Master]/[Cult Leader] Soloxenethn leader class specialized [Swindler] 7.Brawling
[Cultist] servant class unknown 7.Brawling
[Cultivation Expert] combat class hypothetical class. May exist, see [Cultivator] 8.41
[Cultivator] combat class drathian class for those that cultivate their bodies 8.77 B
[Culturist] grower class unknown 8.07 L
[Curse Mage] Hexi mage class unknown details 7.37
[Cursed Outcast] Takhatres cursed class unknown 4.06 KM
[Cutthroat] criminal class unknown 7.06, 7.11
[Cycler] leisure class unknown 9.Isles
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