List of Classes/K

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

List of Classes starting with the letter: K

K[edit | edit source]

Name Known Characters Class Type Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites References
[Kaiser] Laken ruler class just a translation: all details under [Emperor] 3.40
[Keeper of the Pasts] Celinthe mage class specialized [Shaman] 8.31
[Kennel Master] creature-control class spezialised [Beast Tamer] 2.42, 6.08
[Key Princess] Telleis ruler class specialized [Princess] of Samal 9.17 R
[Keybearer Knight] combat class, melee specialized [Knight]/[Relic Guardian]? 8.26 FK
[Kickboxer] combat/athlete class unknown 8.33 R
[Kicker] Joseph, Ekirra athlete class basic entry 7.26
[Kidnapper] criminal class probably not the actual class name for the [Thugs] 6.09
[Killer] criminal class unknown 8.58 PFH
[Kind Baker] Garry food-preparer class attributed [Baker] 9.31
[King] Flos, ... ruler/noble class unknown - inheritance? - male variant of [Queen] 3.37, 7.16 L
[King of Archers] ruler class possessed by the ruler of Avel? 7.59
[King of Blight, King of Centuries] Othius ruler class advnced class possessed by the ruler of the Blighted Kingdom 9.20
[King of Bows] Itreimedes ruler class possessed by the ruler of Avel 8.82 (Pt. 3)
[King of Challenges] Raelt ruler/noble class hybrid [Duelist]/[King] 7.13 K
[King of Intrigue] Reclis ruler/politician class specialized [King] 9.17 R
[King of Keys] ruler class possessed by the ruler of Samal 8.82 (Pt. 2)
[King of Men] Nuvityn ruler class possessed by the ruler of Erribathe 9.Age
[King of Riches] ruler class specialized [King] 8.37 H
[King of Taima] ruler class possessed by the ruler of Taima 8.82 (Pt. 3)
[King of War] Flos (?) ruler/noble class specialized [King] 9.04
[King of Wyld Folks] Nuvityn ruler class class for a ruler of Erribathe 10.32 (Pt. 1)
[Kings Champion] combat class appointment by [King] 4.43
[Knife Fighter] Typhenous combat class, melee, knife specialized [Warrior]? 8.19 H, 9.12
[Knife Juggler] Andex performer class specialized [Juggler] Huntsong
[Knife-edge Slicer] Khaze service class specialized in using knives for cutting tasks, more common in Gnoll tribes 8.30
[Knifemaster] / [Knifemistress] Salkis combat class, melee, knife specialized [Warrior] or [Rogue]? Erin's guestbook, 8.57 H
[Knifemaster Gang Leader] criminal/leader/combat class, melee, knife combined [Knifemaster]-[Gang Leader] 10.07
[Knifer] combat class, melee, knife specialized [Warrior] or [Rogue]? 9.53
[Knight] Gamel, Ylawes, ... combat class, melee specialized [Warrior], requires grant by nobility 4.27 H
[Knight Captain]/[Knight-Captain] Lotorghast officer class specialized [Knight] 9.07
[Knight Commander] Meilmen, Calirn officer class specialized [Knight] 5.56 G
[Knight Errant] Rabbiteater combat/adventurer class specialized [Knight] 6.Talia
[Knight Marshal of the Rains] Altestiel combat/officer class specialized [Knight]-[Marshal] 8.57
[Knight of Death and Dawn] Dalimont combat class specialized [Knight] 9.41 3
[Knight of Honor's Ember] Normen combat class specialized [Knight] 9.41 2
[Knight of Solstice] combat class specialized [Knight], seen in a fabricated timeline Roots 5
[Knight of Spells] Siza combat/mage class specialized [Knight] 8.70 E
[Knight of the Advancing Era] Richard combat class specialized [Knight] 9.27 RC
[Knight of the Crusade] combat class specialized [Knight] 9.13
[Knight of the Dawn] combat class specialized [Knight] 8.75
[Knight of the Glittering Blade] Jewel combat class, melee, blade specialized [Knight] 9.41 3
[Knight of the Petal] combat class, melee specialized [Knight] 9.43 L
[Knight of the Shadows] combat class specialized [Knight] GS 1.07
[Knight of the Summer] combat class variant of [Summer Knight] 6.25
[Knight of the Vengeful Flame] combat class variant of [Summer Knight] 9.Levels
[Knight-Archer of Lost Flames] Halrac combat class, ranged, bow specialized combined [Knight]-[Archer] 9.41 3
[Knight-Artisan of Bones] Ama artist/mage/combat class specialized combined [Knight]-[Necromancer] 9.41 3
[Knight-General] combat/officer class combined [Knight]-[General] 8.16
[Knight-King] Zotn combat/ruler class combined [Knight]-[King] 8.Satar
[Knight-Seeker of the Silver Dragon] Ylawes combat class specialized [Knight] 9.Adventurers 3
[Knitter] Furfur crafter class basic entry 9.36 HO, 9.41 2
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