List of Classes starting with the letter: H
H[edit | edit source]
Name | Known Characters | Class Type | Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites | References |
[Hailfire Gunner] | combat class, ranged, firearm | specialized [Gunner] | 8.77 B | |
[Hairdresser] | service class | unknown | 7.20 | |
[Halberdier] | combat class, melee, halberd | specialized [Warrior] | Erin's guestbook, 1.02 D | |
[Hammer of a Hundred Metals] | Pelt | crafter/combat class | unknown | 8.09, 8.50 |
[Hammer Vanguard] | Lilntas | combat class, melee, hammer | specialized [Vanguard] | 9.41 3 |
[Hammerer] | Ekirra | crafter/combat class | unknown | 5.22 G, 5.31 G, Erin's guestbook, 7.15 R |
[Handler] | laborer class | unknown - basic entry? | 5.15 | |
[Handmaiden] / [Handmaid] | servant class | unknown - variant of [Maid]? | 6.Talia, 7.15 R | |
[Handy Worker] | labor class | specilized [Worker] | 10.00 L | |
[Handyman] | Lism | labor class | basic entry? | 10.23 LMGY |
[Hangman] | guard/service class | specialized [Executioner] | V9 Isles of Goblins | |
[Harbormaster] / [Harbormistress] | Gresaria | manager class | unknown | 6.07 D, 6.29 D, 7.Gecko |
[Harpist] | performer class | advanced/specialized [Musician] | 6.Foliana, 6.63 P | |
[Harvester] | laborer class | unknown | 8.Relc | |
[Hauler] | laborer class | basic entry | 6.22 D, 6.64 | |
[Hawk Lady] | noble/creature-control class | specialized [Lady] | 7.Solstice 1 | |
[Hawker] | merchant class | basic entry | 6.05 D, 6.Numb 1 | |
[Hawkmaster] | Frieke | creature-control class | specialized [Beast Tamer] | 8.26 FK |
[Head ...] | Ishkr, Tessia | class attribute | enhanced class with manager or supervisor qualities. Has formal senior rank, especially for service/employee classes. Can be used for example with [Bakers], [Barmaids], [Builders], [Butlers], [Caravan Guards], [Engineers], [Farmers], [Maids], [Ranchers], [Researcher], [Receptionists], [Servants], [Servers], [Servers of Tales and Fables], [Shamans], [Strategists], [Waiters], [Witches]. See also: [Headman] and [Village Head]. Levels up to [Master ...] | 4.06 KM, 6.15 K, 2.30, 6.27 M, 6.47 E, 7.07, 7.Burn, 7.16 L, 7.40 ER, 9.25 |
[Head of Cleaning] | manager class | promoted from [Cleaner]? | 9.25 | |
[Head of Guards] | manager/guard class | higher ranked [Guard] | 8.22 HE | |
[Head of Staff] | manager class | unknown | 8.41 | |
[Headman] / [Headwoman] | Filk, Boultend | manager class | elected or appointed | 5.09 E, 6.12 K, 6.47 E, 7.25 |
[Headmaster] | Tierres | trainer/scholar/manager class | unknown, head of a school? | 9.14 VM |
[Headsman] | guard class | variant of [Executioner] | 6.32, 6.Two Rats | |
[Headstrong Healer] | Beth | healer class | attributed [Healer] | 9.40 GG |
[Healer] | Pirose | healer class | unknown | 3.10, 5.35 H, 6.06 D, 7.22 D |
[Heartbreaker] | social class | unknown | Hraace 2 | |
[Hearthlord] | Voloke | noble class | specialized [Lord] of Cenidau | 9.16 R |
[Hearthtender] | service class | same type of class as [Innkeeper]? | 9.33 | |
[Heavy Infantry] | combat class | specialized [Soldier] | 8.14 N | |
[Heavy Warrior] | combat class | specialized [Warrior] | 9.27 RC | |
[Heckler] | leisure class | might be a thing | 6.28 | |
[Hedge Witch] | mage class | basic entry: self taught [Mage], female | 6.41 E | |
[Hedge Wizard] | mage class | basic entry: self taught [Mage], male | 1.34 | |
[Hedgemage] / [Hedge Mage] | Jexam | mage class | basic entry: self taught [Mage], gender neutral? | 1.00 C, 6.56 |
[Hedonist] | Calidus | pleasure class | unknown | 8.76 B, 9.Competition |
[Hedonistic Wastrel] | Calidus | gutter class | unknown | 9.20 |
[Heir] / [Heiress] | Selys | leisure class | basic entry after receiving a major inheritance | 5.17 S, 6.58 |
[Hellspeaker Priest] | Zimrah | cleric class | specialized [Priest] | 8.Hectval 3 |
[Helmsman] / [Helmswoman] | sailor class | specialized [Sailor]/[Pirate] | 7.At Sea 1, 7.At Sea 2 | |
[Herald] | delivery/officer class | unknown | 4.06 KM | |
[Herb Healer] | healer class | specialized [Healer] | GS Book One | |
[Herb Mage] | Vhedel | mage class | specialized [Mage] | 8.12 T |
[Herb Mixer] | crafter class | unknown | 7.43 G | |
[Herbalist] | crafter/service/healer class | basic entry | 6.16, 6.34 E, 6.41 E, 7.32 D | |
[Herder] | creature-control class | basic entry | 3.11 E, 5.13 | |
[Herdmistress] | leader class | class for Centaurs? | 8.08 J | |
[Herdmistress of the Land] | Geraeri | leader class | advanced [Herdmistress] | 8.08 J |
[Heretical Swarmlord Alchemist] | Irurx | crafter class | specialized [Alchemist] | 8.58 PFH |
[Hermit] | unknown | unknown | 6.Talia | |
[Hero] | Richard, ... | unknown | requires belief of others and a prophecy | 1.00 C, 7.14 T |
[Hero Chieftain] | leader class | imagined, might not exist | 8.Satar | |
[Hero of Laughter and Grief] | Tom | unknown | specialized [Hero] | 9.27 RC |
[Hero of the Turn-Based World] | unknown | specialized [Hero] | 10.32 (Pt. 1) | |
[Hero of Zethe, Foe of Nations] | Doubte | unknown | specialized [Hero] | Hraace 1 |
[Hero of String] | Elucina | unknown | specialized [Hero] of String People | 8.22 HE |
[Hexer] / [Hex Mage] | Reham | mage class | curse specialist | 8.12 T, 8.77 B |
[Hider] | Pebblesnatch | survival class | basic entry | 7.05 P |
[Hideworker] | crafter class | unknown | 7.04 | |
[High... ] | Perric, Genviere, Teura | class attribute | denotes enhanced generalist class or high rank; reported for [Admiral], [King], [Mage], [Magus], and [Strategist] | 5.48 G, 6.41 E, 6.59, 7.Gecko, 7.10 K, 7.29 B, 7.34 C |
[High Magus] | mage class | advanced [Magus], may be misinformation by Ryoka | 8.72 | |
[Highborn] / [Highborn Lady] | Vaitsha | noble class | alternative to [Noble]? | 6.12 K, 8.64 K |
[Highwayman] | criminal/traveler class | unknown | 6.25 | |
[Hill Rider] | creature control/combat class | specialized [Rider] | 8.35 | |
[Hired Sword] | combat class | unknown | 9.30 | |
[Hireling Mage] | mage class | specialized [Mage] | 9.38 TV 2 | |
[Historian] | Quelmi | scholar class | unknown | 4.36 O, 5.17 S, 6.28, 7.15 R |
[Historian of Foes] | scholar class | specialized [Historian] | 8.Satar, 8.66 | |
[Historian of the World] | Satar | scholar class | specialized [Historian] | 8.Satar, 8.66 |
[Hoarder] | leisure class | unknown | 9.Mundanity | |
[Hobbyist Puppeteer] | Visma | leisure class | basic entry | 10.15 |
[Homesteader] | manager class | unknown | 8.78 F | |
[Honest...] | Drassi | class attribute | attribute indicating credibility and honesty; reported for [Journalist], [Reporter] | 7.32 D, 9.31 |
[Honor Guard] / [Honorguard] | Calectus | guard class | specialized [Guard]? | 6.06 D, 7.22 D, 7.36 C |
[Honor Warrior] | combat class | a Goblin pretended to have this class on a message | 9.Isles | |
[Honorable Immortal] | Antherr | combat class | attributed [Immortal], survive grievous injury for a prolonged period | 9.00 |
[Honorable Thief] | rogue class | attributed [Thief], hypothetical class | 7.52 | |
[Honorbound Minotaur-Headed Duelist] | joke class | joke class | 9.36 HO | |
[Honorbound Prisoner] | Calruz | unknown | unknown | 7.Burn |
[Honored Shieldbearer] | combat class, melee | unknown, specialized [Shieldbearer] | 6.67 | |
[Hoodlum] | gutter class | unknown | 9.Relationships | |
[Horncaller] | performer/service class | unknown, basic entry? | 4.05 K | |
[Hornplayer] | performer class | specialized [Musician] | 9.55 Pt. 1 | |
[Horrorbane Adventurer] | Infinitypear | pathfinder class | specialized [Adventurer] | 9.Adventurer 3 |
[Horse Archer] | combat/creature-control class, ranged, bow | horse-mounted [Archer] | 8.08 J | |
[Horse Breeder] | creature-control class | specialized [Breeder] | 8.08 J | |
[Horse Handler] | creature-control class | specialized [Beast Tamer] / [Animal Handler]? see also [Stablehand], [Hostler] | 6.19 H | |
[Horsefriend] | Aret | creature-control class | befriends horses | 8.78 F |
[Horsemaster] | creature-control class | specialized [Beast Master]? | 8.08 J | |
[Horsethief] | criminal class | specialized [Thief] | 10.02 Y | |
[Horticulturalist] | grower class | hypothetical variant of [Gardener]? | 7.17 S | |
[Host] / [Hostess] | Teliv | service class | unknown, basic entry? | 5.48 G, 6.67 |
[Hostel Manager] | manager class | specialized [Manager] | 9.10 W | |
[Hostler] | creature-control/service class | unknown - basic entry or specialized [Laborer] / [Animal Handler]. See also [Stablehand], [Horse Handler] | 4.04 K, 6.12 K, 6.64, 7.15 R, 7.20 | |
[Houndmaster] | creature-control class | variant of [Kennelmaster] | 5.24 L | |
[House Manager] | Kirana | service/manager class | specialized [Housekeeper]? | 7.22 D |
[Housekeeper] | service class | unknown - basic entry? | 6.50 I, 6.68 | |
[Housemistress] | service/manager class | specialized [Housekeeper]? | 8.Conversations | |
[Housewife] | social class? | unknown | 9.15 VM | |
[Hugfriend Commander of the Nice People] | joke class | joke class | 8.68 | |
[Hummer] | performer class | possibly Goblin-specific | 7.12 G | |
[Hundredlady]/[Hundredlord] | Cortese | noble class | Kaaz-specific [Lord] or [Lady] | 9.70 2 |
[Hunt Commander] | Makhir | hunter/officer class | hybrid [Hunter]/[Commander] | 6.33 E |
[Hunt Leader] | hunter/leader class | leader of a hunting party | 8.27 | |
[Hunt Master] | hunter class | advanced [Hunter] | 8.38 H | |
[Hunter] / [Huntress] / [Huntsman] | Pralcem, Bird, ... | hunter/combat class, ranged | unknown - basic entry? | 1.00 C, 5.13, 6.34 E, 6.63 P, 7.01 |
[Hunter-Warrior] | Dekava | hunter/combat class | combined [Hunter]-[Warrior] | 8.02 |
[Hunting King] | hunter/ruler class | combined [Hunter]-[King] | 8.82 (Pt. 3) | |
[Hunting Lady] | Buscrei | hunter/noble class | combined [Hunter]-[Lady] | 8.23 |
[Hustling Horse Handler] | service/creature-control class | specialized [Horse Handler] | 9.41 2 | |
[Hydra Rider] | creature-control class | specialized [Rider] | 8.65 | |
[Hydrabane Assassin] | assassin class | specialized [Assassin] | 8.74 DR | |
[Hydromancer] | Emily | mage class | specialized [Elementalist] | 1.00 C |