List of Classes/R

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

List of Classes starting with the letter: R

R[edit | edit source]

Name Known Characters Class Type Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites References
[Racdelbear Shapechanger] Garsine shapeshifter class? unknown - specialized [Shapechanger] 8.30
[Race Organizer] manager class unknown 9.Relationships
[Raid General] officer class hybrid [Raider]/[General]? 8.57 H
[Raid Leader] Redscar combat/leader class hybrid [Raider]/[Leader]? 5.32 G, 5.55 G, 7.15 R
[Raider] rogue/combat class unknown 4.39 G, 6.19 H, 6.Numb 1, 6.27 M
[Raider Chief] Korizan combat/leader class leader of [Raiders] 9.Stories
[Raidleader of Slaughter] Korizan combat/leader class specialized [Raid Leader] 9.Stories
[Rain Mage] mage class specialized [Mage] 9.18 E
[Rancher] Ram creature-control class unknown - specialized [Herder]? 6.34 E, 6.41 E, 7.28
[Ranger] Jackal, ... combat/hunter class specialized [Rogue] 3.31 G, 6.05 D, 7.15 R
[Ranger of the Great Desert] Alked combat/hunter class specialized [Ranger] 8.78 F
[Ranger of the Woods] combat/hunter class specialized [Ranger] 8.40 CTV
[Ransomer] politician class? specialized [Negotiator]? 7.Knight
[Rapid Driver] Otto traveler class specialized [Driver] 9.Relationships
[Rapid Fire Archer] combat class, ranged, bow specialized [Archer] 8.64 K
[Ravager] combat class unknown 8.36 H
[Ravager Rogue] Cazcall combat/rogue class specialized [Rogue] 9.56
[Reader] Quin, Anand leisure class basic entry - counterpart to [Writer] 6.16, 6.60, 7.39 A
[Reaper] unknown used in context to mean grim reaper 7.55 E
[Rear Admiral] Madiur officer/sailor class one rank below [Admiral] 8.69 T
[Rebel] Bearig rebel class opposing a form of authority or social structure 8.57 H
[Rebel Cook] Bearig rebel/food-preparer class combined [Rebel]-[Cook] 8.78 F
[Rebel of String] rebel class specialized [Rebel] 8.38 H
[Receptionist] Selys, ... manager class basic entry 2.11, 3.16
[Reckless Explorer] traveler class specialized [Explorer] 9.69 H 2
[Reconnaissance Major] Khorpe officer class specialized [Major] 9.51 Z
[Record-Keeper] scholar/service class unknown 8.16
[Recruiter] trainer class unknown 8.Hectval 2
[Recruitment Officer] trainer/officer class unknown 9.14 VM
[Regent] noble class unknown 8.36 H
[Regional Manager] Vebrynthe manager class specialized [Manager] 9.22 HE
[Relic Guardian] Toren combat class specialized [Guardian] 8.23
[Relicbearer] combat class specialized [Warrior] using a Relic 8.30
[Relicbearer Skyhunter] Virreg combat/flier class aerial combination of [Relicbearer]-[Hunter] 7.Tribes
[Relicbound Arctic Cryomancer] Ceria mage class specialized [Arctic Cryomancer] Hraace 3
[Relickeeper Heiress] Selys leisure class specialized [Heiress] 8.19 H
[Renowned... ] Merla, Vetn, Elia class attribute attribute for those that have gained notoriety,; reported for [Archer of Goblin’s Demise], [Cellist], [Masterthief of Treasures], [Tincturist] 8.05 I, 9.Stories, 9.Levels
[Repeat Sprinter] Raich traveler class specialized [Runner] 9.09 P
[Reporter] Rémi Canada delivery/scholar class unknown - basic entry? 6.52 K, 7.43 G
[Researcher] Dromenl scholar class unknown - scholar to discover new knowledge 8.07 L
[Reserve General] Aldoy officer class specialized [General] 9.33
[Restoration Mage] Hekusha mage/healer class specialized [Mage] 8.00
[Retainer] Geril servant class unknown, possibly an umbrella name 7.13 K, 7.24
[Retired Explorer. Scarred Wyldbeast. Guardian of This Place and No Other.] Eurise combat class old advanced class 10.24 E
[Revelantor] Bird leader class unique to Antinium 8.29
[Ride Commander] officer/creature-control class specialized [Commander] 7.46 K
[Rider] Beniar, ... creature control/combat class unknown - basic entry? 2.36 G, 4.02 K, 5.21 E, 5.Interlude - Flos, 7.18
[Riffraff] gutter class unknown 9.37 HO
[Ritualist] Kories mage class unknown 9.15 VM
[Roadkeeper] guard class unknown Huntsong
[Roaster] food-preparer class unknown - basic entry? 7.05 P
[Robber] criminal class similar to [Thief]? 8.Relc
[Robber Baron] criminal/leader class unknown 9.26 F
[Rocksoup Cook] food-preparer class specialized [Cook], rare class 8.08 J
[Rodent Bard] performer class specialized [Bard], may exist 8.14 N
[Rogue] Foliana, Quietstab, ... rogue class basic entry, also umbrella name for rogue type classes 3.02 H
[Rogue Leader] rogue/leader class specialized [Leader] 8.55 L
[Rogue Mage] Typhenous rogue/mage class combined [Rogue]-[Mage] 8.19 H
[Rogue Marksman] Iloid rogue/combat class, ranged, bow combined [Rogue]-[Marksman] 9.41 3
[Romance Writer] Caroline artist class specialized [Writer] 9.Singing
[Roofer] builder class basic entry or specialized [Builder] 6.38
[Rookie Guard] guard class young [Guard] with no training 10.03 Y
[Rookie Soldier] combat class likely inexperienced [Soldier] 10.Saliss
[Rotter] Holdnose food-preparer class unknown - basic entry? Related to [Fermenter] 7.05 P
[Roughland Commander] officer class specialized [Commander] 8.14 N
[Roughshod Mercenary] combat class specialized [Mercenary] 10.08 1
[Rower] delivery/athlete class basic entry 5.28, 6.07 D
[Royal ...] Issu-le class attribute enhanced class, specially appointed by a [King] or their family members. Reported for [Advisors], [Bakers], [Barbers], [Blacksmiths], [Bodyguards], [Captains], [Captains of the Guard], [Chamberlains], [Chefs], [Gardeners], [Guards], [Healers], [Knights], [Magicians], [Protector], [Scholar of Magic], [Shopkeepers], [Smiths], [Soldiers], [Speakers], [Trackers]... 4.43, 5.Krshia, 6.15 K, 6.44 E, 6.47 E, 7.10 K, 7.13 K, 7.40 ER, 8.48 H
[Ruffian] gutter class unknown 6.Numb 2
[Ruler] ruler class umbrella name for ruler classes? 1.17, 4.06 KM, 6.12 K
[Ruinbringer Steward] Orthenon manager class unknown 7.10 K
[Ruinseeker Historian] scholar class specialized [Historian] 9.50
[Rumormonger] merchant class unknown 9.14 VM
[Rune Master] / [Runemaster] / [Runemistress] Beatrice crafter/mage class specialized [Runeshaper] (?) 7.00, 7.29 B, 7.34 C
[Runemistress of Ger] crafter/mage class [Runemistress] with Germina 8.38 H
[Runecrafter] Ediya crafter class unknown 7.00
[Runeshaper] Beatrice mage class unknown S03, pt. 3
[Runesmith] crafter class unknown 7.00, 7.01
[Runeworker] mage class unknown 10.19 E
[Runic Warrior] combat/mage class specialized [Warrior] 8.62 K
[Runner] Fals, Persua, ... delivery/athlete/traveler class basic entry 3.16
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