List of Classes/U

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

List of Classes starting with the letter: U

U[edit | edit source]

Name Known Characters Class Type Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites References
[Ultimate Supporter] Colthei service class advanced [Supporter] 9.36 HO
[Umbralmancer] mage class specialized [Mage], synonymous with [Dark Mage] 8.Paradigm 1
[Undead Hunter] hunter class specialized [Hunter] who opposes the dead 7.34 C
[Undead Leader] Toren advanced class for [Leaders] or [Necromancers] who command the dead 6.48 T, 7.14 T
[Underground Healer] criminal/healer class specialized [Healer] 9.Sariants
[Underground Merchant] criminal/merchant class specialized [Merchant] 9.27 RC
[Undersea Harvester] laborer class specialized [Harvester] TLT Book 1
[Undertaker] laborer class maybe a joke? see also [Gravedigger] 5.16 S
[Underworld Mercenary] Dramaw criminal/combat class specialized [Mercenary] 8.Paradigm 1
[Underworld Survivor] Typhenous survival class specialized [Survivor] 8.19 H
[Undying King] Fetohep undead ruler class specialized [King] 6.55 K
[Undying Lich, Myth of Death and Vengeance] Az’kerash mage class advanced [Archmage of Death] 9.20
[Unicorn Knight] combat/creature-control class specialized [Knight] 9.38 TV 1
[Useless Eater] leisure class attributed [Eater] 10.Saliss
[Unstoppable Roller] Chaoisa traveller/delivery class specialized [Driver] 9.41 3
[Urban Tracker] Jeck guard class specialized [Tracker] 8.13 F
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