Known Characters
Class Type
Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites
[Backstabber] |
Rags |
rogue/combat class |
low level, possibly Goblin-specific |
5.19 G
[Backwater Lordling] |
noble class |
attributed [Lordling] |
[Badass] |
joke class |
joke |
6.40 E
[Baker] |
Garry |
food-preparer class |
basic entry or advanced [Apprentice Baker] |
5.09 E, 5.21 E, 6.Numb 1, 6.25, 6.39, 7.06
[Baker of Presents, Gifted Chef] |
Garry |
food-preparer class |
specialized [Baker] and [Chef] |
[Bandit] |
criminal class |
criminal variant of [Raider] |
6.19 H, 6.37 E
[Bandit...] |
Maresar, Merr, Revine |
class attribute |
hybrid class prefix, denotes consolidation with [Bandit]; reported with [Archer], [Chief], [General], [King], [Lady], [Lady of the Storms], [Leader], [Lord], [Lord of Changing Sands], [Lord of Scarlet Nobility], [Markswoman], [Queen], [Raid Leader] |
6.06 D, 6.18 H, 6.37 E, 6.53 K, 8.57 H, 8.65, 8.78 F
[Bane Captain] |
officer class |
specialized [Captain] |
10.Another Time
[Banehunter Captain] |
Loteiv |
officer class |
specialized [Captain] |
10.Another Time
[Banner... ] |
Artur |
class attribute |
denotes consolidation with [Flag Bearer] and similar classes, more common with military classes; reported for [Commander], [General], and [Leader]. |
7.31, 8.Hectval 2, 9.12
[Bannerlady] |
leader class |
details unknown |
[Bannerlady of Memory's Flame] |
Maviola |
noble class |
specialized [Bannerlady] |
[Bannerman] |
combat class |
flagbearer, details unknown |
7.34 C
[Bar Drunk] |
gutter class |
specialized [Drunk] |
[Bar Owner] |
manager class |
unknown |
9.36 HO
[Barbarian] |
Egliv, Idis |
unknown |
unknown |
6.63 P, 6.67, 7.22 D
[Barber] |
service class |
basic entry, related to [Hairdresser]? |
3.16, 6.52 K, 7.15 R
[Bard] |
Numbtongue, ... |
performer class |
basic entry |
3.16, 6.17 S, 6.Numb 2, 6.63 P, 7.13 K
[Bard of Stories] |
Barelle |
performer class |
specialized [Bard] |
[Bard of the Voice] |
Retihome |
performer class |
specialized [Bard] |
8.59 H
[Barefoot Runner] |
delivery/athlete/traveler class |
specialized [Runner] |
1.01 R
[Bargain Hunter] |
merchant class |
unknown |
[Barkeep] / [Barkeeper] |
Peslas |
service class/food-preparer |
basic entry, variation of [Bartender]? |
6.10, 6.32, 6.Rufelt
[Barmaid] |
Drassi, ... |
service class |
basic entry, female variant of [Waiter]
[Barman] / [Bar Drake] |
service class |
basic entry, variation of [Barkeep]/[Bartender]? |
5.13, 6.24 D, 6.42 E
[Baron] / [Baroness] |
ruler/noble class |
unknown - nobilitation or inheritance? |
3.37, 6.Titan's Question, 7.16 L, 7.21 KQ
[Baron of Ceremonies] |
Regalius |
ruler/noble class |
specialized [Baron] |
8.36 H
[Baron of the Mirror Lands] |
Digneral |
ruler/noble class |
specialized [Baron] |
[Baron of the Trees] |
joke class |
joke class |
9.36 HO
[Barrier Mage] / [Barrier Magus] |
Montressa |
mage class |
specialized [Mage], synonymous with [Aegiscaster] |
[Bartender] |
Rufelt, Drassi |
service class/food-preparing |
basic entry, variation of [Barkeep]? |
6.10, 6.32, 7.11
[Bassist] |
Rae |
performer class |
specialized [Guitarist] |
7.21 KQ
[Bastion Shieldbearer] |
combat class, melee, shield |
specialized [Shieldbearer] |
8.74 DR
[Battalion Leader] |
Embraim |
officer/leader class |
specialized [Leader] |
[Battle...] |
Zassil |
class attribute |
denotes combat or battlefield specialization; reported with [Alchemist], [Captain], [Caster], [Flier], [Healer], [Lord], [Mage], [Monk], [Princess], [Warden] |
6.65, 9.Isles, 9.17 R
[Battle Seeker] |
Adetr Steelfur |
combat class |
unknown |
[Battlefield Healer] / [Battlefield Medic] |
healer class |
specialized [Healer] |
[Battlemage] |
Falene |
mage class |
specialized [Mage] |
3.36, 4.45, 5.59, 6.17 S, 7.29 B
[Beast Tamer] |
Laken, ... |
creature-control class |
basic entry |
2.36 G, 7.43 G
[Bearer of Luck and Calamity] |
unknown |
class for Doombearers? |
[Beast Trainer] |
Elirr |
creature-control class |
specialized [Beast Tamer] |
[Beastlord] |
creature-control/ruler class |
hybrid [Beast Tamer]/[Lord] |
[Beastmaster] / [Beast Master] |
Blacktide |
creature-control class |
specialized [Beast Tamer] |
[Beastraider Leader] |
combat/leader class |
hybrid [Beastmaster]/[Raid Leader] (hypothetical) |
6.44 E
[Beastslayer] |
Gaile |
hunter class |
specialized [Hunter] |
6.44 E
[Beautician] |
Elena |
service class |
unknown |
7.29 B
[Beauty] |
leisure class |
unknown, may become [Eternal Beauty] |
7.21 KQ
[Beekeeper] |
Ezerre |
creature-control class |
details unknown |
7.40 ER
[Beekeeper Shaman] |
Grass Shell |
creature-control/mage class |
specialized [Shaman] |
9.Adventurers 2
[Beggar] |
gutter class |
referred to in proverbs |
4.02K, 4.20 E, 6.13 K, 6.17 S, 7.26
[Behemoth] |
combat class, melee |
Dullahan-specific, specialized [War Walker] |
1.06 D
[Believer] |
cleric class |
basic entry? |
8.20, 8.57 H
[Believer of the Old Faith] |
Eldavin |
cleric class |
specialized [Believer] |
[Belldrake] |
delivery class |
basic entry, Drake variant of [Town Crier]? |
[Berry Farmer] |
Tanel |
grower class |
specialized [Farmer] |
6.27 M
[Berserker] |
Headscratcher |
combat class, melee |
specialized [Warrior] |
7.12 G
[Bet Taker] |
gambler class |
not as good as [Bookie] |
8.13 F
[Bicorn Charger] |
combat/creature-control class, melee |
specialized [Charger] |
8.08 J
[Bicorn Rider] |
creature-control class |
specialized [Rider] |
8.08 J
[Big Eater] |
Snapjaw |
combat class, melee |
advanced [Eater] |
[Biker] |
leisure class |
synonymous with [Cyclist] |
10.Vengeance and Talking
[Biologist] |
scholar class |
hypothetical class |
[Bird Hunter] |
Bird |
hunter class |
specialized [Hunter] |
6.61 L, 7.31
[Birdwatcher] / [Bird Watcher] |
scholar/artist class |
unknown |
Erin's guestbook, 9.08
[Bishop] |
cleric class |
unknown, advanced clerical class? |
8.70 E, 9.35 O
[Biter] |
Snapjaw |
combat class, melee |
basic entry?, might be Goblin-specific |
7.43 G
[Biologist] |
scholar class |
unknown - specialized [Scientist]? |
7.22 D, 7.Carriages
[Blackguard] |
rogue/combat class |
unknown: medium/high level? |
6.Numb 1, 6.39
[Blackguard Gentleman of the Streets] |
Wilovan |
rogue/combat class |
specialized [Blackguard] |
9.27 RC
[Blackguard of the Streets, Gentleman in the Sheets] |
rogue/combat class |
specialized [Blackguard] |
9.27 RC
[Blackmailer] |
criminal class |
unknown |
10.00 L
[Blackmarket Contact] |
criminal/delivery class |
unknown |
[Blackpowder Engineer] |
Paige |
crafter class |
hybrid [Engineer] and ? |
[Blacksmith] |
Helm, ... |
crafter class |
basic entry, variant of [Smith] |
1.30, 3.10, 3.16
[Blacksmith's Apprentice] |
crafter class |
apprentice [Blacksmith] |
[Blade Dancer] |
Pekona |
combat class, melee, agility |
unknown - either basic or specialized [Fighter]. Possibly synonymous to [Sword Dancer] |
[Blade of War] |
Teresa Atwood |
combat class, melee, sword |
unknown - specialized from [Warrior], [Duelist], [Soldier]? |
8.64 k
[Bladesman/Bladeswoman] |
Teresa Atwood |
combat class, melee, sword |
unknown - specialized from [Warrior], [Duelist]? |
6.63 P, 7.39 A
[Blademaster] / [Blademistress] |
Orthenon, ... |
combat class, melee, swords |
high level/rare, specialized [Fighter] |
6.06 D, 7.16 L, 7.At Sea 1, 7.Sand
[Bladesmaster Assassin] |
assassin/combat class, swords |
hybrid [Bladesmaster] / [Assassin] |
7.42 M
[Bladesmistress of Ancients] / [Swordmistress of Ancients] |
Zeladona |
combat class, mellee, swords |
advanced [Bladesmistress] |
8.38 H
[Blast Miner] |
laborer class |
specialized [Miner] |
[Blightranger General] |
Zavarial |
scout/officer class |
hybrid [General]/[Blightwarden] |
7.36 C
[Blightwarden] |
Zavarial |
scout class |
specialized (or consolidated) [Ranger] |
7.36 C
[Blocker] |
athlete class |
unknown |
[Blood Admiral] |
officer/sailor class |
specialized [Admiral], related to Bloodtear Pirates |
9.41 3
[Blood Berserker] |
combat class, melee |
specialized [Berserker] |
2.Ant 2
[Blood Healer] |
healer class |
hypothetical class |
8.13 F
[Bloodearth Mage] |
Moore |
mage class |
specialized [Green Mage] |
8.19 H
[Bloodglass Mage] |
Trey |
mage class |
advancement of [Sand Mage] with use of Lifeblood; combined with light magic? |
8.64 K
[Bloodletting Doctor] |
healer class |
specialized [Doctor] |
9.40 GG
[Bloodmage] / [Blood Mage] |
mage class |
specialized [Mage], considered dark art |
5.35 H, 7.Burn, 7.21 KQ
[Bloodtear Admiral] |
Rosech |
leader/sailor class |
specialized [Admiral] |
9.70 3
[Bloodtear Pirate] |
criminal/sailor class |
specialized [Pirate] |
9.70 3
[Bloom Knight] |
combat class |
specialized [Knight] |
GS 1.07
[Bluemoon Gardener] |
grower class |
unknown |
8.07 L
[Boarder] |
Kevin |
athlete/performer class |
unknown |
[Boarding Crewmate] |
sailor class |
specialized [Crewmate] |
8.64 K
[Boarding Officer] |
officer class |
specialized [Officer] |
8.58 PFH
[Boarding Sailor] |
sailor class |
specialized [Sailor] |
[Body Dancer] |
performer class |
unknown |
9.05 NPR
[Body Double] |
service class |
unknown |
9.41 3
[Bodybuilder] |
Ferkr/Loreto |
leisure/athlete class |
unknown |
9.27 RC
[Bodyguard] |
combat/guard class |
unknown |
6.63 P, 7.09 K, Erin's guestbook
[Bodyguard Captain] |
Sirrah |
combat/guard/officer class |
higher ranked [Bodyguard] |
9.38 TV 2
[Boiler] |
crafter class |
unknown, inferior class to [Alchemist] |
[Bone Healer] |
healer class |
specialized [Healer] |
[Bone Surgeon] |
healer class |
unknown, special Gnoll [Healer] type |
[Bonemender Healer] |
healer class |
specialized [Healer] |
[Boneweaver Druid] |
mage class |
specialized [Druid] |
[Book Merchant] |
merchant class |
specialized [Merchant] |
8.36 H
[Book Reader] |
Satar |
leisure class |
specialized [Reader] |
[Bookbinder] |
crafter class |
unknown, basic entry? |
4.Ant 4, Erin's guestbook
[Bookkeeper] |
merchant class (?) |
enables [Gamblers] |
7.29 B
[Bookseller] |
merchant class |
unknown, basic entry? |
[Booky] |
Gambler class |
unknown |
[Botanist] |
scholar class |
unknown |
Erin's guestbook
[Bouncer] |
Redit, Geram |
guard/gutter class |
unknown - basic entry? |
6.37 E, 6.63 P, 7.06, 7.15 R
[Bounty Hunter] |
adventurer/hunter class |
unknown - specialized [Hunter]? |
4.02 K, 5.16 S, 6.Titan's Question
[Bow...] |
Badarrow, Alonaid, Kam |
class attribute |
indicates using a bow as a weapon of choice; reported for [King], [Knight], [Leader], [Sniper], [Rider] |
6.Talia, 6.56, 7.12 G, 8.68
[Bow-Singer Queen of the Free Antinium] |
Bird |
ruler class, ranged, bow |
antinium-specific consolidation of [Singer], [Queen], and a bow-using class |
9.57 B
[Bow-Warden of the Songbird] |
Bird |
combat class, ranged, bow |
advanced from [Bird Hunter], consolidates [Singer] |
9.57 B
[Bow-Queen of the Free Antinium] |
Bird |
combat class, ranged, bow |
advanced [Antinium Queen], consolidated with an archery class |
[Bowman] |
combat class, ranged, bow |
same as [Archer] |
6.57, 6.61 L
[Bowman of Loss] |
Halrac |
combat class, ranged, bow |
unknown, advanced bow class |
8.19 H
[Bowmaster] |
combat class, ranged, bow |
advanced [Archer] |
[Bowyer] |
crafter class |
unknown, specialized [Woodworker]; related to [Fletcher] |
4.18, 6.05 D, 7.At Sea 1
[Boxer] |
Alber |
combat class, melee, fists |
specialized [Fistfighter] |
8.13 F
[Brave Skirmisher] |
Ksmvr |
combat class |
advanced [Skirmisher] |
8.22 HE
[Brawler] |
combat class, unarmed |
unknown, specialized [Woodworker]; related to [Fletcher] |
4.17, 5.58, 6.18 H, 6.Numb 2, 7.At Sea 1
[Breeder] |
creature-control class |
unknown |
[Brewer] |
food-preparer class |
unknown |
7.Solstice 2
[Brewmaster] |
food-preparer class |
advanced [Brewer] |
Erin's guestbook, 8.10
[Bricklayer] / [Brick Layer] |
builder class |
basic entry? |
6.29, 6.56
[Bridge of the Martial World] |
Vandum |
combat class |
advanced [Martial Artist] |
9.35 O
[Brigadier] |
Forount |
officer class |
unknown |
[Brigadier General] |
Khal |
officer class |
high-level |
6.22 D
[Brigand] |
criminal class |
unknown |
5.21 E, 6.Numb 2
[Brine Cook] |
food-preparer class |
specialized [Cook] |
[Broker] |
Jenkil |
merchant class |
unknown, basic entry? |
6.35, 6.42 E
[Bruiser] |
criminal/combat class |
unknown |
8.55 L
[Brute] |
criminal/combat class |
unknown |
[Bug Collector] |
Crusader 51 |
creature-control/ leisure class |
specialized [Collector], advanced from [Insect Feeder] |
Hectval (Pt. 2)
[Bug Exterminator] |
service class |
may exist |
8.17 H
[Builder] |
Prost ... |
crafter class |
basic entry |
5.21 E, 5.27, 6.30
[Bureaucrat] |
servant class |
unknown |
[Burglar] |
criminal class |
basic entry |
5.06 M, 5.17 S
[Busboy] |
Barnethei |
service class |
basic entry |
[Bush Hunter] |
hunter class |
specialized [Hunter] |
9.54 C
[Bushwacker] |
Roja |
pathfinder class |
unknown |
10.18 E
[Butcher] |
Melinni, ... |
food-preparer class |
3.16, 6.06 D, 7.04
[Butler] |
Reynold |
servant class |
basic entry |
[Buzzkeeper] |
Honei |
service class |
combined [Innkeeper]-[Beekeeper] |
10.19 E