Known Characters
Class Type
Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites
[Galewind Strategist] |
Perorn |
strategist class |
specialized [Strategist] |
6.22 D
[Galley Chef] |
food-preparer class |
specialized [Chef] |
[Gambler] |
Numbtongue |
leisure class |
unknown |
2.20, 7.07, 7.17 S, 7.Gecko, 7.43 G
[Gambler of Fates] |
Queravia |
strategist class |
specialized [Gambler Strategist] |
4.04 K
[Gambler Strategist] |
strategist class |
hybrid [Strategist]/[Gambler] |
4.04 K
[Gamer] |
leisure class |
unknown |
2.20, 7.27, 9.68
[Gang Boss] / [Gang Leader] |
leader/gutter class |
unknown specialized [Criminal] |
7.15 R, 7.Carriages, 7.41
[Gang Mastermind] |
criminal/leader class |
unknown |
[Gardener] |
Tottenval, ... |
grower class |
basic entry |
6.14 K
[Garlic Cook] |
food-preparer class |
specialized [Cook] |
10.01 L
[Garrison General] |
officer class |
specialized [General] |
8.58 PFH
[Gate Guard] |
guard class |
specialized [Guard] |
[Gate Watchwoman] |
guard class |
specialized [Watchwoman] |
[Gatekeeper] |
guard class |
specialized [Guard] |
[Gatherer] |
laborer/survival class |
basic entry |
1.00 C, 7.22 D
[Gearhead] |
crafter class |
derived from [Tinkerer] |
[Gearhead Biker]/[Gearhead Cyclist] |
Rianchi |
crafter/leisure class |
specialized [Cyclist] |
[Gem Mage] |
mage class |
specialized [Mage] |
[Gem Merchant] |
merchant class |
specialized [Merchant] |
9.38 TV 2
[Gemcutter]/[Gem Cutter] |
crafter class |
unknown |
7.33 I
[Gemstone Administrator] |
Alrric |
manager class |
specialized [Administrator], possibly hybrid class |
[Gemstone Smelter] |
crafter class |
specialized [Smelter] |
10.00 L
[General] |
Sserys, ... |
officer class |
high level, above [Commander] |
6.12 K
[General of Bows] |
Laiska |
officer class |
specialized [General] |
8.26 FK
[General of Defense] |
Noln |
officer class |
specialized [General] |
8.08 J
[General of the Line] |
Zel |
officer class |
specialized [General] |
[Genius of Sloth] |
Calidus |
scholar/leisure class |
[Genius Polymath] |
Zeom |
scholar class |
advanced [Polymath] |
[Gentleman...] |
Ratici, Wilovan |
class attribute |
attribute for those that behave like gentleman; reported for [Thief], [Thug], [Thug of Style] |
7.24, 7.Gecko, 8.55 L
[Geomancer] |
mage class |
specialized [Mage] |
4.05 K, 6.30
[Ghost Shaman] |
mage class |
specialized [Shaman], may be an ancient class |
[Ghostbane Warrior] |
combat class |
specialized [Warrior] |
9.67 1
[Gigolo] |
service class |
male [Prostitute] |
10.20 E
[Gladiator] |
Yvlon, ... |
combat/performer class |
details unknown |
7.39 A
[Glass Mage] |
mage class |
specialized [Mage] |
[Glass Merchant] |
merchant class |
specialized [Merchant] |
[Glassblower] |
crafter class |
unknown |
3.23 L
[Gloomy Princess] |
Seraphel |
noble/ruler class |
attributed [Princess] |
[Glory Captain] |
Mithn |
officer class |
specialized [Captain] |
[Glory Seeker] |
Teresa |
combat class |
unknown |
[Gloryseeking Squire] |
Embershard |
combat class |
specialized [Squire] |
10.21 E
[Goblin Knight] |
combat class |
Goblin-specific [Knight] |
9.70 2
[Goblin Lord] |
goblin class |
high level; goblin-exclusive class |
10.22 R
[Goblin Lord of Sorrows] |
alt Headscratcher |
goblin class |
specialized [Goblin Lord] |
10.26 MM
[Goblin Slayer] |
combat class |
specialized [Monster Slayer] against Goblins |
10.25 MG
[Goblin Soulbard] |
Numbtongue |
performer class |
specialized [Bard]; goblin-exclusive class |
6.Numb 2
[Goblinbane Markswoman] |
Elia |
combat class, ranged, bow |
specialized [Markswoman] |
[Goblinfriend] |
social class |
unknown |
[Goblinfriend Bug-Captain] |
Gna |
officer class |
specialized [Captain] |
[Goblinfriend Innkeeper of Wonders] |
manager class |
specialized [Innkeeper] |
10.27 GMG
[Golem Artificer] |
crafter/mage class |
high-level |
6.41 E, 7.Mating 2
[Golem Artisan] |
crafter class |
derived from [Golem Maker]? |
7.48 K
[Golem Leader] |
leader class |
specialized [Leeader] |
[Golem Maker] |
Nsiia |
crafter/mage class |
basic entry |
Erin's guestbook, 7.48 K, 7.Golems
[Golemmaster Cook] |
food-preparer class |
specialized [Cook] |
8.37 H
[Good King] |
ruler class |
specialized [King] |
[Good Person] |
joke class |
joke class |
[Good Student] |
Kenva |
scholar class |
attributed [Student] |
9.61 G
[Gorgeleap Commander] |
Fezimet |
officer class |
specialized [Commander] |
8.51 D
[Gossip] |
Drassi |
delivery/leisure class |
basic entry |
6.63 P
[Goth] |
Gothica |
leisure class |
wardrobe requirement |
[Gouda General] |
joke class |
joke class |
[Gourmand] |
leisure class |
unknown |
[Gourmet] |
leisure class |
unknown |
1.27, 2.37, 6.64
[Governess] |
servant/manager class |
specialized [Carer] |
3.23 L
[Governor] |
politician class |
unknown |
[Governor of the Hunt] |
Jaeke |
politician class |
specialized [Governor] |
[Grabber] |
Pebblesnatch |
survival class |
low-level Goblin alternative to [Scavenger] |
7.05 P
[Graduate Battlemage] |
Falene |
combat/mage class |
specialized [Battlemage] |
10.03 Y
[Grand Mage] |
Esiela |
mage class |
high-level/advanced class, possibly derived from [High Mage] |
7.13 K
[Grand Magus] |
mage class |
high-level/advanced class, possibly derived from [High Mage], the step before [Archmage] |
[Grand Magus of Mind and Studies] |
Valeterisa |
mage class |
specialized [Grand Magus] |
9.14 VM
[Grand Magus of the Empire] |
mage class |
specialized [Grand Magus] |
10.12 H 1
[Grand Strategist] |
Chaldion |
strategist class |
type of [Veteran Strategist] |
[Grand Strategist of Victory] |
Chaldion |
strategist class |
advanced specialization of [Strategist] |
[Grandmaster] |
chess class |
probably not a thing, but [Grandmaster Strategist] is |
[Grandmaster Knight] |
combat/leader class |
leader of a [Knight] order |
[Grandmaster Knight of Honor's Flame] |
Normen |
combat/leader class |
specialized [Grandmaster Knight] |
9.41 3
[Grandmaster of Chess] |
chess class |
earned by beating a grandmaster in a tournament |
[Grandmaster of Death, Advent of Living Chess] |
Erin |
chess class |
granted to the best chess player in the world during the Heroic Quest to defeat them. |
[Grandmaster Strategist] |
Niers |
strategist class |
specialized [Strategist] |
V2 Quiet Discussions
[Grappler] |
Mendi |
combat class |
related to [Martial Artist] |
[Grappling Master] |
Salthorn |
combat class |
advanced [Grappler] |
8.37 H
[Gravedigger] |
service class |
unknown - specialized [Digger] ? |
5.16 S, 5.58, 6.01
[Grave Singer] |
Cara |
performer class |
specialized [Singer] |
GS Book One
[Gravekeeper] |
service class |
synonymous with [Gravetender] |
[Gravetender] |
service class |
unknown |
[Gravitationist] |
mage class |
specialized [Mage], possibly [Elementalist] |
7.29 B
[Gravity Mage] |
mage class |
specialized [Mage] |
8.37 H
[Great...] |
Rags, Etrikah, Seru’nial |
class attribute |
attribute for generally advanced class, high level; reported for [Chieftain], [Chieftain of the Skies], [General], [Sage], [Shaman], [Warrior] |
7.12 G, 7.Gecko,9.Death
[Greatbow Archer] |
combat class, ranged, bow |
unknown |
7.12 G
[Greatbow Sniper] |
combat class, ranged, bow |
unknown |
7.43 G
[Green Mage] |
Moore, Viceria |
mage class |
specialized [Mage] |
4.17, 5.59, 7.11
[Greenhorn Recruit] |
combat class |
attributed [Recruit] |
8.63 K
[Greeter] |
Nelliam |
service class |
basic entry |
[Griffin Prince] |
Griffin Prince |
ruler class |
specialized [Prince] |
7.21 KQ
[Griffin Raider] |
Lillian |
creature-control/criminal class |
specialized [Rider]/[Bandit] |
7.21 KQ
[Griffin Rider] |
creature-control class |
specialized [Rider] |
6.44 E, 6.53 K, 7.21 KQ
[Grocer] |
merchant class |
unknown |
[Grouch] |
leisure class |
basic entry |
10.16 N
[Grouchy Grocer] |
Sommete |
merchant class |
attributed [Grocer] |
10.16 N
[Groundskeeper] |
manager class |
unknown |
7.08 K
[Grower] |
grower class |
basic entry |
7.05 P
[Guard] |
guard class |
umbrella name for all "guard" classes? |
6.Numb 1
[Guard Captain] |
guard/officer class |
higher ranked [Guard] |
9.15 VM
[Guard Captain of Paradise] |
guard/officer class |
specialized [Guard Captain] |
10.04 V
[Guard Sergeant] |
Kel |
guard/officer class |
higher ranked [Guard] |
[Guardsman] / [Guardswoman] / [Guardspeople] |
Relc, Beilmark, ... / ... |
guard class |
basic entry |
3.16, 3.23 L
[Guardsman of Trust] |
Relc |
guard class |
specialized [Guardsman] |
[Guest] |
social class |
unknown |
9.70 1
[Guide] |
service class |
specialized [Greeter] |
[Guildmaster] / [Guildmistress] |
Tekshia |
manager class |
unknown |
4.06 KM, 7.00
[Guildmaster of Magic] |
manager class |
specialized [Guildmaster] |
9.38 TV 1
[Guitarist] |
Greg |
performer class |
specialized [Musician] |
7.21 KQ
[Gun Scout] |
Saif |
scout class |
specialized [Scout] |
7.29 B
[Gunslinger] |
Flora |
combat class, ranged, guns |
specialized [Slinger] |
7.35 C
[Gura Knight] |
combat class |
attributed [Knight] from Gura |
9.17 R
[Gymnast] |
alt Persua |
performer/athlete class |
created in an alternate timeline |
9.09 P
[Gymnastic Runner] |
alt Persua |
delivery/traveler class |
alternate timeline consolidation of [Gymnast] and [Runner] |
9.09 P
[Gynecolomancer] |
healer class |
probably not a thing, but see [Midwife] and [Obstetrician] |