List of Classes/S

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

List of Classes starting with the letter: S

S[edit | edit source]

Name Known Characters Class Type Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites References
[Saboteur] rogue/spy class unknown - basic entry? 6.30, 6.49
[Saboteur Beastmaster] rogue/spy/creature-control class specialized [Beastmaster] 10.06
[Safeguard Representative] politician/guard class specialized [Representative]? 8.14 N
[Safety Consultant] service class specialized [Consultant]? 9.15 VM
[Safety Inspector] manager class specialized [Inspector] 9.52
[Sage] unknown - mythical class unknown - mythical class 6.39, 6.Two Rats
[Sage of a Hundred Thousand Secrets] Velzimri scholar class advanced [Sage] Epilogue
[Sage of Wonders] scholar class advanced [Sage] 8.38 H
[Sage's Apprentice] scholar class basic entry Epilogue
[Sailing Admiral] Dakelos officer class specialized [Admiral] 9.Spitoon
[Sailor] sailor class basic entry 4.17, 6.22 D, 6.42 E, 6.63 P, 7.At Sea 1
[Saint] unknown - mythical class unknown - mythical class 1.07
[Salesman]/[Saleswoman] merchant class unknown 8.27, 8.55 L
[Saltwater Farmer] grower class specialized [Farmer] 10.05
[Sand...] Khal class attribute attribute for operating in arid or sandy environments; reported for [Brigadier], [Mercenary] 5.02, 8.57 H
[Sand Mage] Trey mage class specialized [Mage] 7.09 K
[Sandstorm Dervish] combat class Chandrarian warrior 9.20
[Sapper] combat/crafter class military engineer 8.29
[Sapphire Guard General] Grexx officer class specialized [General] 8.79
[Sarcasm Bard] joke class joke specialization of [Bard] 8.65
[Sariantfriend] Nanette social class basic entry] 9.61 G
[Sasser] leisure class unknown 7.19, 10.19 E
[Saucier Sea-Chef] food-preparer/sailor class specialized [Chef] 8.64 K
[Savage] combat class, melee unknown 9.17 R
[Savage Axeman] Egliv combat class, melee, axes advanced [Axeman] 6.67
[Savage Warrior] combat class advanced [Warrior] 6.Numb 2
[Savant] scholar class synonymous with [Polymath]? 9.54 C
[Saw Doctor] healer class specialized/primitive [Doctor] 7.32 D
[Sawbones Doctor] healer class specialized/primitive [Doctor] 9.40 GG
[Scaled Fist] combat class, melee, barehand realated to [Martial Artist]? 8.15
[Scam Artist] rogue class unknown 9.25
[Scavenger] Rags survival class basic entry, low level class for both Goblins and Humans 2.14 G, 6.05 D
[Scholar] scholar class umbrella name for learned/abstract knowledge classes 6.12 K, 6.39, 6.55 K, 7.26
[Scientist] scholar class unkown 10.34 MGF
[Scion of Sands] unkown unkown 8.32
[Scoundrel] rogue class unknown - basic entry? Erin's guestbook, 6.53 K, 7.16 L
[Scourer] laborer class unknown - basic entry? 6.22 D
[Scout] Halrac, ... pathfinder class basic entry? 3.02 H, 4.02 K, 4.16, 5.55 G
[Scout Commander] officer/scout class hybrid [Commander]/[Scout] 7.09 K
[Scout Lieutenant] Maksie officer/scout class hybrid [Lieutenent]/[Scout] 8.Hectval 3
[Scrapper] combat class low class, might be Goblin-specific. Also shown as related to mechanist classes 2.14 G, 10.30 GGMG
[Scribblequill Student] Mrsha scholar class specialized [Student], consolidating [Scribbler] 10.Order, Oddity
[Scribbler] Mrsha leisure class basic entry 9.03
[Scribe] scholar/service class unknown - basic entry? 5.09 E, 6.30, 6.49, 7.30
[Scribe Mage] scholar/mage class hybrid [Scribe]/[Mage] class 7.30
[Scrier] mage class unknown - specialized [Diviner]/[Seer]? 7.29 B
[Scrivener] scholar/service class higher leveled [Scribe] or [Scribbler] 8.16, 8.Satar
[Scrollscribe] Bezale mage class probably an error 6.59
[Scrounger] survival class basic entry, available to children 8.57 H
[Scrying Mage] mage class specialized [Mage] 8.15
[Sculler] athlete class what Luan would like instead of [Expert Rower] 6.07 D
[Scullery Maid] service class specialized [Maid] 9.Competition
[Scythemaster] combat class, melee, scythe unknown 8.80
[Sea Captain] sailor/officer class specialized [Captain] 7.47 K
[Sea Chef] food-preparer class specialized [Chef] 9.Foody
[Sea Druid] mage class specialized [Druid] 7.49
[Sea Lady] / [Sea Lord] Gresaria ruler class specialized [Lord]/[Lady] 7.Meetings
[Seamstress] / [Sewer] Dewlana crafter class basic entry 3.16, 6.30, 6.41 E, 7.15 R
[Secretary] Salii manager class unknown - advanced [Scribe]? 6.11, 6.29, 7.33 I
[Secretary of War] manager/politician class specialized [Secretary] or official 8.Satar
[Security Personnel] guard class unknown 8.Luan
[Seducer] / [Seductress] leisure class unknown 6.Embria, 6.Foliana, 7.11
[Seeker] Ireil adventurer/traveler class basic entry 9.61 G
[Seeker of Stories] adventurer/traveler class specialized [Explorer] or [Seeker] 9.69 H 2
[Seer] / [Seeress] Toenir mage class unknown 4.10, 6.52, 6.53, Erin's guestbook, 7.14 T
[Sellsword] combat class similar to [Mercenary]? 8.30
[Self-Sufficiency Cook] Jossec food-preparer class specialized [Cook] 10.24 E
[Selphid Telekinetic] Beth telepath class unique to Selphids 9.40 GG
[Senator] Errif politician class unknown - being elected 5.54, 6.30, 6.Numb 1
[Seneschal] manager class unknown 9.Foody
[Senior Commander of Military Forces] officer class joke, may not exist 9.Levels
[Senior Guard] / [Senior Guardsman] / [Senior Guardswoman] guard class unknown, not available among Drakes, but among Humans, requires level 20 7.43 G
[Senior Scribe] Hemera scholar/service class attributed [Scribe] 8.03
[Sensor Lookout] scout class specialized [Lookout] 9. Spitoon
[Sentry] Noa guard/scout class unknown 6.19 H, 6.34 E, 6.52 K, 6.Talia
[Sentry...] Ekrn class attribute combined class with [Sentry], or has a duty to keep guard; reported with [Commander], [Leader] Luan the Giant

, 8.77 B

[Sentrymaster] Loul guard/scout class advanced [Sentry] 10.07
[Seraphine] unknown class possessed by the Torch Queens of Delve 8.32
[Serf] servant/laborer class basic entry, exists in Terandria 9.14 VM
[Sergeant] Relc, ... combat/officer class unknown 6.Numb 2, 7.15 R
[Serial Killer] criminal class unknown 8.34 R
[Serpent Hunter] Jelaim hunter class specialized [Hunter] 6.13 K
[Serpent Lady] assassin class specialized creation 7.09 K
[Servant] Eim, ... servant class basic entry 3.37, 5.09 E, 6.13 K, 6.42 E, 7.28
[Servant of Intrigue] servant/spy class specialized [Servant] 8.68
[Servant of Nerrhavia] servant class knows Nerrhavia Epilogue
[Server] service class (Drake?) [Waiter] alternative 6.29, 6.63 P
[Settler] pathfinder/laborer class unknown 9.Racer
[Sewer] crafter class unknown - basic entry? 8.65
[Sex Guru] joke class joke class 7.Mating 2
[Shadow General] officer class specialized [General] 3.39
[Shadowmaster Assassin] assassin class specialized [Assassin] 7.58
[Shadowworld Wanderer] scout/mage class hybrid [Mage]/[Scout] 7.09 K
[Shaman] Feshi, ... mage class restriction to tribal societies 1.02, 5.20 G, 6.13 K, 6.22 D, 7.05 P, 7.At Sea 1, 7.43 G
[Shaman of Purity] Cetrule mage class specialized [Shaman] 8.Satar
[Shaman of the Earth] mage class specialized [Shaman] 8.Satar
[Shaman of the Eternal Grasslands] Ulcreziek mage class head [Shaman] of the Plain’s Eye Tribe 8.38 H, 8.79
[Shaman of the Old Ways] Ulvama mage class advanced [Shaman] 8.Vampires
[Shaman of Tribe and Plain] Theikha mage class specialized [Shaman], gnoll-specific 8.Satar
[Shamanic Warrior] Merish mage/combat class reported for Gnolls 7.34 C
[Shapechanger] unknown gnoll-specific? 8.Satar
[Shaper] Visma crafter class basic entry; possible to obtain for children 7.06
[Shapeshifter] mage class unknown - Gnoll-specific? 7.26, 8.10
[Shapeshifter Mage] mage class specialized [Mage] 8.70 E
[Sharpener] Lorent crafter class unknown - basic entry? 6.13 K
[Sharpshooter] combat class, ranged variant of [Sniper]? 4.25 N, 7.36 C, Erin's guestbook
[Sharpshooter Spellslinger] mage/combat class, ranged specialized [Spellslinger] 9.15 VM
[She Who Summons Victory] Falamizural combat/leader/mage class shares similarities with [Paladin] 10.17
[Sheik] ruler/noble class unknown 6.45 E
[Shell Opener] service/laborer class specialized [Opener] 8.51 D
[Shepherd]/[Shepherdess] creature-control class unknown - basic entry or specialized [Herder]? 3.15, 6.64, 7.10 K
[Shield...] Walt, Tkrn class attribute Indication of using a shield or being defenssively oriented; reported for [Captain], [Companion], [Defender], [Warrior] 5.37 G, 6.64, 8.48 H, 8.67
[Shield Companion] Tkrn combat class, melee, shield earned defending others with a shield 8.67
[Shield Hero] combat class, melee, shield unknown, specialized [Hero] Erin's guestbook
[Shieldbearer] combat class, melee, shield unknown, specialized [Warrior] Erin's guestbook, 6.67, 7.39 A
[Shieldbearer Runner] Herove delivery/traveler class specialized [Runner] 9.09 P
[Shieldbearer Warrior] combat class, melee, shield specialized [Warrior] 8.52 MN
[Shieldbreaker Axeman] combat class, melee, axe specialized [Axeman], usually about Level 30+ 6.39
[Shielded Warrior] combat class, melee, shield specialized [Warrior] 8.65
[Shieldguard] guard class specialized [Guard] 8.65
[Shieldmaid] Briganda unknown result of the "en" in [Shieldmaiden] being struck from the System 9.67 2
[Shieldmaiden] / [Shield Maiden] Shineshield, Briganda combat class, melee, shield unknown, specialized [Warrior] 7.12 G, 7.15 R
[Shieldmaster] combat class, melee, shield unknown, around level 30 7.13 K
[Shieldsister] combat class, melee, shield unknown 9.13
[Shieldwall Warrior] / [Shieldwall] combat class, melee, shield unknown - specialized [Lineholder]? Erin's guestbook, 6.Talia
[Ship Captain] officer class specialized [Captain] 10.Pilot and Knight
[Ship Doctor] healer class specialized [Healer] 8.64 K
[Ship Lord] ruler class specialized [Lord] 7.15 R
[Ship Mage]/[Ship's Mage mage class specialized [Mage] 9.Spitoon
[Ship Master manager class unknown 9.68
[Ship Treasurer manager class specialized [Treasurer] 10.23 LMGY
[Shipbuilder] crafter class unknown 8.16
[Shipwright] crafter class unknown 8.16
[Shoemaker] Kamine crafter class basic entry, alternate to [Cobbler] 2.41, 6.25, 6.Talia
[Shootling Farmer] Loreiil grower class specialized [Farmer] 9.59 O
[Shop Assistant] service class basic entry 6.Numb 1
[Shop Clerk] service class basic entry 10.15
[Shop Attendant]/[Shopkeeper Attendant] service class unknown 9.Epilogue
[Shopkeeper] Lism, ... merchant class basic entry 3.37, 5.Interlude - Flos
[Shoveler] laborer class similar to [Digger] 8.77 B
[Showoff] joke class joke class 8.37 HO
[Shrimp Farmer] creature-control class specialized [Farmer] 10.Pilot and Knight
[Shrine Priestess] cleric class unknown - exclusive to Drath? 8.82 (Pt. 3)
[Siege Juggernaut] combat class specialized [Juggernaut] 8.16
[Siegemaster] officer class unknown 8.28
[Sifter] laborer class unknown 9.54 C
[Sighter] support class unknown 8.83
[Sigilist] crafter class crafter of non-magical runes for [Enchanters] 7.Gecko, 7.31
[Signaller] service class unknown 9.70 1
[Silent Commander] Gazi officer class specialized [Commander] 7.09 K
[Silverarm Warrior] combat class specialized [Warrior] 8.30
[Silvertongue Negotiator] politician class specialized [Negotiator] 7.Tribes
[Silversmith] Orreh crafter class unknown 9.Mundanity
[Silversteel Armsmistress] Yvlon melded/combat class, melee specialized [Armsmaster], advanced [Warrior] 6.66 H, 8.81
[Silvertongue Emissary] politician class specialized [Emissary] 8.05 I
[Sinew Magus] / [Sinew Mage] Grimalkin mage class specialized [Mage] 6.38, 6.39
[Singer] Cara, ... performer class basic entry 3.16, 7.12 G
[Skeleton Knight] Toren combat class, melee specialized [Skeleton Warrior] (or creation) 7.14 T
[Skeleton Mage] Ijvani mage class basic entry (or creation) 8.00
[Skeleton Warrior] Toren combat class, melee basic entry (or creation) 1.41
[Sketch Wizard] mage class possibly a lucrative branch of wizardry 6.17 S
[Sketcher] Aiko artist class basic entry, possible relations to [Artist] 6.06
[Skirmisher] Ksmvr combat class specialized [Warrior] 6.39
[Skulker] rogue/survival class basic entry 6.05 D, 7.19, 7.43 G
[Sky Rider] flier/creature-control class specialized [Rider], uses birds 8.76 B
[Sky Strikeleader] leader/flier/combat class unknown 8.48 H
[Skyrider] flier class unknown, specialized [Flier] ? 10.Pilot and Knight
[Skyrider of Ger] Quarass flier class unknown, specialized [Flier] ? 7.09 K
[Skysword Master] flier/combat class, melee unknown, specialized [Flier] ? Reported for Garuda 7.34 C
[Slacker] gutter class unknown if real 8.Satar
[Slaughterer] combat class specialized rare fighter 2.Ant 2
[Slave] slave/cursed class entry upon declaration 4.06 KM
[Slave Bodyguard] slave/combat class consolidated [Slave]-[Bodyguard] 8.Hectval 2
[Slave Guard] guard/creature control class specialized [Guard] 8.Pisces
[Slave Leader] leader/creature control class advanced [Slaver]? 8.57 H
[Slave Lord] / [Slave Lady] Yazdil Achakhei, Ultce noble/creature control class hybrid [Slaver]/[Lord] 6.68, 9.32
[Slave Master] / [Slave Mistress] leader/creature control class advanced [Slaver]? 8.Revenant, 8.57 H
[Slave Owner] creature control class unknown 8.42
[Slave Taker] hunter/creature control class specialized [Slaver] 8.57 H
[Slave Trader] merchant/manager class hybrid [Slaver]/[Trader]? 5.Interlude - Flos
[Slaver] creature-control/manager class basic [Slaver] class V5 Flos
[Slaver Captain] manager/officer class combined [Slaver]-[Captain] 9.T&T
[Slaveshaper of Minds, Slavelord of Roshal] Yazdil creature-control/noble class advanced [Slave Lord] 9.32
[Slayer] combat class unknown 8.80
[Slayer of Fists] Cheindurana combat class, melee, barehand related to [Martial Artist] 8.37 H
[Slime Master] Culivan creature-control class specialized [Beastmaster] 9.38 TV 1
[Slime Rider] creature-control class specialized [Rider] 8.09
[Slime Tamer] creature-control class specialized [Beast Tamer] 9.38 TV 1
[Slinger] Sailt combat class, ranged, Sling unknown, basic entry? Common with Lizardfolk 7.10 K, 7.34 C
[Slingshot Specialist] officer/service class, ranged, Slinghot operates a slingshot 9.70 1
[Smelter] Basil laborer class details unknown 7.29 B, 7.33 I
[Smith] crafter class synonymous for [Blacksmith] 6.13 K
[Smith-King] Serept ruler/crafter class specialized king 8.32
[Smithing Chieftain] Mrell crafter/leader class combined [Smith]-[Chieftain] 8.79
[Smoker] Palt leisure class unknown 6.61 L, 7.Gecko
[Smuggler] criminal/delivery/rogue class unknown 7.Gecko
[Sneak Thief] rogue class used as an insult 9.15 VM
[Sneak Thug] rogue/criminal class specialized [Thug] 8.45 O
[Sniffer] Sveha pathfinder class gnoll-specific child class 8.30
[Sniper] Badarrow, Samile combat class, ranged specialized [Archer] 4.16, 4.48, 5.41, 6.22 D, 7.43 G
[Snitch] Visma criminal class invisible to appraisal 9.61 G
[Snoop]/[Snooper] spy class unknown 10.07
[Soccer Player] athlete class hypothetical class, synonymous with [Footballer] 7.51
[Social Climber] leisure/politician class unknown 9.14 VM
[Socialite] Melika leisure class 7.17 S
[Solar Mage] Vedufien mage class specialized [Mage] 8.04 T
[Soldier] Twin Stripes, ... combat class details unknown; professional military of all races 3.16
[Sole Survivor] Mrsha cursed/survival class Gnoll-specific, probably an error 7.Lift
[Song Instructor] Calla performer/mentor class specialized [Instructor] Interlude – Songs and Wands
[Songstress] Liasel performer class likely derived from [Singer] or [Bard] 10.12 H 1
[Songwriter] artist class unknown 6.50 I
[Soothsayer] Rastandius mage class unknown 2.05, 9.09 P
[Sorcerer] / [Sorceress] Quexa mage class basic entry 1.10, 1.34, 1.03 D, 4.13 L, 6.23 D, 6.51 A
[Soundstep Martial Artist] Orjin combat class specialized [Martial Artist] 9.35 O
[Soup Chef] Veriny food-preparer class specialized [Chef] 8.03
[Sour Chef] food-preparer class specialized [Chef] Roots 3
[Sous Chef] / [Sous-chef] Mixasa food-preparer class very specialized [Chef] 6.Foliana
[Sparkfist]/[Sparkfist Warrior] combat class specialized [Martial Artist] 9.35 O
[Speaker] service/servant class unknown 8.Satar
[Spear...] Embria, Hickery, Ureca class attribute Indication of using a spear as a weapon of choice; reported with [Captain], [Crusader], [Dancer], [Hunter], [Soldier], [Trainee], [Warrior] 5.13, 6.Embria, 6.Numb 2, 7.Sand
[Spear Dancer]/[Speardancer] combat class, melee, agility hybrid [Martial Artist]/Spear-warrior class 6.15 K
[Spear of Glory] Embria combat class, melee, spear unknown 8.Hectval 3
[Spear of the Drakes] Sserys combat class, melee, spear specialized [General], Drake specific 8.85
[Spearfighter] combat class, melee, spear unknown 8.34 R
[Spearman] / [Spearwoman] / [Spear Drake] / [Spearsman] combat class, melee, spear specialized [Warrior] or basic entry 5.13, 6.Embria, 8.34 R
[Spearmaster] / [Spearmistress] Tekshia, Relc, ... combat class, melee, spear specialized [Spear Drake] 6.17 S, 6.67, 7.28
[Spearmaster General] officer class hybrid [Spearmaster]/[General] 6.Embria
[Spearmaster of the Wolf] Lulv officer class specialized [Spearmaster] 9.30
[Spectral Scoutlord] scout/mage class hybrid [Mage]/[Scout] 7.09 K
[Speed Inker] artist/service class specialized [Tattooist] 10.Vengeance and Talking
[Speed Painter] artist class specialized [Painter] 7.56
[Spell ...] Ssolys, Teithde, Vess class attribute attribute for those that use spellcasting with their class; reported for [Ambusher], [Brigadier], [Duelist], [Knight of Mercy] 8.13 F, 8.64 K, 9.25, 9.41 3
[Spellarmor Warrior] combat class - armored specialized [Warrior] 7.18 M, 7.28
[Spellblade] Edward, Requiel combat/mage class hybrid [Swordsman]/[Mage]. Possibly synonymous to [Spellsword] 7.15 R, 7.34 C
[Spellbound Lady] Menrise noble/mage class specialized [Lady] 9.16 R
[Spellcaster] Noears mage class low-level [Mage] class, self-taught similar to [Hedgemage] 3.28 G, 9.14 VM
[Spellcut Warrior] warrior class specialized [Warrior], cuts through magic 8.06RT
[Spellscourge] mage/combat class specialized [Mage] 9.Stories
[Spellscribe] Beza mage class specialized [Mage] focused on beforehand preparation 6.57
[Spellslinger] Ulinde mage class specialized [Mage] 6.58
[Spellsword] combat/mage class hybrid [Swordsman]/[Mage]. Possibly synonymous to [Spellblade] 3.30, 6.18 H, Glossary, 7.13 K, 7.39 A
[Spellwater Strategist] Kiish mage/strategist class specialized [Strategist] 7.57
[Spellweaver] mage/crafter class unknown - hybrid [Tailor]/[Mage]? 7.18
[Spice Chef] Calescent food-preparer class specialized [Chef] 8.17 H
[Spider Druid] Shassa mage class specialized [Druid], may be an error 8.07 L
[Spiderweb Druid] Shassa mage class specialized [Druid] 7.Druids
[Spinner] Lelia crafter class may work for [Tailors] 6.17 S
[Spirit Shaman] mage class specialized [Shaman] 9.55 Pt. 2
[Spitfire Crusader] Crusader 57 combat/cleric class attributed [Crusader] 9.Adventurers 3
[Spooky Apprentice] Malluni mage class attributed [Witch Apprentice] 10.19 E
[Spotter] scout class unknown, basic entry? 7.01
[Spring Knight]/[Knight of the Spring] combat class, melee specialized [Knight] 6.42 E
[Spy] rogue/spy class unknown - basic entry? 5.55 G, 6.27 M
[Spy of the Captured Moment] Nollesc rogue/spy class specialized [Spy] 9.43 L
[Spymaster] rogue/spy/manager class unknown - specialized [Spy]? 6.22 D, 7.At Sea 1
[Squad Captain] combat/officer class unknown - [Captain] subclass? 6.30
[Squad Leader] combat/officer class specialized [Leader] 9.51 Z
[Squire] combat class pre-[Knight], in training 4.03 K, 6.39, 6.42 E, 7.21 KQ, 7.24
[Stabber] Poisonbite combat class unknown - goblin-specific 8.35
[Stablehand] Tel, Rel creature control class synonymous or inferior to [Hostler]? 7.34 C
[Stablemaster] / [Stable Mistress] Tell manager/creature control class superior to [Hostler], details unknown 7.20, 7.24, 8.08 J
[Stabmistress] combat class, melee, knives unkown 8.34 R
[Staff Manager of Cleaning] Navien manager class promoted from [Cleaner]? 9.25
[Staff Member] service class unknown 9.25
[Staffmaster] combat class, melee specialized [Warrior], probably advanced [Stafffighter] (?) 7.34 C
[Stage Manager] Temile performer/manager class specialized [Actor] 6.Numb 1
[Stalker] criminal/rogue class unknown 8.09, 10.07
[Stalker Hunter] Orreh hunter class specialized [Hunter] 7.Tribes
[Stall Attendant] merchant/service class basic entry? 7.23 LM
[Stall Cook] food-preparer class speciaalized [Cook] 10.23 LMGY
[Stall Keeper] merchant class basic entry? 6.17 S
[Stall Manager] merchant class unknown 8.52 MN
[Stalwart] combat class, melee specialized military [Warrior] 2.Ant 2
[Star Sorcerer] mage class specialized [Sorcerer] 5.60
[Statesman] politician class similar to [Politician]? 9.35 O
[Statistician] scholar class hypothetical class 8.66
[Stealth Archer] rogue/combat class, ranged, bow specialized [Archer] 8.60
[Stealth Bard] joke class joke class 8.31
[Stealthguard] guard class specialized [Guard] against stealth 8.77 B
[Steel Tempest] Jelaqua combat class, melee, flail specialized [Warrior] 7.49
[Steelflame Tactician] / [Steelflame Strategist] Rags strategist class specialized [Tactician] 7.43 G
[Steelforged Whirlwind] Jelaqua combat class, melee, flail advanced [Steel Tempest] 8.19 H
[Stellar Server] service class attributed [Server] 9.25
[Steward] Orthenon, Prost manager class
[Stewer] food-preparer class low class, probably Goblin-specific 2.36 G
[Stirrer] service/food-preparer class low class, probably Goblin-specific 4.32 G, 4.46, 7.05 P
[Stitch Healer] healer class String People specific [Healer] 8.48 H
[Stitch Witch] Belavierr mage class specialized [Witch] 6.40 E
[Stichmistress] / [Stitchmaster] crafter class unknown, advanced [Tailor], see also [Seamstress] 4.25 N
[Stockpiler] Realday merchant class unknown 9.38 TV 2
[Stone ...] class attribute enhanced class, known as a dwarven speciality. Reported cases: [Lieutenant], [Magus] - (other officer/leader/combat classes are likely) 7.36 C
[Stonebody Martial Artist] Sorron combat class, melee, unarmed specialized [Martial Artist] 9.35 O
[Stonecarver] Worhen crafter class unknown 7.05 P
[Stoneguard] combat class unknown, unique to Dwarves? 9.Singing
[Stonemason] builder class unknown, specialized [Builder] or [Mason] 4.00 K
[Stoneshaper Shaman] mage class specialized [Shaman] 7.55 E
[Stoneshorn War Leader] Merrik officer class unknown, unique to Dwarves? 9.02
[Stoneskin Warrior] Relladen combat class specialized [Warrior] with [Stoneskin] 8.48 H
[Stonesoup Herdmistress of the Greatland] Geraeri leader/food-preparer class advanced combination of [Rocksoup Cook] and [Hermistress of the Land] 8.08 J
[Store Owner] merchant class unknown 10.30 GGMG
[Storm... ] Lasc, ... class attribute enhanced class, requires to have taken on an aspect of the sea. Reported cases: [Admiral], [Captain], [Sailor], [Lord] WD pt.5, 6.22 D, 7.Ships, 7.At Sea 1, 7.At Sea 2
[Storm Bandit] Rexel criminal class specialized [Bandit], not related to the sea as above 8.22 HE
[Stormline Strategist] Esor strategist class specialized [Strategist 8.29
[Stormlord Captain] Imor Seagrass ruler/sailor class specialized combination of [Lord]-[Captain] 6.68
[Stormwalker] mage class hybrid [Aeromancer]/[Hydromancer] Erin's guestbook
[Storyteller] performer class unknown - basic entry? 3.16, , 6.63 P
[Strategist] Olesm, ... strategist class advanced [Tactician]
[Strategist Chieftain] Feshi strategist/leader class combined [Strategist]-[Chieftain] 9.20
[Strategist Chieftain of Reclamation] Feshi strategist/leader class specialized [Strategist Chieftain] 9.37 HO
[Strategist of Empire] strategist class specialized [Strategist] 8.26 FK
[Strategist of Mobility] strategist class specialized [Strategist] 8.08 J
[Street...] Geram, Grev class attribute gutter class attribute; reported for [Brawler], [Fighter], [Rat], [Rogue], [Thief], [Tough], [Urchin] 5.09 E, 6.63 P, 7.15 R, 7.Night
[Strike Commander] Bes officer class 7.17 S
[Strike Strategist] Anand strategist class specialized [Strategist] 7.39 A
[Stripper] performer class unknown 7.02
[Strongest Martial Artist of Pomle] Orjin combat class, melee, unarmed awarded to the leader of Pomle] 9.35 O
[Strongest of the Martial Age] Collos, Vandum combat class, melee, unarmed advanced [Martial Artist] 9.34, 9.35 O
[Strummer] performer class possibly Goblin-specific 7.12 G
[Student] Eun scholar class unknown 6.Foliana, 7.16 L, 7.29 B
[Student of Grandmasters] alt Rags scholar class specialized [Student] 10.27 GMG
[Student of Pomle] combat class, melee, unarmed specialized [Martial Artist] 9.59 O
[Stylish Cutmaster] service class unknown 9.19
[Suave Lord] noble class specialized [Lord] 10.00 L
[Submarine Captain] sailor/officer class joke 10.Redblade
[Submission Expert] combat class, melee, unarmed specialized [Martial Artist] 9.59 O
[Sultan] / [Sultana] ruler class unknown, similar to [King]? 5.02
[Summer Knight] Raim, Talia combat class, melee specialized [Knight] 6.42 E
[Summoner] Revi, ... mage class specialized [Mage] 5.29, 6.17 S, 7.14 T
[Sunken Admiral of No Surrender] officer class specialized [Admiral], inclined towards Drowned People 9. Spitoon
[Super Assassin] joke class joke class 8.68
[Superhero] unknown hypothetical class 8.41
[Superior Martial Artist] Orjin combat class advanced [Martial Artist] 9.35 O
[Supermodel] performer class unknown 10.34 MGF
[Supervisor] Milaw laborer/manager class appointed or specialized [Forewoman] 6.47 E, 9.14 VM
[Supplier] service class unknown 8.07 L
[Supply Chain Master] Etola merchant class specialized [Merchant] 10.13
[Supporter] Colthei service class aids others 9.21
[Supremacy Colonel] officer class specialized [Colonel] 10.35 - Pt. 1
[Supreme...] First Grand Queen, Coroint class attribute denotes a high, uncontested rank; reported for [Adjucator],[General], [Marshal], [Matriarch] Chapter 2.41, Chapter 8.54 H, Chapter 8.58 PFH, Chapter 8.64 K
[Surefoot Martial Artist] Orjin combat class specialized [Martial Artist] 9.35 O
[Surehoof] unknown almost Centaur-exclusive 9.34
[Surehoof...] class attribute Centaur attribute for running at the front of the herd and avoiding obstacles; reported for [Scout] and [Warrior] 9.34
[Surgeon] Geneva healer class specialized [Doctor] 9.22 GN
[Survivalist] survival class basic entry 6.05 D
[Survivor] Imani survival class civilian class 2.Ant 2, 7.21 KQ, 7.29 B
[Survivor of Starvation] Mrsha (Root) survival class specialized [Survivor] 10.32 (Pt. 1)
[Survivor of Trials] Mrsha (Root) survival class specialized [Survivor] 10.32 (Pt. 1)
[Sushi Chef] food-preparer class specialized [Chef], found in Drath 9.44 P
[Swamp Leader] Xeca leader class unknown 7.10 K
[Swamp Mage] mage class specialized [Mage] 6.62 L
[Swarm Mage] mage class specialized [Mage] 8.04 T
[Swashbuckler] Jewel combat class, melee specialized [Warrior] 7.15 R, 7.Night, 7.34 C
[Sweeper] Mica service class basic entry 6.17 S
[Swift Rider] creature-control class specialized [Rider] 8.64 K
[Swimmer] Luan athlete class basic entry 8.Rower
[Swindler] rogue/criminal class criminal variant of merchant-type and service-type classes 6.17 S, 6.Titan's Question
[Switchblade Warrior] combat class, melee details unknown 7.37
[Sword Captain] Veel combat/leader class hybrid [Swordsman]/[Captain] 6.11, 7.21 KQ
[Sword Dancer] Toren, Category:Sword Dancers combat class, melee, agility unknown - either basic or specialized [Fighter]. Possibly synonymous to [Blade Dancer] 7.14 T
[Sword Fire Slaying Saint Rockstar] joke class joke class 9.02
[Sword Mage] mage/combat class unknown - similar to [Spellsword]? 4.10
[Sword Sage] combat class, melee, sword advanced [Swordmaster]? 8.22 HE
[Sword Saint] Balthen Bladewing combat class, melee, sword advanced [Swordmaster]? 8.14 N
[Swordgrace Major] Shellc officer/combat class, melee, sword specialized [Major] 8.30
[Sword Lieutenant] officer class specialized [Lieutenant] 9.30
[Swordmaster] combat class, melee, sword advanced [Swordsman] 8.60
[Swordservant] servant class specialized [Servant]) 9.17 R
[Swordslayer] / [Sword Slayer] Klbkch combat class, melee, sword specialized [Warrior] (or [Swordsman]) 2.43, 6.29
[Swordsman] / [Swordswoman] combat class, melee, sword specialized [Warrior] Interlude, 5.37 G, 6.19 H, 5.29
[Sybarite Soulbard] Numbtongue performer class specialized [Soulbard] 10.30 GGMG
[Sylvan Commander of Fables] Ierwyn officer class advanced half-Elf [Commander] 8.26 FK
[Symphony Knight] combat class, melee specialized [Knight] 8.78 F
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