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Rastandius the All-Seeing
Master Rastandius




70 or 80








First Appearance

Chapter 9.09 P

Rastandius is an old [Soothsayer] who made his trade working in a carnival in Izril

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He's an old man, thin and frail, with a pink and red right eye. He has a wooden left eye with a gold-painted pupil, and is missing two fingertips from both gnarled hand. He still has all his teeth. He wears a false bushy white beard and unwashed silk robes.

Personality[edit | edit source]

Greedy and ambitious, Rastandius is an opportunist who seeks out individuals with great potential and offers his soothsaying services to them, aiming to benefit from their successes. Although he can forecast potential futures with great accuracy, ironically he often fails to predict the potential reprisals from his customers and often overreaches or misplays his hand. Consequently, he suffered from bodily harm, such as having one of his eyes cut out by the Quarass for being indirectly responsible for Flos Reimarch's rise to power, or being dropped off a rooftop by Poruniv after discovering the existence of a secret Dragon in Oteslia.[1] He is strong-willed and resilient, evident by him willingly sacrificing four of his fingers in exchange for two decades of happiness.[2]

Background[edit | edit source]

Rastandius was a great Soothsayer, who told the fortunes of monarchs, and was so famous he was known by different names. He once read Eloise's future in a teacup when she was still a [Lady], and was gifted chopsticks by the previous emperor of Drath.

He once told the future of the King of Hellios, Treland, in the Great Desert of Zeikhal. He told him that his ambitions of ruling the continent would be realized by Flos instead. When he was threatened with execution, he told the king that he could change his fate by killing the young Flos and taking that destiny for himself, resulting in Hellios' invasion of Reim and starting the King of Destruction's rise to power. For this, the previous Quarass plucked out his eye.

When he was desperate, he gambled fortunes, betting a finger on setting someone to glory or fame, in exchange for a cut of what they received. He tried five times, and on the fifth he enjoyed two decades of happiness. But he stopped taking chances and failed to predict the Goblin King. When Velan arrived on Izril, he left his patron and laid low. He's been looking for someone who will be pivotal since.

Fifteen years ago, he tried to attach himself to the Earthtenders in Oteslia. But he overplayed his hand by revealing he knew too much about Cire, so he was thrown from a rooftop and had to flee the city.[1]

He's given unfavorable readings to Pryde Ulta, Magnolia Reinhart, Tyrion Veltras, and Ulva Terland. Forty years after predicting Eloise's future, he met her again as a [Witch] and she returned the service with the same teacup. He got a scar from a man who did not like the possible futures involving his lover. He's sold, lost or given away most of his tools.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Rastandius was set up at a fair in his caravan. He predicted a meeting with Persua. She was initially sceptical of his powers, but she returned when he predicted the monster horde attack from the High Passes. He first showed alternate futures to Herove and Raich. He then showed Persua a glorious alternate timeline where she was friends with Ryoka and became a famous Courier. Ryoka's constant presence greatly upset her, and she later return to set his caravan on fire and try to murder him. But he had stolen her Ring of Minor Protection and foiled her attempt, and planned to make her into a personal project. When he tried to show her her future if she stayed on her current path, he attracted the attention of Kasigna, who killed him. He died warning Persua that she would meet her if she stayed on her current path.[2]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Soothsayer] Lv. 50+

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Thanks to a prediction he made that he will never suffer food poisoning, Rastandius doesn't bother washing his hands.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To juggler [Performer]) “Fate is never certain. But it is certain when it is uncertain. I may be old, but I have enough wherewithal to know when we come to a crossroads of fate, or when the strings of destiny pull taut.”
  • (To Persua) “Young City Runner! You there! Would you like me to read your fortune? I am Rastandius, a [Soothsayer] of great renown! And you, Miss Persua, are my first client of the night.”
  • (To Herove) “You understand my warnings? This is not certain. This will never happen exactly like this. It could happen almost exactly, but what we can take from this is…if. Perhaps it would benefit Runner Herove to visit Liscor.”
  • To Persua:
    • “In the reality you wanted to see, your glorious one—you two were clearly friends. I warned you, Runner Persua, you might not like what you saw.”
    • “I am only showing you likely possibilities. Don’t you see? Your life and hers are intertwined. Look. See what happens?”
    • “That you could be friends with the Wind Runner? Are you really so blind? Are you so mad? Stare again.
    • You two could have been the best of friends.
    • “Look at how your life could have been but for your pettiness.”
    • “You think so? Then let me show you your future now. Not an if, Persua. You—I will drag you to greatness if I must. But this is what will become of you, you pathetic waste.”
    • “You will meet her if you walk down this path, Runner. Persua Mavva. She has three faces.”

References[edit | edit source]