
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Second Gardener







Gang Boss



First Appearance

Chapter 8.45 O

Poruniv is the Second Gardener of Oteslia, and the criminal gang boss of the Earthtenders.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He is a huge and burly Drake that wears swaggering set of clothes, with a Terandrian fashion doublet.[1]

Personality[edit | edit source]

TBA From Chapter 8.45 O

Background[edit | edit source]

Not much is known about him other than him being one of Cire old friends. Later on in life, he would somehow become Oteslia’s Second Gardener, and also the leader of the largest Gang in Oteslia, known as the Earthtenders.[1]

Fifteen years ago while Poruniv was a lieutenant in the gang, Rastandius tried to attach himself to the Earthtenders and gave him a prophecy. Poruniv threatened him and chased him away when he revealed he knew too much about Cire.[2]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

While he did not make any appearance, he had Xif’s shop, which had his Faerie Flowers in it, burn down because he had been assured that the flowers value would skyrocket, which would make him a profit once he started stealing them once their value was established in Saliss’s claws, who would have been forced to buy them. Later he would be unhappy and angry as could be when Wilovan and Ratici of the Gentlemen Callers, by the orders of Lyonette, stole and burn all the flowers from all the others, leaving only Lyonette to monopolize the remaining flowers.[3]

He would later on send some of his men to kill Lyonette but they fail and the Gentlemen Callers are able to question one of them to lead them to his gang.[4]

TBA From Chapter 8.45 O


TBA From Chapter 8.55 L


Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • ??? Lv. 40+

Skills:[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Ecleeif and Rickel) “Because he’s funny, and he has good ideas now and then. He’s harmless. Come back tomorrow, Rickel! And next time, don’t put all your coins where you can toss them into soup!”
  • To Wilovan & Ratici:
    • So here’s the two foreigners who think they can plant seeds wherever they want.
    • “Well. They call me the boss. Or the gardener, if we’re out in the open. Poruniv, Oteslia’s Second Gardener.”
    • “Hah. You northern lot are funny. I never thought I’d see a Drake and Gnoll instead of Humans. Just goes to show.”
    • “This is my place. The Dragon’s Horde. You want to come here, to the Second Gardener’s Gang? The Earthtenders? Other gangs in Walled Cities would know better, but that’s the north for you. I’ll tell you what: if you tell me what I want to hear, you might walk out. You think you two are the only Faces in Oteslia? You’re looking at four of them.”
  • (To Cire) “Hello, Cire. Don’t worry, it’s all fine. They’ll be out of our city soon enough.”

References[edit | edit source]