List of Classes/L

From The Wandering Inn Wiki

List of Classes starting with the letter: L

L[edit | edit source]

Name Known Characters Class Type Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites References
[Laborer] Dawson laborer class basic entry 5.12, 6.05 D, 6.19 H, 6.22 D
[Lady] Magnolia, ... ruler class unknown - nobilitation or inheritance? / female
[Lady Firestarter]/[Firestarter Lady] Maviola ruler class specialized [Lady] 7.23 LM
[Lady Navigator] Heis noble/pathfinder class combined [Lady]-[Navigator] 9.M&M
[Lady of Great Enterprise] Andra Meitolo ruler class specialized [Lady] 9.63
[Lady of Pride] Pryde ruler class specialized [Lady] 7.23 LM
[Lady of Shadows] alt Gothica goth class advanced from [Goth] 10.30 GGMG
[Lady of Surf] ruler class specialized [Lady] 10.04 V
[Lady of the Commonfolk] Risel noble class specialized [Lady] GS Book One
[Lady of the Woods] Ruveden noble class unique to forest-dwellers 9.Singing
[Lady of Thorns] Bethal ruler class specialized [Lady] 7.18
[Lady of Viper's Touch] Vaitsha noble class specialized [Lady] 10.12 H 1
[Lance Leader] leader/creature-control/combat class, mounted, lance combined [Lancer]-[Leader] 7.47 K
[Lancelord of A Thousand Victories] Tyrion ruler/combat class, melee, mounted specialized combination of [Lancer] and [Lord] 8.69 T
[Lanceman] Dorid combat class, melee, lance [Warrior] using a lance 9.41 3
[Lancer] combat class, melee, mounted unknown, not mounted in case of Centaurs 4.05 K, 4.46, 4. Ant 3, 4.48, 5.30 G, 6.06 D, 7.13 K
[Lancer of the Ages] Tyrion combat class, melee, mounted specialized [Lancer], obtained chronos Skills 8.75
[Landlady] / [Landlord] Hastel leisure class unknown 6.05 D, 6.30, 7.Choco 1
[Landowner] leisure class unknown 7.00, 7.Choco 1
[Lantern Crafter] crafter class specialized [Crafter] 9.58 O
[Last Survivor] Mrsha cursed/survivor class Gnoll-specific 5.06 M
[Laundry Washer] laborer/service class specialized [Washer] 8.37 H
[Lawrider] guard class stated to be a class, but no examples yet seen] 10.11 H
[Lawyer] politician class unknown 10.14
[Layabout] leisure class unknown 2.20, 7.26
[Lead Actor] / [Lead Actress] performer class advanced [Actor] 6.63 P, 7.Night
[Lead Drummer] performer class specialized [Drummer] 10.12 H 1
[Lead Engineer] crafter class advanced [Engineer] 7.04
[Leader] Rags, ... leader class umbrella name for leaders without clear competence restrictions 3.39
[Leader of the Devoted Path] Soloxenethn leader class specialized [Leader] 9.36 HO
[Learned Warrior] combat class advanced from [Student] 7.Golems
[Leatherworker] crafter class unknown 7.26
[Lecher] gutter class unknown 9.14 VM
[Lecturer] trainer/scholar class unclear - but seems to be a thing 6.08
[Legend] unknown unknown 8.61
[Legendary Mercenary] combat class attributed [Mercenary], likely high-level 8.11 E
[Legionary] combat class similar to [Soldier]? 8.63 K
[Liar] Bird rogue class basic entry Erin's guestbook, 8.29
[Librarian] scholar class unknown 6.Embria, 7.43 G
[Librarian Knight] combat/scholar class specialized [Knight] 8.68
[Lieutenant] Gershal, ... officer class lower ranked than [Captain] 4.44 M, 6.21 D, 6.22 D, 6.30
[Lieutenant of Cheddar] joke class joke class 9.62
[Lieutenant of Cheese] joke class joke class 9.62
[Lieutenant of Perfection] Comois officer class specialized [Lieutenant] 9.30
[Lieutenant of the Bow] officer/combat class, ranged, bow specialized [Lieutenant] 8.08 J
[Lieutenant of the Brie Line] joke class joke class 9.62
[Lieutenant of the Fray] Gladheart officer class specialized [Lieutenant] 9.Isles
[Lieutenant of the Line] Gershal officer class specialized [Lieutenent], promoted [Lineholder] 9.12
[Lifewood Artifact Analysis Enchanter] Hedault mage class specialized [Enchanter] 9.39
[Light Mage] / [Lighting Mage] mage class possibly errors or a misunderstanding? 5.37 G, 6.68, 7.29 B
[Lightfoot] traveller class basic entry, often combines with criminal classes 8.50
[Lightkeeper] unknown unknown GS 1.02
[Lightning Mage] Noears mage class specialized [Mage] 5.59, 6.18 H
[Lightningstrike Commander] officer class unknown 3.39
[Line Cook] Errez food-preparer class specialized [Cook] 6.10
[Line Hammer-Smith] Yoitha crafter class specialized [Line Smith] 9.44 P
[Line Officer] officer class specialized [Officer] 9.Spitoon
[Line Smith] crafter class specialized [Smith] 9.44 P
[Linebreaker] combat class specialized military [Warrior], opposite of [Lineholder]? 8.58 PFH
[Linebreaker Captain] Basal officer class specialized [Captain] 9.34
[Lineholder] combat class, melee specialized military [Warrior] 2.Ant 2, 4.48, 7.13 K, 7.36 C
[Lineholder Captain] officer class specialized [Captain] for defense 7.47 K
[Lineholder General] officer class specialized [General] for defense 4.16
[Linguist] scholar class hypothetical class 9.Death
[Link Mage] mage class specialized [Mage] 7.Saliss
[Livestock Breeder] creature-control class specialized [Breeder] 8.14 N
[Lizal Noble] Loiqe noble class Lizardfolk-specific [Noble] 10.08 1
[Loader] laborer class basic entry? 7.47 K, 9.15 VM
[Loan Shark] financial class unknown Interlude – Songs and Wands
[Lockdown Grappler] combat class, mellee, barehanded specialized [Grappler] 8.55 L
[Lockpicker] rogue class unknown 8.52 NM
[Logistics General] Quiteil officer class specialized [General] 7.35 C
[Lone Survivor] Mrsha cursed/survival class Gnoll-specific, probably an error 4.40 L
[Longbow Assassin] assassin/combat class, ranged, longbow specialized [Assassin] 7.59
[Longbow Archer] combat class, ranged, longbow specialized [Archer] 6.Talia
[Longbow Sniper] combat class, ranged, longbow hybrid [Sniper]/[Longbow Archer] 7.02
[Longstick Jumper] Viri combat class, staff/agile specialized [Martial Artist], probably advanced [Jumper]? 7.34 C
[Longstrider Scout] Vrrow pathfinder class specialized [Scout] 7.51
[Loomer] joke class joke class 9.01
[Looter] criminal class specialized [Thief] 8.34 R
[Lord] Tyrion, ... ruler class unknown - nobilitation or inheritance? / male
[Lord... ] Deinol class attribute hybrid class prefix, the result of consolidation with [Lord], not specialization; reported for [Admiral], [Captain], [Commander] 7.21 KQ, 7.24, 9.Mundanity
[Lord of Battle] Venith ruler class specialized [Lord] 7.09 K
[Lord of Ceremonies] Regalius noble/ruler class specialized [Lord] 8.36 H
[Lord of Love and Wine] Pellmia ruler class specialized [Lord], consolidated with [Matchmaker] 8.71
[Lord of Manufacture] Deilan ruler class specialized [Lord] 9.52
[Lord of Orchards] Pellmia ruler class specialized [Lord] 8.23
[Lord of Possession] Pazeral ruler class specialized [Lord] 9.63
[Lord of the Dance] Belchaus Meron noble class specialized [Lord] 6.68
[Lord of the Fields] Lantal noble class specialized [Lord] GS Book One
[Lord of the Five Families] noble class specialized [Lord] 9.68
[Lord of the Pursuit] Tyrion noble class specialized [Lord] 9.Epilogue
[Lord of the Walls] Aldonss noble class specialized [Lord], associated with the Walled Cities 9.29
[Lord of Waves] / [Lady of Waves] Etril noble class specialized [Lord] or [Lady] 8.40 CTV
[Lord of Wrath] Venith noble/combat class specialized [Lord] 10.12 H 1
[Lordling] Pattin, Beil leisure class heir to a [Lord] 5.11 E, 7.18, 7.24
[Loremaster] scholar class hypothetical class 9.32
[Lover] Jelaqua Ivirith pleasure class basic entry? 6.Foliana, 8.19 H
[Lowlife] criminal/generalist class generic class like [Peasant] 8.57 H
[Loyal Slave] service class attributed [Slave] 9.70 2
[Lucky ...] class attribute relating to luck; reported for [Child], [Prince], [Soldier], [Survivor of the Promise] Chapter 8.79, Chapter 9.32, 10.26 MM
[Lumberjack] laborer class alternate class to [Wood Cutter] 3.11 E, 6.64
[Lunar Swordsman] combat class, melee, sword specialized [Swordsman], rare class 8.Paradigm 1
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