Pawn (Bishop)

From The Wandering Inn Wiki







Painted Antinium
The Wandering Inn


Religious Leader



First Appearance

10.27 GMG

An alternate Pawn from a simulation in the [Palace of Fate].

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

This Pawn became zealous over the years. He's also pragmatic and calculating. While he doesn't force anyone to convert to his faith, he does believe that defeating the focus of faith of others can encourage them to join.

Background[edit | edit source]

In a timeline where Erin Solstice wasn't revived, his faith shifted to worship her as a goddess, and he leads this religion as its Bishop. His Painted Antinium became a powerful faction, which even the most powerful nations in the world hesitate to battle, and they dominate Antinium politics.

He has died twice. He is still dating Lyonette.

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Volume 10[edit | edit source]

On Mrsha's birthday, he arrived to the inn. He offered her a blessing, but she rejected it.[1]

As the Empire of Rhir gathered four [Heroes] and hired the Reinhart forces to attack the Tribe of Dreams, he and his Painted Antinium interceded, intimidating the attackers into retreating.[2]

Pawn then led his congregation on a pilgrimage to the Inn. But spotting the Faerie Flowers which didn't previously grow on this timeline's hill, he sensed something significant was happening and intructed his followers to hide.[3] When the Witch of Sorrows, Nanette, tried to murder Mrsha, he and his crusaders revealed themselves, and he easily beat her. In her attempt to escape him, she found the root leading to the Palace of Fates and entered while still held by the Antinium. The One Saved held on to the root, allowing Pawn and his followers to enter as well in pursuit.

Pawn refused to return to his world, leading to a nonlethal brawl between his forces and the Inn's allies. The Antinium largely overpowered their opponents, but the tenacious resistance of a boon-empowered Rhisveri convinced him to negotiate, bringing only his ten strongest Antinium as his entourage. The main Rags and Mrsha used this opportunity to try to trap him behind another door. They forced him into the Better Days timeline and the root was removed. But he levelled up at that moment and gained a Skill that let him return without one. Rags and Mrsha's subsequent disappearance halted further fighting. Pawn then used his Skills to attack Erin's enemies around the world and beyond: the Slave Lords of Roshal, Othius, Korizan Reeles, Maxy, and Kasigna.[4]

Afterwards, he brought even more of his people through, and made arrangements for his entire congregation to cross over.[5]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels[edit | edit source]

  • [First Apostle of the Faith of Wondrous Skies] Lv. 68
    • Advanced from [Prophet of Rebirth]

Skills[edit | edit source]

  • [Benediction of Hope]
  • [Create Bread]
  • [Holy Radiance]
  • [Holy Rebuke]
  • [Humble Presence]
  • [I Walked Under Heaven's Sky]
  • [Mass Prayer]
  • [Omen of Destruction]
  • [Prayer]
  • [Prayer: A Leaf in the Storm]
  • [Show Them the Antinium’s Sky]
  • [Summon Aberration]
  • [Summon the Cohort of Heaven]
  • ??? - Summons a giant lance of divine light to strike his foes.
  • ??? - Perceives the world as a web of connections, relationships, beliefs, and convictions.
  • ??? - Bestows a blessing of protection upon a chosen ally, taking the appearance of a halo.

Original Skills[edit | edit source]

  • [I Found My Path to the Promised Land]

Miracles[edit | edit source]

  • [Condemned by Hellfire]
  • [Greater Miracle: Shield of the Faithful]
  • [Heal Major Wounds]
  • [Heal Minor Wounds]
  • [Holy Barrier]
  • [Mend All Wounds]
  • [Ray of Sunfire]
  • [Restore Thy Flesh]
  • [Shield of the Faithful]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]