Quallet Marshhand

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Quallet Marshhand






Mercenary Leader



First Appearance

Chapter 1.02 D

Quallet Marshhand is a Human, a career mercenary, and the leader of Gravetender’s Fist company.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Personality[edit | edit source]

Quallet is a straightforward, no-nonsense type of man. He is a veteran of Baleros' battlefields, and values anyone who can get him results. He observes his soldiers carefully, paying attention to how they act and what they say. However, he isn't naturally inclined to diplomacy. He has a tendency to insist on his way when he knows he is right.

He seemingly believes in harsh punishment for deserters, regardless of whether the consequences are administered in any official capacity.

Background[edit | edit source]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

During Quallet's recruitment efforts in a backwater village, an unusually dressed group of Humans agreed to sign on with Gravetender's Fist.

Quallet and his officers briefly trained the new recruits before heading to the battlefield. He observed that many of the new Human recruits did not seem to take the training seriously. He unwittingly offended Luan by calling him "black-skin," being accustomed to using distinguishing physical traits to tell non-human soldiers apart.

At the battlefield, Quallet met with the other commanders who had been assigned suppression duty. He learned about the [Doctor] known as the Last Light of Baleros, who was set up nearby to treat the wounded from all sides of the battle.

Quallet got into an argument with a Roving Arrow centaur over his company's access to the battlefield. Ken, seeing Quallet's lack of diplomatic ability, managed to intervene and settle the issue. Quallet recognized the young man's ability as useful, offering him a bonus if he could continue to keep communications peaceful.

When Luan was treated by Geneva, Quallet donated a small sum of money to her as thanks for saving one of his soldiers.

When Johanas and the other Americans elected to desert his company, he seemingly alerted the Dullahan army, resulting in their capture and execution. He declined to comment on this when questioned by Ken. Despite this, he did not stop Ken, Luan, or Aiko from leaving Gravetender's Fist to seek refuge with Geneva.

Quallet would later be slain when he engaged in battle with the transformed Fezimet. He fought fiercely, hacking into Fezimet with an axe and stabbing him in the side with a dagger. His efforts badly injured the Quexal, nearly severing his tail, but Fezimet's powerful bites proved fatal.

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Mercenary Commander] Lv. 36[1]
    • Derived from [Mercenary Captain]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Commanding Presence]
  • [Talent Seeker]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

"Gravetender's Fist... move out!"

References[edit | edit source]