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[[List of Classes]] starting with the letter: '''F''' ===F=== {| class="article-table sortable" !<u>Name</u> !<u>Known Characters</u> !<u>Class Type</u> !<u>Specialization / Level Constraints / Prerequisites</u> !<u>References</u> |- |[Fairday Illusionist]||[[Palt]]||mage class||specialized [Mage]||[ 6.58] |- |[Fairmaster]||[[Igil]]||performer/manager class||unknown||[ 7.43 G] |- |[Fairy Knight]|| ||combat class||specialized [Knight]||[ 10.20 E] |- |[Faith Seeker]||[[Seborn Sailwinds|Seborn]]||cleric class||basic entry||[ 8.19 H] |- |[Faithful]|| ||faith class||basic entry. equivalent of [Acolyte] but not part of an official religion||[ 8.20], {{chl|10.30 GGMG}} |- |[Falconer]|| ||creature-control class||specialized [Beast Tamer]||[ 6.08] |- |[Fallen Smith]||[[Nawalishifra Tannousin|Nawal]]||cursed/crafter class||[Smith] that has been disgraced or dishonored their profession||[ 8.65] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Famed...]||[[Joseph Ortega|Joseph]], [[Jasi Redigal|Jasi]], [[Wesle Salkie|Wesle]], [[Lupp]], [[Larracel Delais|Larra]]||class attribute||class specialization for gaining wide-spread notoriety; reported with [Coach], [Innkeeper of Wizardly Home], [Lead Actress], [Method Actor], [Sweetcorn Farmer]||[ 7.50], [ 8.09], [ 8.15] |- |[Far Hunter]||Deirr||hunter class||advanced [Hunter]||[ 7.35 C] |- |[Farm Lady]|| ||noble class||specialized [Lady]||[ 10.19 E] |- |[Farm Worker]||[[Garia Strongheart|Garia]]||laborer class||basic entry||[ 1.44 R] |- |[Farmer]||[[Lupp]], [[Wailant Strongheart|Wailant]], [[:Category:Farmers|...]]||grower class||basic entry||[ 3.16] |- |[Farmhand]||Foire||laborer class||basic entry, level 20 possible||[ 6.25], [ 7.16 L], [ 9.31] |- |[Farrier]||[[Bealt]]||crafter class||specialized [Blacksmith]||[ 6.13 K], [ 7.19] |- |[Farthest Traveller]||[[Wer]]||traveler class||specialized [Traveler]||[ 8.31] |- |[Fartraveller Bard]||[[Barelle]]||performer/traveler class||specialized [Bard]||[ 7.56] |- |[Fashionista]|| ||crafter/artist class||specialized [Tailor]||[ 7.17 S] |- |[Fast Grower]|| ||grower class||specialized [Grower]||[ 10.02 Y] |- |[Fatebreaker Child]||[[Mrsha du Marquin|Mrsha]]||fate class||child class, earned through defying fate||{{chl|10.27 GMG}} |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Fearless ...]|| ||class attribute||unique attribute available for Demon classes||[ 1.02 C] |- |[Fence]|| ||merchant/rogue class||unknown||[ 6.42 E] |- |[Fencer]||[[Telleis]]||combat class, melee||synergy with [Duelist]?||[ 6.22 D], [ 6.63 P], [ 7.Brawling] |- |[Fencing Instructor]||[[Tomoor d’Silaw|Tomoor]]||combat/tutor class||specialized [Instructor]||[ 8.19 H] |- |[Fermenter]||Ushel||food-preparer class||unknown - basic entry? Related to [Rotter]||[ 7.Choco 1], [ 7.26] |- |[Fiddler]|| ||performer class||specialized [Musician]||[[Gravesong| GS Book One]] |- |[Field Captain]||[[Rlint]]||officer class||specialized [Captain]||[ 9.12] |- |[Field Commander]||[[Rlint]]||officer class||specialized [Commander]||[ 10.04 V] |- |[Field Trainer]|| ||trainer class||specialized [Trainer]||[ 7.33 I] |- |[Fighter]|| ||combat class||civilian class, alternate to [Warriors]||[ 2.Ant 2] |- |[Fighter Pilot]||[[Fightipilota]]||flier class||requires a plane, obtained through flying prowess||{{chl|10.34 MGF}} |- |[Financier]|| ||manager class||unknown||[ 9.25] |- |[Financier of Fortunes]||[[Moltin Grousehawk]]||manager class||Specialized [Financier]||[ 10.23 LMGY] |- |[Finder]|| ||gutter class||unknown||[ 7.15 R] |- |[Fire Mage]||[[Levil]]||mage class||specialized [Elementalist], synonymous to [Pyromancer]||[ 6.26 L] |- |[Firebreather]|| ||performer class||unknown||[ 9.09 P] |- |[First Apostle of the Faith of Wondrous Skies]||[[Pawn (Bishop)]]||faith class||advanced faith class||[ 10.32 (Pt. 2)] |- |[First Diplomat]|| ||politician class||advanced [Diplomat]||[ 8.59 H] |- |[First Mate]||Rendala, Delivan||sailor/officer class||unknown||[ Depthless Doctor], [ 7.Ships], [ 7.At Sea 1] |- |[First Sergeant]||Wikir||officer class||higher ranked [Sergeant]||[ 6.Embria], [ 6.Numb 2] |- |[First Warrior]|| ||combat class, melee||specialized [Warrior], equivalent to [Knight] in Chandrar||[ 6.12 K] |- |[Fish Gutter]|| ||laborer class||unknown||[ 9.Isles] |- |[Fisher] / [Fisherman]||[[Solca Vis|Solca]]||hunter class||basic entry||[ Erin's guestbook], [ 6.Talia], [ 7.01], [ 7.At Sea 1], [ 7.23 LM], [ 7.Carriages] |- |[Fist Fighter] / [Fistfighter]||[[Alber]], [[Geram Redfist|Geram]]||combat class, melee, unarmed||specialized [Fighter]||[ 4.17], [ 6.25], [ 7.Dance], [ 7.24] |- |[Fist of the Empyrean Sky]||[[Soloxenethn]]||combat class, unarmed||advanced [Martial Artist] specialization||[ 9.59 O] |- |[Fist of the Living World]||[[Orjin]]||combat class, unarmed||advanced [Martial Artist] specialization||[ 9.59 O] |- |[Fixer]||[[Daufica]]||merchant/rogue class||unknown||[ 6.42 E] |- |[Flag Bearer]||[[Artur]]||combat/service class||basic entry||[ 8.Hectval 1] |- |[Flagstone Farland Commander]||[[Merrik Hostone|Merrik]]||officer class||specialized [Commander]||[ 9.37 HO] |- |[Flailmaster]||[[Jelaqua Ivirith|Jelaqua]]||combat class, melee, flail||specialized [Warrior]||[ 3.27] |- |[Flash Thief]|| ||rogue/criminal class||specialized [Thief]||[ 9.20] |- |[Flautist]|| ||performer class||specialized Musician?||[ 3.34] |- |[Fleet Mage]|| ||mage/sailor class||specialized [Mage]||[ 7.Gecko] |- |[Fleet Navigator]||Vorrmen||pathfinder/sailor class||specialized [Navigator]||[ 9.Spitoon] |- |[Flesh Mage]|| ||mage class||specialized [Necromancer]; see also [Formshaper]||[ 6.32], [ 7.09 K] |- |[Flesh Reaper]|| ||food preparation class||specialized [Butcher]||[ 1.02 C], [ 7.34 C] |- |[Flesh Shaper]|| ||mage class||see also [Formshaper]||[ 7.26] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Fleshchosen ...]|| ||class attribute||unique class attribute available only in [[A'ctelios]].||[ 7.09 K] |- |[Fletcher]||[[Halrac Everam|Halrac]]||crafter class||unknown, specialized [Woodworker]; related to [Bowyer]||[ 6.05 D], [ 6.13 K], [ 6.17 S], [ 7.Choco 1] |- |[Flier]||[[Zassil]]||flier class||being able to fly||[ 6.65] |- |[Flight Captain]|| ||flier/leader class||group leader, reported with Garuda||[ 7.34 C] |- |[Flight Leader]|| ||flier/leader class||group leader, reported with Drakes||[ 7.Growth] |- |[Flight Master]|| ||flier class||unknown||[ 9.52] |- |[Floor Boss]||[[Peggy]]||manager class||advanced leader class, goblin-specific||[ 9.31], [ 10.01 L] |- |[Florist]||The [[Florist]], Mella||grower class||unknown, basic entry?||[ 6.30] |- bgcolor="#008080" |[Flower of Izril, Lady of the Dragon’s Promise]||[[Magnolia Reinhart|Magnolia]]||noble/ruler class||advanced [Lady]||[ 9.57 B] |- |[Flunky]|| ||criminal class||unknown, basic entry?||[ 10.07] |- |[Flying Shipmaster]|| ||traveller/manager class||related to flying vehicles||[ 10.Pilot and Knight] |- |[Flying Swordsman]|| ||combat class, melee, sword||specialized [Swordsman]||[ 9.59 O] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Food Critic]|| ||leisure class||specialized [Gourmet]?||[ Erin's guestbook] |- |[Food Taster]|| ||servant class||unknown||[ 9.41 2] |- |[Fool]||The [[Fool]]||performer class||unknown, basic entry or advanced [Jester]?||[ 6.63 P] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Football Coach]|| ||manager class||class the [[Agelum]] believe [[Joseph Ortega|Joseph]] has, may be equivalent of [Coach]?||[ 8.18 H], [ 8.Conversations] |- |[Football Player]||[[Joseph Ortega|Joseph]]||athlete class||unknown||[ 8.15] |- |[Football Striker]||[[Ekirra Silverfang|Ekirra]]||athlete class||derived from [Kicker]||[ 9.61 G] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Footballer]|| ||athlete class||does not exist yet||[ 7.51], [ 8.52 MN] |- |[Footpad]|| ||criminal/gutter class||unknown||[ 3.08 H], [ 6.Numb 2] |- |[Footsoldier]|| ||combat class, melee||unknown, advanced or alternate [Soldier]||[ 6.22 D] |- |[Forager]|| ||scout class||related to [Scouts]||[ 7.40 ER] |- bgcolor="#220022" |[Forager Cook]||[[Pebblesnatch]]||food-preparer class||hybrid [Cook]+[Grabber]||[ 7.05 P] |- |[Foreign Commander]||[[Cirille Bitterclaw|Cirille]]||officer class||being an officer in an exchange program||[ 7.35 C] |- |[Foreman] / [Forewoman] / [Fore Drake]|| ||laborer/manager class||appointed or specialized [Builder]||[ 5.25 L], [ 6.37 E], [ 6.43 E], [ 7.Burn], [ 7.37] |- |[Forest Archer]|| ||combat class, ranged, bow||specialized [Archer]||[ 8.68] |- |[Forest Knight]|| ||combat class||specialized [Knight]||[ 8.06 RT] |- bgcolor="#008080" |[Forestwalker of Unity. First-Swordbearer of the Lemostian Tallguard]||Zobvreca||combat class, melee, sword||Fraerling-specific||[ 10.24 E] |- |[Forgemaster]||[[Amared]]||crafter class||advanced [Blacksmith], possibly Dwarf-specific||[ 4.45] |- |[Forger]|| ||criminal/crafter class||unknown||[ 9.45 GT] |- |[Forgiven Magic Smith]||[[Nawalishifra Tannousin|Nawal]]||crafter class||attributed [Magic Smith]||[ 8.65] |- |[Formshaper]|| ||mage class||equivalent to [Flesh Mage]||[ 7.09 K] |- |[Fort General]|| ||officer class||specialized [General]||[ 7.48 K] |- |[Fortress Keeper]|| ||manager class||unknown||[ 8.68] |- |[Fortune Teller]|| ||performer class||unknown||[ 9.09 P] |- |[Founding Apostle of the Holy Faith]||[[Prophet]]||cleric class||unknown||[ 9.Levels] |- |[Friend]|| ||social class||unknown||[ 9.70 1] |- |[Frontline Journalist]||[[Rémi]]||service class||specialized [Journalist]||[ 9.Epilogue] |- bgcolor="#774400" |[Frozen...]|| ||class attribute||attribute for operating in cold climates; reported for [Commander], [Queen]||[ 8.77 B], [ 8.82 (Pt. 2)] |- |[Fruit Picker]|| ||laborer class||unknown||[ 10.19 E] |- |[Fulminous Lord of Cabochon]||[[Eschowar Erchirite|Eschowar]]||noble class||specialized [Lord]||[ 9.51 Z] |- bgcolor="#223344" |[Fur Knight]|| ||insult||old slur for gnoll [Knights]||[ 8.Satar] |} {{List of Classes}} [[Category:Classes]]
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Template:List of Classes