Dalius Bedornial

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Dalius Bedornial
  • Ser Dalius
  • Ser Dalius Bedornial of Afiele








Tomb of Afiele

First Appearance

Gravesong 1.01

Dalius Bedornial, also known as Ser Dalius, is a Knight-Errant from the Order of the Shadowed Blooms and a self-appointed guardian[1] of the Tomb of Afiele.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Ser Dalius' features are pale, silver, and half-transparent. He has a dark[1] short-cropped hair, slightly ruffled even in death, and was clean-shaven.[2] His eyes are a combination of pale yellow and green.[1]

His artifacts were long gone, but he had a copy of the same tools that had given him so much versatility in life.[3] He has a two-handed greatsword, and his armor was both ceremonial and practical, engraved with deep sigils along the plate armor’s breastplate but covering his body from head to toe.[2]

Personality[edit | edit source]

He has always held the rulers of nations in high esteem because they sacrifice their lives for their country and citizens, similar to how [Knights] do.[4] He cares about honor, and even after discovering an intruder in the tomb that he guards, he wants to ask her name first before slaying her.[2]

His words are politely delivered, with that crisp, clear accent of someone who had learned to enunciate. Cara described that if he had any accent it was reminiscent of Shakespeare.[2]

Background[edit | edit source]

Ser Dalius was born in Afiele,[1] a province in Noelictus. He won his honor by over a decade of training, and received a noble title from his [King].[5] He was a Knight-Errant from the Order of the Shadowed Blooms, and swore to protect Noelictus in life and then in death, and for his blade to never take an innocent life.[3] He died in the year 6211 of H.E.F. (Half-Elven Fall)[6] due to the Burning Fever plague that was ravaging Noelictus at the time.[1] He then awoke as a Ghost in the Tomb of Afiele after an unknown period of time, and he designated himself as the tomb's guardian.[1]

Chronology[edit | edit source]

Gravesong[edit | edit source]

Ser Dalius has been guarding the Tomb of Afiele for an unknown amount of time. After finding a disturbed grave that Cara opened, he decided to track down the intruder for despoiling Noelictus' sacred dead.[7] After understanding that Cara is innocent, he swore to help her leave the tomb.[1]

Powers and Abilities[edit | edit source]

As a Ghost:[edit | edit source]

  • He can float in the air, hovering at least an inch off the ground.[3]
  • He can pass through objects, leaving the chill of his death wherever he passes.
    • Cara tried to punch him in the chest, only for her hand to go through him and for her to feel a biting, icy pain, as her skin was covered in ice and screaming with frostbite.[2]
    • He used this ghostly chill to produce drinkable water for Cara. He can cause a smooth stone wall to freeze over by placing his hand on it, allowing moisture in the air to condense. The water can then be collected in a bowl once it has melted.[5]
  • Although his artifacts have long been turned to dust[1], he had a replica of the same tools that had granted him great versatility in life.[3]
  • When he concentrates, he can still interact with the physical world.[3]
    • With some effort, he can make his sword quick-draw and fly back to its sheath, mimicking its original properties when he was alive.[5]
    • He can also use his two-handed sword to cut things, like Cara's hair.[2]
  • He cannot use the Skills he had when he was still alive.[5]

Classes/Levels:[edit | edit source]

  • [Knight of the Crusade], Level 46[5]

Skills:[edit | edit source]

  • [Lightning’s Hammer][5]
    • When he strikes with his sword, a bolt of lightning will hit the ground.[5]

Sword Techniques:[edit | edit source]

  • Dervish’s Whirl[8]
    • A non-traditional sword technique which falls under the category of "fun" tricks that [Knights] exchange with each other in their free time, in addition to actual battle techniques.[8]
    • One can create a hypnotic pattern with their sword by twirling it and allowing it to whirl across their body. The speed can be increased to an alarming rate, and the technique can be executed one-handed, even with a greatsword.[8]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Cara admired the kind of ye olden dramatis from his accent.[2]
  • He went with his Order to Izril twice to engage in crusades.[4]
  • He has owned land before.[5]
  • He has met a few from the Isles of Drath.[8]
  • The last time he attempted the Dervish’s Whirl, he destroyed a table and part of the floor. However, being a Ghost, he didn't tire or experience slippery hands, and thus he executed the technique flawlessly.[8]
  • He has met three Dragons before, including Yderigrisel.[9]
  • He said he was lucky to born in an era when no Goblin Kings had appeared.[9]

Quotes[edit | edit source]

  • (To Cara) “As guardian of the Tomb of Afiele’s dead, I sentence you to death. I ask only your name, that you will be honored. Let both the guilty and the just rest eternal.”
  • (To Cara) “Cara O’Sullivan. Whomever you may be. I have long since died. My bones are dust. But I was—I am—a [Knight]. I swore to protect Noelictus in life and then in death, and my blade shall never take an innocent life. I am of the Order of the Shadowed Blooms. Knight-Errant, Ser Dalius Bedornial of Afiele.”
  • (To Cara) “I am ashamed. My conduct is disgraceful for a [Knight], and I am still one, even if my Skills and levels have deserted me. Miss Cara, I will see you leave this place. I swear that.”
  • (To Cara) “A [Knight] is sword to a liege-lord or the crown itself. We uphold order and law, which also translates into doing battle against enemies that threaten such things. We are a military body who fight in concert with other [Soldiers] in war, and form Knight-Orders. [Paladins] fight evil as a concept, and are much more individual. Roaming crusaders. Their abilities hew more to magical. Technically, their class is rarer, and I suppose…superior…without consolidation.”
  • (To Cara) “Across all their classes? I knew a few who passed one hundred in combined levels. But never in one class. That is the very stuff of legends. Famous [Dragonslayers] were only Level 80 in ages of yore. This Arteis was not there, but she was a great warrior for her time. Believe me. I would that I had known her.”

References[edit | edit source]