This policy serves as an informative page for both editors and artists, entailing what it means for an artist to provide their permission to upload their art on the Wiki or the Booru. Inquiries about this policy can be directed to a staff member or in the comments below.
All Fanworks uploaded to the Wiki or Booru must receive permission from their respective Artist and/or Commissioner(s) before upload. If you see art by an artist on either platform, assume all their work is allowed to be uploaded, except if they are noted in Exceptions.

Discord-Booru Opt-Out Policy
Artwork uploaded to #fanworks on the Official TWI Discord will soon begin uploading to the Booru automatically. Artists may opt-out of this by informing a [Booru Buddy] or [Discord Mod].
When giving permission to [Wiki Warriors] or [Booru Buddies] that your art may be uploaded to either the Wiki or Booru, your art can be uploaded to both platforms. We are now collaborating the efforts between the Wiki and Booru to bring fanworks to the eyes of the fans!
Granting permission means that all TWI artwork created by the artist is allowed to be uploaded. If you would like to be added as an Exception, please comment below and either a [Wiki Warrior] or [Booru Buddy] will reach out to verify.
Permission for Wiki or Booru uploading is not mutually exclusive. Choosing to decline permission for uploading to one, means permission is denied to the other as well. Artists agree to both the Wiki and Booru, or not at all.
Credit for Your Artwork is Displayed on:
- All Infobox and page captions that your art is displayed within
- Your respective Fanworks subpage
- Your respective Fanart Category page
- Your respective tag on the Booru
Wiki Warriors and Booru Buddies
When requesting initial permission from an artist that their work be uploaded to either the Wiki or the Booru, you can simply link this page to the artist, for them to review.
When Requesting Permission:
- To speed up one's workflow, it can be assumed that seeing uploaded artwork for an artist on either Wiki or Booru means that one can assume all of the artist's TWI artwork can be uploaded. Please be aware of Exceptions.
- Please do let it be clear to the artist, that you are requesting permission for both Wiki and Booru upload permissions.
Permission for Wiki or Booru uploading is not mutually exclusive. Choosing to decline permission for uploading to one, means permission is denied to the other as well. Artists agree to both the Wiki and Booru, or not at all. - After permission is received, follow the Fanart Upload Guide on how to proceed with uploading fanart.
Commissioned Art
Both commissioner and artist must provide their permission to upload to either Wiki or Booru.
Some artists might give all rights of the image to the commissioner. In such a case, only the commissioner's permission is required.
Don't upload NSFW images to the Wiki.
Also Demonic Criminal/LeChatDemon has asked not to upload his NSFW stuff to the Booru.