Examples for each step are linked within their respective numbered step. Don't hesitate to reach out to a staff member or leave a comment here, if you have any questions or need help! Step-by-step images forthcoming.
This guide is aimed at [Wiki Warriors] seeking to upload images of Fanart to the Wiki.
![Mrshanotes by boboplushie.png](/images/thumb/8/82/Mrshanotes_by_boboplushie.png/85px-Mrshanotes_by_boboplushie.png)
Images on the Wiki are meant to provide succinct and informative appearances of a subject or character, at a glance. The TWI Booru welcomes ALL fanart, and acts as a definitive repository.
Adding a New Artist to the Wiki[edit | edit source]
- Retrieve artist permission
- Create Fanworks/<artist> page. Example : Fanworks/vivienneblanchy
- Link the artist's Booru on their Wiki Fanworks page. Example on Fanworks/vivienneblanchy
- Create Category:Fanart-by-<artist>. Example : Category:Fanart-by-vivienneblanchy
- Document artist permission on Category:Fanart-by-<artist>. Example : Category:Fanart-by-vivienneblanchy
- Add Fanworks/<artist> page to the overall Fanworks page Fanworks. The list here is meant to have artists ordered alphabetically.
Adding a New Image to an Existing Artist on the Wiki[edit | edit source]
- Whenever an image from that artist is uploaded, add it to the artist's Category:Fanart-by-<artist> File:Oom by vivienneblanchy.png
- Also add the image to the Fanworks/<artist> page Fanworks/vivienneblanchy.
Adding a New Image to a Character's Gallery page[edit | edit source]
- Whenever an image for a character is added to an Character's Gallery page, make sure the Artist has a Fanworks/ page on the wiki. Fanworks/vivienneblanchy
- Make sure the image has been categorized under the artist. Category:Fanart-by-vivienneblanchy
- Finally, add the image to the Character's Gallery Mrsha du Marquin/Gallery
- Link the Character's Booru on their Character' Gallery page. Mrsha du Marquin/Gallery