Huntsong Chapter 2.65

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Chapter 2.65
May 28, 2024
Chapter Guide



Chapter 2.64

Chapter 2.66

Chapter List


Chapter 2.65 is the 65th chapter of Huntsong.

Synopsis[edit | edit source]

Telleis is slightly puzzled, having heard of unusual events happening in Noelictus, such as Calanfer marrying into Ovela, and threats of war with Ailendamus. Greina reveals that she had always wanted to become a [Hunter] as a child. Greina and Haeight had often overheard Duke Fiskren complaining about the Hunter’s Guild, but the Duchess was able to see the corruption for herself; Dedicated Hunters like Haeight are worked to death while Veteran Hunters enjoy their indulgences. Furthermore, news of undead attacks in remote provinces are hushed by the crown, while more gold enters the coffers of the Guild for Hunter’s Cards. As a Dedicated Hunter, Greina protested to Guildmistress Delifec many times about Veteran Hunters not slaying powerful undead, eventually quitting after they didn’t go after a pair of Bone Horrors.

Haeight shares Greina’s story with Withrel, and again with another [Hunter] named Ceinra, a former [Piper] whose preferred method for slaying undead is laying traps and wires. Ceinra and Haeight are hunting a horde of three hundred undead swarming near a village, a task that had been delayed for a week, during which two villagers were slaughtered. After slaying the horde, they arrive back to the Guild three days later, only for Desk Hunter Ikhoven to criticize Haeight for being “inefficient” in her methods of killing undead. Haeight is mostly shamed, knowing Ikhoven is right, only to be angered when he claims that any Veteran Hunter could have outperformed her while they were still junior [Hunters]. She snaps back at Ikhoven, sarcastically asking to see a Veteran Hunter to “show us how it’s done!” Unfortunately, she is made aware of Guildmistress Delifec’s presence behind her when she feels a burning spot on her head caused by Delifec’s gaze. Intimidated by the Guildmistress, Haeight withdraws her complaint, but Delifec reassigns her to be put in charge of Conscript Hunters, scathingly noting that she can either follow Greina as an adventurer, or follow Dorikhem into death. Helpless, Haeight and the other [Hunters] only do as they’re told, while the Veteran Hunters continue to enjoy their indulgences.

Characters[edit | edit source]

( * = First Appearance)

Locations[edit | edit source]

Creatures[edit | edit source]

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Trivia[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]