
From The Wandering Inn Wiki

Skeletons are a monster in the Innverse that are of the Undead variety.

Background[edit | edit source]

Skeletons are similar to Zombies with no flesh or muscle. Skeletons appear as a animated bone structure of whatever creature they were in life, be it Humans, Drakes, or Garuda. In places where large numbers the dead aren’t properly buried or cremated, for example right after a war, a natural process occurs where the magic in the air only has to fluctuate a bit to cause the dead to be reanimated as undead, one type of these being skeletons.[1]

Weaknesses[edit | edit source]

Aside from the typical weaknesses of undead such as life magic and Miracles, they are defeated by the destruction of their bodies, but in some cases that is not enough. More powerful versions require their skulls to be smashed or destroyed, as they could re-animate themselves. They are also worse at retaining magic than flesh-based undead.

Skeleton Variations[edit | edit source]

There are many specialized variations of Skeletons to be wary of, such as:

  • Ashmarrow Skeleton
    • A fire based variation of a regular Skeleton, usually created if something has died with copious amounts of extra fire magic.
  • Frostmarrow Skeleton
    • A ice based variation of a regular Skeleton, usually created if something has died with copious amounts of extra ice magic or in a cold climate. Looks as if it's made of ice.[2]
  • Skeleton General
    • A Skeleton version of a [General]. Notable for requiring to get through a large number of other Skeletons to strike at.[3]
  • Skeleton Lord
    • A powerful and more intelligent undead, significantly more so than normal Skeletons. Can be created through the [Ritual of the Lord of Bones]. Created Skeleton Lords will have the combat capabilities of the people that were their component materials, and can have a weapon bound to them through a ritual under the two full moons.[4]
  • Skeleton Champion
    • More advanced Skeleton, more durable than a Skeleton Warrior. Comparable to a level 15 [Warrior] in battle.[5]
  • Skeleton Captain
    • Stronger Skeleton variant.
  • Skeleton Knight
    • Stronger Skeleton variant. Wears armor.[5]
  • Skeleton Lancer
    • Stronger Skeleton variant.
  • Skeleton Retainer
    • Stronger Skeleton variant, but weaker than a Skeleton Knight.[6]
  • Skeleton Warrior
    • Typical combat skeleton.
  • Skeleton Mage
    • Skeleton capable of casting spells.
  • Thickmarrow Skeleton
    • Skeleton made with stronger bones.[6]

(For more types see: Undead)

References[edit | edit source]