Twin Moons

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Twin moons shining over the High Passes, as imagined by asanee04.

The Twin Moons are planetary satellites that orbits Innworld.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The twin moons may appear light blue and pale yellow,[1] and at other times they appear pale blue and yellowish-green.[2]

They are regularly referred to as the twin moons.

They wax and wane in different intervals,[3] which are apparently used as a way of timekeeping for Innworlders,[4] and every farmer knows how the Innworld's lunar cycle works. The event that both moons are full simultaneously may happen every odd month or so[5]. There is the exception of the Solstices, which always have two full moons throughout the day until they wax and wane like normal once more.[6]

The blue moon seems to take much much longer for its cycle, as "the blue moon" occurs only very rarely.[7]

Mystical effects[edit | edit source]

Full moons influence the Raskghar. On average, there are six days and nights each month when they become more intelligent and sapient than during the rest of the time. If not only one moon is full but both of them (which happens more rarely),[8] that effect increases. Clear sight of the moons isn't necessary for that effect: cloudy weather or daytime doesn't impede the Raskghar.[9] If they eat a Gnoll's heart, they remain intelligent independently from the lunar cycle.[10]

When the Moon Halfling is activated, the green moon will appear regardless of day or time and move to be above the Halfling's target.[11]

Full moons can also have importance for [Witch] rituals and their great workings, as this is the time when they are at the height of their strength.[12] Even some [Mages], such as [Necromancers], can use it to empower their ritual spells.

Alchemists can only use moon dew when one moon is waxing.[13]

Some rare classes can be obtained via deeds carried out during double full moons, such as [Lunar Swordsman].[14]

To Frost Faeries, the moon cycle also has some significance.[15]

Moon Expeditions[edit | edit source]

Historically, Elves and Gnomes have walked on the moons.[16] The Elves left a Halfling on the green moon, the man on the moon, to enforce the censure of the God War. If someone says too much, the Halfling materialize and will come down to beat or kill the offender. The man on the moon has also encountered visitors, such as [Mages] and a Void Dragon.[17]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In the modern era, Flos claimed that he's never heard of anyone of going to the twin moons.[18]

References[edit | edit source]