Unitasis Network

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The Unitasis Network is a means of communication for the Antinium

Usage[edit | edit source]

The Antinium Queens direct their Workers usually with some kind of Hivemind and are assisted in that task by Prognugators and Revalantors. The Antinium of Rhir also had Junior Queens to oversee the workforce. This Hivemind can directly direct the Antinium workforce for about 100 miles, at most. Beyond that range, Prognugators are necessary to enforce the Queen's will.[1]

Within a Unitasis Network however, the True Antinium of Rhir could coordinate flawlessly over long distances. Queens could work together in small groups or by the hundreds and amplify our connection. They have such control of it that they can isolate parts of the Unitasis Network, and purge specific words from their collective memory.[2] The Unitasis Network is also used to save the souls of Antinium so they can be revived throught he Rite of Anastases. A True Antinium can "hold" the soul of another for later revival.[3]

Stranded in Izril, the few Antinium survivors of their escape from Rhir formed a similar bond during the First and Second Antinium Wars. However, they had to route the connections through their Prognugators, and at distance they lost focus and cohesion, as the Free Queen explained.[4]

The Free Hive of Izril has recently rediscovered the Unitasis Network, first through a Skill obtained by Bird, and later through Bird's leadership.[5]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The word unitas is derived from Latin, meaning unity or oneness but also accord or uniformity[6]. Note that Anastases and Centenium are also derived from Latin
  • It is implied that Antinium can access the Unitasis Network through possession of the [Ant Farmer] class and the [Minor Telepathy (Ants)] Skill (see Crusader 51).[7]

References[edit | edit source]