Village of the Spring

From The Wandering Inn Wiki
Village of the spring
Forest of Times Repose in Erribathe

The Village of the Spring is a half-elven village in the Forest of Time's Repose in Erribathe.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The Village of the Spring is a half-Elven village in the Forest of Times Repose. People entering the village will feel that time passes differently there. People with mortal lifespans will feel the time just running by.[1]

Notably, Ceria Springwalker and her grandmother Leila lived in the village until Leila died and Ceria ran away.

Geography[edit | edit source]

It is a village in a forest.

History[edit | edit source]

It was "founded when a half-Elf found a spring and decided it was a good place to settle."[1]

Government[edit | edit source]

As most half-elves in the Village are self-sufficient and most things of common concern are taken care of by the community at large, there seems to be no day-to-day local government in place. Nonetheless, there are some hard rules that govern life in the village. For example, only a handful of people from outside the village are allowed to enter it and the merchant supplying them with outside goods comes every half-year on the dot.[1]

Military[edit | edit source]

The village does not have a standing military and probably doesn't need one due to its location within Erribathe. In times of war, they do contribute to Erribathe's military. But even without a standing military or militia a lot of the half-Elves inhabitants are old and probably high-level[1] underestimating any of them would be naïve. Additionally, Springwalkers are known to be a comparatively adventurous village of half-Elves.[2]

Economy[edit | edit source]

Most half-Elves in the village live self-sufficient. Every half-year a merchant enters the village to sell outside goods and to buy up some stocks of the local artisans and producers. Additionally, there is a town close to the village that the village can send goods to and order goods from.[1]

Inhabitants and former residents[edit | edit source]

According to Ceria, common last names in the village are Springwalker, Springwater and Everspring.[3]

Inhabitants[edit | edit source]

  • Loierdath Springwalker - [Gardener]
  • Veler Springwalker - [Carver]
  • Prildor Springwalker - responsible for cutting down trees; hobby archer; unknown class
  • Tserre - Magus[1]

Former Residents[edit | edit source]

Layout[edit | edit source]

The village is fairly spread out due to the eclectic nature of the residents. The older inhabitants live closer to the center of the village.[1]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Years after Ceria ran away people in the village were still looking for her thinking of her as a little kid[1]

References[edit | edit source]